Source code for gfail.stats

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# stdlib imports
import numpy as np
import collections
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.signal import convolve
from numpy import matlib
from scipy.stats import beta
from configobj import ConfigObj

# local imports
from mapio.shake import ShakeGrid
from mapio.gdal import GDALGrid
from mapio.reader import read

# Turn off warnings that will pop up regarding nan's in greater than operations

[docs]def computeStats( grid2D, stdgrid2D=None, shakefile=None, shakethreshtype="pga", shakethresh=0.0, probthresh=None, pop_file=None, stdtype="full", maxP=1.0, proj="moll", ): """ Compute summary stats of a ground failure model output. Args: grid2D: grid2D object of model output. stdgrid2D: grid2D object of model standard deviations (optional) shakefile: Optional, path to shakemap file to use for ground motion threshold. shakethreshtype: Optional, Type of ground motion to use for shakethresh, 'pga', 'pgv', or 'mmi'. shakethresh: Optional, Float in %g for pga, cm/s for pgv, float for mmi. Used for Hagg and Exposure computation probthresh: Optional, None or float, exclude any cells with probabilities less than or equal to this value pop_file (str): File path to population file to use to compute exposure stats stdtype (str): assumption of spatial correlation used to compute the stdev of the statistics, 'max', 'min' or 'mean' of max and min, or full (default) estimates std considering covariance maxP (float): maximum possible value of P (1 default, but coverage models have smaller values, 0.487 and 0.256 for LQ and LS) proj (str): projection string to use when computing stats Returns: dict: Dictionary with all or some of the following keys (depending on input options): - Max - Median - Std - hagg_# where # is the shaking threshold input - hagg_std_# standard deviation of hagg_# - hlim_# maximum possible value of hagg (for given Pmax value) - p_hagg_# beta function shapefile p for hagg - q_hagg_# beta function shapefile q for hagg - exp_pop_# where # is the shaking threshold (if pop_file specified) - exp_std_# (optional) standard deviation of exp_pop_# - elim_# maximum possible value of E (for given Pmax value) - p_exp_# beta function shapefile p for exp_pop - q_exp_# beta function shapefile q for exp_pop """ stats = collections.OrderedDict() grid = grid2D.getData().copy() if probthresh is not None: grid = grid[grid > probthresh] else: probthresh = 0.0 if len(grid) == 0: print("no probability values above probthresh") stats["Max"] = 0.0 # float('nan') stats["Median"] = 0.0 # float('nan') stats["Std"] = 0.0 # float('nan') else: stats["Max"] = float(np.nanmax(grid)) stats["Median"] = float(np.nanmedian(grid)) stats["Std"] = float(np.nanstd(grid)) output = computeHagg( grid2D, probthresh=probthresh, shakefile=shakefile, shakethreshtype=shakethreshtype, stdtype=stdtype, shakethresh=shakethresh, stdgrid2D=stdgrid2D, maxP=maxP, sill1=None, range1=None, proj=proj, ) hagg_dict = output for k, v in hagg_dict.items(): stats[k] = v if pop_file is None: try: # Try to find population file in .gfail_defaults default_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".gfail_defaults") defaults = ConfigObj(default_file) pop_file = defaults["popfile"] except BaseException: print( "No population file specified nor found in .gfail_defaults, " "skipping exp_pop" ) if pop_file is not None: exp_dict = computePexp( grid2D, pop_file, shakefile=shakefile, shakethreshtype=shakethreshtype, shakethresh=shakethresh, probthresh=probthresh, stdgrid2D=stdgrid2D, stdtype=stdtype, maxP=maxP, sill1=None, range1=None, ) for k, v in exp_dict.items(): stats[k] = v return stats
[docs]def computeHagg( grid2D, proj="moll", probthresh=0.0, shakefile=None, shakethreshtype="pga", shakethresh=0.0, stdgrid2D=None, stdtype="full", maxP=1.0, sill1=None, range1=None, ): """ Computes the Aggregate Hazard (Hagg) which is equal to the probability * area of grid cell For models that compute areal coverage, this is equivalant to the total predicted area affected in km2. Args: grid2D: grid2D object of model output. proj: projection to use to obtain equal area, 'moll' mollweide, or 'laea' lambert equal area. probthresh: Probability threshold, any values less than this will not be included in aggregate hazard estimation. shakefile: Optional, path to shakemap file to use for ground motion