Source code for gfail.pdl

#!/usr/bin/env python3
    - Add max probability to product properties
    - Potentially add more files (e.g., png, pdf)
import os
import glob
import json
import shutil
from lxml import etree
from configobj import ConfigObj

# import zipfile
from import get_command_output

[docs]def transfer( event_dir, version, pdl_conf, pdl_bin=None, source="us", dryrun=False, status="UPDATE", ): """ This is to transfer the event's 'pdl_directory' to comcat. PDL must be installed separately, see for information. Args: event_dir (str): File path to location of results for event. version (int): Version number of ground-failure run. pdl_conf (str): Path to PDL conf file. pdl_bin (str): Path to 'ProductClient.jar'. If None it guesses that it is installed in the user's home directory: ``~/ProductClient/ProductClient.jar``. source (str): PDL 'source'. This is 'us' for products coming from NEIC, and is tied to the authentication key but this only matters once we start sending to production servers rather than dev servers, at which point we'll need to add a configuration option for the key. dryrun (bool): If True, the PDL command is constructed and printed but not executed. status (str): Status of ground-failure product being sent to comcat. Default is "UPDATE" but can also be "WARNING" so that the product page displays the warning banner. Returns: dict or str: Dictionary of pdl return code, standard out, and standard error for dryrun=False; PDL command for dryrun=True. """ if pdl_bin is None: pdl_bin = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), "ProductClient", "ProductClient.jar" ) pdl_dir = os.path.join(event_dir, "pdl_directory") # Load info.json with open(os.path.join(pdl_dir, "info.json")) as f: info_dict = json.load(f) # Get some event info for pdl send command lat = info_dict["Summary"]["lat"] lon = info_dict["Summary"]["lon"] dep = info_dict["Summary"]["depth"] mag = info_dict["Summary"]["magnitude"] time_stamp = info_dict["Summary"]["time"] code = info_dict["Summary"]["code"] eventsourcecode = info_dict["Summary"]["code"] eventsource = info_dict["Summary"]["net"] shake_version = info_dict["Summary"]["shakemap_version"] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = info_dict["Summary"]["zoom_extent"] pdl_type = "ground-failure" # PDL properties # Get preferred models to extract PDL properties lqs = info_dict["Liquefaction"] lq_pref = None ls_pref = None for lq in lqs: if lq["preferred"]: lq_pref = lq lss = info_dict["Landslides"] for ls in lss: if ls["preferred"]: ls_pref = ls ls_alert = '"--property-landslide-alert=%s" ' % ls_pref["alert"] lq_alert = '"--property-liquefaction-alert=%s" ' % lq_pref["alert"] lq_haz_alert = ( '"--property-liquefaction-hazard-alert-color=%s" ' % lq_pref["hazard_alert"]["color"] ) ls_haz_alert = ( '"--property-landslide-hazard-alert-color=%s" ' % ls_pref["hazard_alert"]["color"] ) lq_pop_alert = ( '"--property-liquefaction-population-alert-color=%s" ' % lq_pref["population_alert"]["color"] ) ls_pop_alert = ( '"--property-landslide-population-alert-color=%s" ' % ls_pref["population_alert"]["color"] ) lq_haz_alert_value = ( '"--property-liquefaction-hazard-alert-value=%s" ' % lq_pref["hazard_alert"]["value"] ) ls_haz_alert_value = ( '"--property-landslide-hazard-alert-value=%s" ' % ls_pref["hazard_alert"]["value"] ) lq_pop_alert_value = ( '"--property-liquefaction-population-alert-value=%s" ' % lq_pref["population_alert"]["value"] ) ls_pop_alert_value = ( '"--property-landslide-population-alert-value=%s" ' % ls_pref["population_alert"]["value"] ) if "std" in list(lq_pref["hazard_alert"].keys()): lq_haz_alert_std = ( '"--property-liquefaction-hazard-std=%s" ' % lq_pref["hazard_alert"]["std"] ) ls_haz_alert_std = ( '"--property-landslide-hazard-std=%s" ' % ls_pref["hazard_alert"]["std"] ) lq_pop_alert_std = ( '"--property-liquefaction-population-std=%s" ' % lq_pref["population_alert"]["std"] ) ls_pop_alert_std = ( '"--property-landslide-population-std=%s" ' % ls_pref["population_alert"]["std"] ) ls_haz_range1s = '"--property-landslide-hazard-1std=%s" ' % str( ls_pref["probability"]["hagg_1std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") ls_haz_range2s = '"--property-landslide-hazard-2std=%s" ' % str( ls_pref["probability"]["hagg_2std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") ls_pop_range1s = '"--property-landslide-population-1std=%s" ' % str( ls_pref["probability"]["pop_1std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") ls_pop_range2s = '"--property-landslide-population-2std=%s" ' % str( ls_pref["probability"]["pop_2std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") lq_haz_range1s = '"--property-liquefaction-hazard-1std=%s" ' % str( lq_pref["probability"]["hagg_1std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") lq_haz_range2s = '"--property-liquefaction-hazard-2std=%s" ' % str( lq_pref["probability"]["hagg_2std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") lq_pop_range1s = '"--property-liquefaction-population-1std=%s" ' % str( lq_pref["probability"]["pop_1std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") lq_pop_range2s = '"--property-liquefaction-population-2std=%s" ' % str( lq_pref["probability"]["pop_2std"] ).replace("[", "").replace("]", "") stdstr = ( lq_haz_alert_std + ls_haz_alert_std + lq_pop_alert_std + ls_pop_alert_std + ls_haz_range1s + ls_haz_range2s + ls_pop_range1s + ls_pop_range2s + lq_haz_range1s + lq_haz_range2s + lq_pop_range1s + lq_pop_range2s ) else: stdstr = "" lq_haz_alert_par = ( '"--property-liquefaction-hazard-alert-parameter=%s" ' % lq_pref["hazard_alert"]["parameter"] ) ls_haz_alert_par = ( '"--property-landslide-hazard-alert-parameter=%s" ' % ls_pref["hazard_alert"]["parameter"] ) lq_pop_alert_par = ( '"--property-liquefaction-population-alert-parameter=%s" ' % lq_pref["population_alert"]["parameter"] ) ls_pop_alert_par = ( '"--property-landslide-population-alert-parameter=%s" ' % ls_pref["population_alert"]["parameter"] ) lq_overlay = '"--property-liquefaction-overlay=%s" ' % lq_pref["overlay"] ls_overlay = '"--property-landslide-overlay=%s" ' % ls_pref["overlay"] lq_extent = lq_pref["extent"] ls_extent = ls_pref["extent"] # Liquefaction extent lq_xmin = '"--property-liquefaction-minimum-longitude=%s" ' % lq_extent[0] lq_xmax = '"--property-liquefaction-maximum-longitude=%s" ' % lq_extent[1] lq_ymin = '"--property-liquefaction-minimum-latitude=%s" ' % lq_extent[2] lq_ymax = '"--property-liquefaction-maximum-latitude=%s" ' % lq_extent[3] # Landslide extent ls_xmin = '"--property-landslide-minimum-longitude=%s" ' % ls_extent[0] ls_xmax = '"--property-landslide-maximum-longitude=%s" ' % ls_extent[1] ls_ymin = '"--property-landslide-minimum-latitude=%s" ' % ls_extent[2] ls_ymax = '"--property-landslide-maximum-latitude=%s" ' % ls_extent[3] # Product extent -- default zoom extent for interactive map prod_xmin = '"--property-minimum-longitude=%s" ' % xmin prod_xmax = '"--property-maximum-longitude=%s" ' % xmax prod_ymin = '"--property-minimum-latitude=%s" ' % ymin prod_ymax = '"--property-maximum-latitude=%s" ' % ymax rupt_warn = ( '"--property-rupture-warning=%s" ' % info_dict["Summary"]["rupture_warning"] ) # Check for PDL key: defaults = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".gfail_defaults") configs = ConfigObj(defaults) if "key" in configs.keys(): pdl_key = configs["key"] else: pdl_key = None # Construct PDL command pdl_cmd = ( "java -jar %s " % pdl_bin + "--send --configFile=%s " % pdl_conf + "--source=%s " % source + "--eventsource=%s " % eventsource + "--code=%s " % code + "--status=%s " % status + "--eventsourcecode=%s " % eventsourcecode + "--version=%s " % version + "--latitude=%s " % lat + "--longitude=%s " % lon + "--magnitude=%s " % mag + "--depth=%s " % dep + "--eventtime=%s " % time_stamp + "--type=%s " % pdl_type + "--directory=%s " % pdl_dir + ls_alert + lq_alert + lq_haz_alert + ls_haz_alert + lq_pop_alert + ls_pop_alert + lq_haz_alert_value + ls_haz_alert_value + lq_pop_alert_value + ls_pop_alert_value + lq_haz_alert_par + ls_haz_alert_par + lq_pop_alert_par + ls_pop_alert_par + stdstr + lq_overlay + ls_overlay + lq_xmin + lq_xmax + lq_ymin + lq_ymax + ls_xmin + ls_xmax + ls_ymin + ls_ymax + prod_xmin + prod_xmax + prod_ymin + prod_ymax + rupt_warn + '"--property-shakemap-version=%s" ' % shake_version + "--signatureVersion=v2" ) if pdl_key is not None: pdl_cmd = pdl_cmd + " --privateKey=%s " % pdl_key if not dryrun: rc, so, se = get_command_output(pdl_cmd) print("PDL return code: %s " % rc) print("PDL standard output:\n%s " % so) print("PDL standard error:\n%s " % se) return {"rc": rc, "so": so, "se": se} else: print(pdl_cmd) return {"rc": True, "so": b"", "se": b""}
