Source code for gfail.spatial

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Spatial functions used by all models

import os
import tempfile
import fiona
import shutil
import rasterio
import rasterio.mask

from mapio.grid2d import Grid2D
from mapio.geodict import GeoDict, geodict_from_affine
from mapio.writer import write
import numpy as np

[docs]def split_grid(grid): # split grid that sits on 180 meridian xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ( grid._geodict.xmin, grid._geodict.xmax, grid._geodict.ymin, grid._geodict.ymax, ) dx, dy = grid._geodict.dx, grid._geodict.dy toprow, topcol = grid._geodict.getRowCol(ymax, 180.0) leftdata = grid._data[:, 0:topcol] leftny, leftnx = leftdata.shape leftdict = { "xmin": xmin, "xmax": 180.0, "ymin": ymin, "ymax": ymax, "dx": dx, "dy": dy, "nx": leftnx, "ny": leftny, } leftgeodict = GeoDict(leftdict) leftgrid = Grid2D(data=leftdata, geodict=leftgeodict) rightdata = grid._data[:, topcol:] rightny, rightnx = rightdata.shape rightdict = { "xmin": -180.0, "xmax": xmax, "ymin": ymin, "ymax": ymax, "dx": dx, "dy": dy, "nx": rightnx, "ny": rightny, } rightgeodict = GeoDict(rightdict) rightgrid = Grid2D(data=rightdata, geodict=rightgeodict) return (leftgrid, rightgrid)
[docs]def join_grids(leftgrid, rightgrid): leftdict = leftgrid.getGeoDict() rightdict = rightgrid.getGeoDict() newdata = np.concatenate((leftgrid._data, rightgrid._data), axis=1) ny, nx = newdata.shape newdict = { "xmin": leftdict.xmin, "xmax": rightdict.xmax, "ymin": leftdict.ymin, "ymax": leftdict.ymax, "dx": leftdict.dx, "dy": leftdict.dy, "nx": nx, "ny": ny, } geodict = GeoDict(newdict) newgrid = Grid2D(data=newdata, geodict=geodict) return newgrid
[docs]def trim_ocean2(grid2D, mask, all_touched=True, crop=False): """Use the mask (a shapefile) to trim offshore areas Args: grid2D: MapIO grid2D object of results that need trimming mask: list of shapely polygon features already loaded in or string of file extension of shapefile to use for clipping all_touched (bool): if True, won't mask cells that touch any part of polygon edge crop (bool): crop boundaries of raster to new masked area Returns: grid2D file with ocean masked """ gdict = grid2D.getGeoDict() # Get shapes ready if type(mask) == str: with, "r") as shapefile: if gdict.xmin < gdict.xmax: bbox = (gdict.xmin, gdict.ymin, gdict.xmax, gdict.ymax) hits = list(shapefile.items(bbox=bbox)) features = [feature[1]["geometry"] for feature in hits] else: features = [] bbox1 = (gdict.xmin, gdict.ymin, 180.0, gdict.ymax) hits = list(shapefile.items(bbox=bbox1)) tfeatures = [feature[1]["geometry"] for feature in hits] features += tfeatures bbox2 = (-180, gdict.ymin, gdict.xmax, gdict.ymax) hits = list(shapefile.items(bbox=bbox2)) tfeatures = [feature[1]["geometry"] for feature in hits] features += tfeatures elif type(mask) == list: features = mask else: raise Exception( "mask is neither a link to a shapefile or a list of \ shapely shapes, cannot proceed" ) if len(features) == 0: print("No coastlines in ShakeMap area") return grid2D # now make a dataset from our Grid2D object. # I think the only way to do this is to write out a file # and then open it. Stupid. try: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() tmpfile = os.path.join(tempdir, "tmp.tif") # TODO: Create a temp dir, write a file in it if gdict.xmin < gdict.xmax: write(grid2D, tmpfile, "tiff") dataset =, "r") out_image, out_transform = rasterio.mask.mask( dataset, features, all_touched=all_touched, nodata=np.nan, crop=crop ) dataset.close() out_image = np.squeeze(out_image) ny, nx = out_image.shape geodict = geodict_from_affine(out_transform, ny, nx) newgrid = Grid2D(data=out_image, geodict=geodict) else: leftgrid, rightgrid = split_grid(grid2D) write(leftgrid, tmpfile, "tiff") dataset =, "r") out_image, out_transform = rasterio.mask.mask( dataset, features, all_touched=all_touched, nodata=np.nan, crop=crop ) dataset.close() out_image = np.squeeze(out_image) ny, nx = out_image.shape geodict = geodict_from_affine(out_transform, ny, nx) newleftgrid = Grid2D(data=out_image, geodict=geodict) write(rightgrid, tmpfile, "tiff") dataset =, "r") out_image, out_transform = rasterio.mask.mask( dataset, features, all_touched=all_touched, nodata=np.nan, crop=crop ) dataset.close() out_image = np.squeeze(out_image) ny, nx = out_image.shape geodict = geodict_from_affine(out_transform, ny, nx) newrightgrid = Grid2D(data=out_image, geodict=geodict) newgrid = join_grids(newleftgrid, newrightgrid) return newgrid except Exception as e: msg = f'Failure to trim input grid: "{str(e)}".' raise Exception(msg) finally: # TODO: clean up shutil.rmtree(tempdir)