threshold. shakethreshtype: Optional, Type of ground motion to use for shakethresh, 'pga', 'pgv', or 'mmi'. shakethresh: Optional, Float or list of shaking thresholds in %g for pga, cm/s for pgv, float for mmi. stdgrid2D: grid2D object of model standard deviations (optional) stdtype (str): assumption of spatial correlation used to compute the stdev of the statistics, 'max', 'min', 'mean' of max and min, or 'full' (default) which estimates the range of correlation and accounts for covariance. Will return 'mean' if ridge and sill cannot be estimated. maxP (float): the maximum possible probability of the model sill1 (float, None): If known, the sill of the variogram of grid2D, will be estimated if None and stdtype='full' range1 (float, None): If known, the range of the variogram of grid2D, will be estimated if None and stdtype='full' Returns: dict: Dictionary with keys: hagg_#g where # is the shakethresh std_# if stdgrid2D is supplied (stdev of exp_pop) hlim_#, the maximum exposure value possible with the applied thresholds and given maxP value cell_area_km2 grid cell area p_hagg_# beta distribution shape factor p (sometimes called alpha) q_hagg_# beta distribution shape factor q (sometimes called beta) """ bounds = grid2D.getBounds() lat0 = np.mean((bounds[2], bounds[3])) lon0 = np.mean((bounds[0], bounds[1])) projs = ( "+proj=%s +lat_0=%f +lon_0=%f +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 " "+units=km +no_defs" % (proj, lat0, lon0) ) geodict = grid2D.getGeoDict() if shakefile is not None: if shakethresh < 0.0: raise Exception("shaking threshold must be equal or greater than zero") # resample shakemap to grid2D temp = ShakeGrid.load( shakefile, samplegeodict=geodict, resample=True, doPadding=True, method="linear", adjust="res", ) shk = temp.getLayer(shakethreshtype) # shk = shk.interpolate2(geodict) if shk.getGeoDict() != geodict: raise Exception( "shakemap was not resampled to exactly the same geodict as the model" ) if probthresh < 0.0: raise Exception("probability threshold must be equal or greater than zero") grid = grid2D.project(projection=projs, method="bilinear") geodictRS = grid.getGeoDict() cell_area_km2 = geodictRS.dx * geodictRS.dy model = grid.getData().copy() Hagg = {} if shakefile is not None: shkgrid = shk.project(projection=projs) shkdat = shkgrid.getData() model[shkdat < shakethresh] = float("nan") else: shakethresh = 0.0 shkdat = None mu = np.nansum(model[model >= probthresh] * cell_area_km2) Hagg["hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = mu Hagg["cell_area_km2"] = cell_area_km2 N = np.nansum([model >= probthresh]) # N = np.nansum([model >= 0.]) # Hagg['N_%1.2fg' % (shakethresh/100.,)] = N hlim = cell_area_km2 * N * maxP Hagg["hlim_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = hlim if stdgrid2D is not None: stdgrid = GDALGrid.copyFromGrid(stdgrid2D) # Make a copy stdgrid = stdgrid.project(projection=projs, method="bilinear") std = stdgrid.getData().copy() if shakefile is not None: # Nan out areas where shaking is too low also std[shkdat < shakethresh] = float("nan") Hagg["hagg_range"] = None Hagg["hagg_sill"] = None if np.nanmax(std) > 0.0 and np.nanmax(model) >= probthresh: totalmin = cell_area_km2 * -np.sqrt( np.nansum((std[model >= probthresh]) ** 2.0) ) totalmax = np.nansum(std[model >= probthresh] * cell_area_km2) if stdtype == "full": if sill1 is None or range1 is None: # Determine correct range to search by width of area that has # non_nan values cols = np.where(np.sum(~np.isnan(model), axis=0) > 0.0) rows = np.where(np.sum(~np.isnan(model), axis=1) > 0.0) maxlag = int( np.min( [ (np.max(cols) - np.min(cols)), (np.max(rows) - np.min(rows)), ] ) / 2.0 ) try2 = ( int( np.max( [ (np.max(cols) - np.min(cols)), (np.max(rows) - np.min(rows)), ] ) ) + 100 ) if maxlag < 100: maxlag = 100 if maxlag > 800: maxlag = 800 # print('maxlag %d' % maxlag) range1, sill1 = semivario( grid.getData().copy(), probthresh, shakethresh=shakethresh, shakegrid=shkdat, maxlag=maxlag, ) # If sill not found, expand maxlag if range1 is not None: # If None, not enough points, skip ahead if maxlag - range1 < 1.0: print("no sill found, expanding maxlag to %d" % try2) range1, sill1 = semivario( grid.getData().copy(), probthresh, shakethresh=shakethresh, shakegrid=shkdat, maxlag=try2, ) if range1 is not None: if try2 - range1 < 1.0: print( "No sill found in semivariogram even after " "expanding maxlag, assuming