[docs]def prepare_pdl_directory(event_dir): """ Make directory for transferring to comcat. Args: event_dir (str): Path to event directory Returns: event_dir containing copies of all of the files that need to be sent to comcat """ pdl_dir = os.path.join(event_dir, "pdl_directory") if os.path.exists(pdl_dir): shutil.rmtree(pdl_dir) os.makedirs(pdl_dir) # Get the event id prefix that is prepended to strip it off later all_files = os.listdir(event_dir) an_hdf_file = [f for f in all_files if f.endswith(".hdf5")][0] idx = an_hdf_file.find("_201") author = an_hdf_file[:idx].split("_")[-1] idx2 = an_hdf_file.find(author) event_prefix = an_hdf_file[: idx2 - 1] # Put geotif files into pdl directory geotif_files = [os.path.join(event_dir, a) for a in all_files if a.endswith(".tif")] for i in range(len(geotif_files)): src = geotif_files[i] tfile = os.path.basename(src) if tfile.startswith(event_prefix): tfile = tfile[len(event_prefix) + 1 :] dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, tfile) shutil.copy(src, dst) # Zip the files # zfile = os.path.join(pdl_dir, os.path.splitext(tfile)[0] + '.zip') # with zipfile.ZipFile(zfile, 'w') as zf: # zf.write(os.path.join(pdl_dir, dst), arcname=dst, # compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) # # Remove originals # os.remove(os.path.join(pdl_dir, dst)) # Put kmz files into pdl directory kmz_files = [os.path.join(event_dir, a) for a in all_files if a.endswith(".kmz")] for i in range(len(kmz_files)): src = kmz_files[i] tfile = os.path.basename(src) if tfile.startswith(event_prefix): tfile = tfile[len(event_prefix) + 1 :] dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, tfile) shutil.copy(src, dst) # Also the png files (default models for website interactive map, # not static maps) png_files = [os.path.join(event_dir, a) for a in all_files if a.endswith(".png")] for i in range(len(png_files)): src = os.path.join(event_dir, png_files[i]) tfile = os.path.basename(src) dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, tfile) if os.path.exists(src): shutil.copy(src, dst) # Put json file into pdl directory src = os.path.join(event_dir, "info.json") dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, "info.json") if os.path.exists(src): shutil.copy(src, dst) # Put hdf files into pdl directory hdf_files = [os.path.join(event_dir, a) for a in all_files if a.endswith(".hdf5")] for i in range(len(hdf_files)): src = hdf_files[i] hfile = os.path.basename(src) if hfile.startswith(event_prefix): hfile = hfile[len(event_prefix) + 1 :] dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, hfile) # Strip off event id prefix shutil.copy(src, dst) # Put binary ShakeCast files into pdl directory # flt_files = [os.path.join(event_dir, a) # for a in all_files if a.endswith('.flt')] # flth_files = [os.path.join(event_dir, a) # for a in all_files if a.endswith('.hdr')] # for f1, f2 in zip(flt_files, flth_files): # src = f1 # f1file = os.path.basename(src) # if f1file.startswith(event_prefix): # f1file = f1file[len(event_prefix)+1:] # dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, f1file) # shutil.copy(src, dst) # src = f2 # f2file = os.path.basename(src) # if f2file.startswith(event_prefix): # f2file = f2file[len(event_prefix)+1:] # dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, f2file) # shutil.copy(src, dst) # Make contents.xml contents = etree.Element("contents") json_mime = "text/json" hdf_mime = "application/x-hdf" gtif_mime = "image/geotiff" png_mime = "image/png" kmz_mime = "application/" # zip_mime = 'application/zip' # Json info file j_tree = etree.SubElement(contents, "file", title="Info", id="info_json") file_caps = etree.SubElement(j_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Info json file" etree.SubElement(j_tree, "format", href="info.json", type=json_mime) # Jessee section jessee_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Preferred Landslide Model (displayed)", id="nowicki_jessee_2018", ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(jessee_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Nowicki Jessee and others (2018)" etree.SubElement(jessee_tree, "format", href="jessee_2018_model.kmz", type=kmz_mime) etree.SubElement( jessee_tree, "format", href="jessee_2018_model.tif", type=gtif_mime ) etree.SubElement(jessee_tree, "format", href="jessee_2018.hdf5", type=hdf_mime) etree.SubElement(jessee_tree, "format", href="jessee_2018.png", type=png_mime) # Does an uncertainty file exist? file_base = "jessee_2018_beta_sigma" if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(pdl_dir, "%s*" % file_base))): jessee_uncertainty_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Preferred Landslide Model Uncertainty (not displayed)", id="nowicki_jessee_2018uncertainty", ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(jessee_uncertainty_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Nowicki Jessee and others (2018) uncertainty" extensions = [".kmz", ".tif"] for extension in extensions: mime_type = kmz_mime if "kmz" in extension else gtif_mime std_file = file_base + extension if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pdl_dir, std_file)): etree.SubElement( jessee_uncertainty_tree, "format", href=std_file, type=mime_type ) # Zhu 2017 section zhu2017_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Preferred Liquefaction Model (displayed)", id="zhu_2017", ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(zhu2017_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Zhu and others (2017)" etree.SubElement( zhu2017_tree, "format", href="zhu_2017_general_model.kmz", type=kmz_mime ) etree.SubElement( zhu2017_tree, "format", href="zhu_2017_general_model.tif", type=gtif_mime ) etree.SubElement( zhu2017_tree, "format", href="zhu_2017_general.hdf5", type=hdf_mime ) etree.SubElement(zhu2017_tree, "format", href="zhu_2017_general.png", type=png_mime) # Does an uncertainty file exist? file_base = "zhu_2017_general_beta_sigma" if len(glob.glob(os.path.join(pdl_dir, "%s*" % file_base))): zhu2017_uncertainty_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Preferred Liquefaction Model Uncertainty (not displayed)", id="zhu_2017uncertainty", ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(zhu2017_uncertainty_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Zhu and others (2017) uncertainty" extensions = [".kmz", ".tif"] for extension in extensions: mime_type = kmz_mime if "kmz" in extension else gtif_mime std_file = file_base + extension if os.path.exists(os.path.join(pdl_dir, std_file)): etree.SubElement( zhu2017_uncertainty_tree, "format", href=std_file, type=mime_type ) # Godt section godt_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Alternative Landslide Model 1 (not displayed)" ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(godt_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Godt and others (2008)" etree.SubElement(godt_tree, "format", href="godt_2008.hdf5", type=hdf_mime) etree.SubElement(godt_tree, "format", href="godt_2008_model.tif", type=gtif_mime) # Nowicki section now_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Alternative Landslide Model 2 (not displayed)" ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(now_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Nowicki and others (2014)" etree.SubElement(now_tree, "format", href="nowicki_2014_global.hdf5", type=hdf_mime) etree.SubElement( now_tree, "format", href="nowicki_2014_global_model.tif", type=gtif_mime ) # zhu 2015 section zhu2015_tree = etree.SubElement( contents, "file", title="Alternative Liquefaction Model (not displayed)", id="zhu_2015", ) file_caps = etree.SubElement(zhu2015_tree, "caption") file_caps.text = "Zhu and others (2015)" etree.SubElement(zhu2015_tree, "format", href="zhu_2015.hdf5", type=hdf_mime) etree.SubElement(zhu2015_tree, "format", href="zhu_2015_model.tif", type=gtif_mime) # Copy over legend files # data_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gfail', 'data') # src = os.path.join(data_dir, 'legend_landslide.png') # dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, 'legend_landslide.png') # shutil.copy(src, dst) # src = os.path.join(data_dir, 'legend_liquefaction.png') # dst = os.path.join(pdl_dir, 'legend_liquefaction.png') # shutil.copy(src, dst) # Write result out_file = os.path.join(pdl_dir, "contents.xml") etree.ElementTree(contents).write( out_file, pretty_print=True, xml_declaration=True, encoding="UTF-8" )