max uncertainty" ) range1 = None sill1 = None Hagg["hagg_range"] = range1 Hagg["hagg_sill"] = sill1 if range1 is None: # Use max because no sill found or probs are super low Hagg[ "hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,) ] = totalmax # (totalmax + totalmin) / 2. else: # Zero out std at cells where the model probability was # below the threshold because we aren't including those # cells in Hagg stdz = std.copy() stdz[model < probthresh] = 0.0 svar1 = svar(stdz, range1, sill1, scale=cell_area_km2) Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = np.sqrt(svar1) # Hagg['hagg_range_%1.2fg' % (shakethresh/100.,)] = range1 # Hagg['hagg_sill_%1.2fg' % (shakethresh/100.,)] = sill1 elif stdtype == "max": Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = totalmax elif stdtype == "min": Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = totalmin else: Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = ( totalmax + totalmin ) / 2.0 var = Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] ** 2.0 # Beta distribution shape factors ph = (mu / hlim) * ((hlim * mu - mu**2) / var - 1) qh = (1 - mu / hlim) * ((hlim * mu - mu**2) / var - 1) Hagg["p_hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = ph Hagg["q_hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = qh # Compute 1 and 2 std ranges if ph > 0.0 and qh > 0.0: Hagg["hagg_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = get_rangebeta( ph, qh, prob=0.6827, minlim=0.0, maxlim=hlim ) Hagg["hagg_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = get_rangebeta( ph, qh, prob=0.9545, minlim=0.0, maxlim=hlim ) else: Hagg["hagg_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None Hagg["hagg_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None else: print( "No model values above threshold, skipping uncertainty " "and filling with zeros" ) Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 Hagg["p_hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 Hagg["q_hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 Hagg["hagg_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None Hagg["hagg_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None else: print("No uncertainty provided, filling with zeros") Hagg["hagg_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 Hagg["p_hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 Hagg["q_hagg_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 Hagg["hagg_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None Hagg["hagg_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None return Hagg
[docs]def computePexp( grid, pop_file, shakefile=None, shakethreshtype="pga", shakethresh=0.0, probthresh=0.0, stdgrid2D=None, stdtype="full", maxP=1.0, sill1=None, range1=None, ): """ Get exposure-based statistics. Args: grid: Model grid. pop_file (str): Path to the landscan population grid. shakefile (str): Optional, path to shakemap file to use for ground motion threshold. shakethreshtype(str): Optional, Type of ground motion to use for shakethresh, 'pga', 'pgv', or 'mmi'. shakethresh: Float or list of shaking thresholds in %g for pga, cm/s for pgv, float for mmi. probthresh: Float, exclude any cells with probabilities less than or equal to this value stdgrid2D: grid2D object of model standard deviations (optional) stdtype (str): assumption of spatial correlation used to compute the stdev of the statistics, 'max', 'min', 'mean' of max and min, or 'full' (default) which estimates the range of correlation and accounts for covariance. Will return 'mean' if ridge and sill cannot be estimated. maxP (float): the maximum possible probability of the model sill1 (float, None): If known, the sill of the variogram of grid2D, will be estimated if None and stdtype='full' range1 (float, None): If known, the range of the variogram of grid2D, will be estimated if None and stdtype='full' Returns: dict: Dictionary with keys named exp_pop_# where # is the shakethresh and exp_std_# if stdgrid2D is supplied (stdev of exp_pop) and elim_#, the maximum exposure value possible with the applied thresholds and given maxP value p_exp_# beta distribution shape factor p (sometimes called alpha) q_exp_# beta distribution shape factor q (sometimes called beta) """ model = grid.getData().copy() mdict = grid.getGeoDict() # Figure out difference in resolution of popfile to shakefile ptemp, J = GDALGrid.getFileGeoDict(pop_file) factor = ptemp.dx / mdict.dx # Cut out area from population file popcut1 = read( pop_file, samplegeodict=mdict, method="nearest", resample=True, doPadding=True, interp_approach="rasterio", ) # Adjust for upsampling factor to avoid creating new people popcut1.setData(popcut1.getData() / factor**2) # Upsample to mdict popdat = popcut1.getData() exp_pop = {} if shakefile is not None: if shakethresh < 0.0: raise Exception("shaking threshold must be equal or greater than zero") # resample shakemap to grid2D temp = ShakeGrid.load( shakefile, samplegeodict=mdict, resample=True, doPadding=True, method="linear", adjust="res", ) shk = temp.getLayer(shakethreshtype) # shk = shk.interpolate2(mdict) if shk.getGeoDict() != mdict: raise Exception( "shakemap was not resampled to exactly the same geodict as the model" ) shkdat = shk.getData() model[shkdat < shakethresh] = float("nan") else: shakethresh = 0.0 shkdat = None mu = np.nansum(model[model >= probthresh] * popdat[model >= probthresh]) exp_pop["exp_pop_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = mu # N = np.nansum([model >= probthresh]) # exp_pop['N_%1.2fg' % (shakethresh/100.,)] = N elim = np.nansum(popdat[model >= probthresh]) * maxP # elim = np.nansum(popdat[model >= 0.]) * maxP exp_pop["elim_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = elim if stdgrid2D is not None: std = stdgrid2D.getData().copy() if shakefile is not None: # Nan out areas where shaking is too low also std[shkdat < shakethresh] = float("nan") exp_pop["exp_range"] = None exp_pop["exp_sill"] = None if np.nanmax(std) > 0.0 and np.nanmax(model) >= probthresh: totalmin = np.sqrt( np.nansum( (popdat[model >= probthresh] * std[model >= probthresh]) ** 2.0 ) ) totalmax = np.nansum(std[model >= probthresh] * popdat[model >= probthresh]) if stdtype == "full": if sill1 is None or range1 is None: # Determine correct range to search by width of area that has # non_nan values cols = np.where(np.sum(~np.isnan(model), axis=0) > 0.0) rows = np.where(np.sum(~np.isnan(model), axis=1) > 0.0) maxlag = int( np.min( [ (np.max(cols) - np.min(cols)), (np.max(rows) - np.min(rows)), ] ) / 2.0 ) try2 = ( int( np.max( [ (np.max(cols) - np.min(cols)), (np.max(rows) - np.min(rows)), ] ) ) + 100 ) if maxlag < 100: maxlag = 100 # print('maxlag %d' % maxlag) range1, sill1 = semivario( grid.getData().copy(), probthresh, shakethresh=shakethresh, shakegrid=shkdat, maxlag=maxlag, ) if range1 is not None: # If None, not enough points, skip ahead # If sill not found, expand maxlag if maxlag - range1 < 1.0: print("no sill found, expanding maxlag to %d" % try2) range1, sill1 = semivario( grid.getData().copy(), probthresh, shakethresh=shakethresh, shakegrid=shkdat, maxlag=try2, ) if range1 is not None: if try2 - range1 < 1.0: print( "No sill found in semivariogram even after " "expanding maxlag, assuming max uncertainty" ) range1 = None sill1 = None exp_pop["exp_range"] = range1 exp_pop["exp_sill"] = sill1 if range1 is None: # Use max because no sill was found exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = totalmax # \ # (totalmax + totalmin) / 2. else: # Zero out std at cells where the model probability was # below the threshold because we aren't including those # cells in Hagg stdz = std.copy() stdz[model < probthresh] = 0.0 svar1 = svar(stdz, range1, sill1, scale=popdat) exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = np.sqrt(svar1) # exp_pop['exp_range_%1.2fg' % (shakethresh/100.,)] = range1 # exp_pop['exp_sill_%1.2fg' % (shakethresh/100.,)] = sill1 elif stdtype == "max": exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = totalmax elif stdtype == "min": exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = totalmin else: exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = ( totalmax + totalmin ) / 2.0 # Beta distribution shape factors var = exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] ** 2.0 pe = (mu / elim) * ((elim * mu - mu**2) / var - 1) qe = (1 - mu / elim) * ((elim * mu - mu**2) / var - 1) exp_pop["p_exp_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = pe exp_pop["q_exp_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = qe # Compute 1 and 2 std ranges if pe > 0.0 and qe > 0.0: exp_pop[ "pop_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,) ] = get_rangebeta(pe, qe, prob=0.6827, minlim=0.0, maxlim=elim) exp_pop[ "pop_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,) ] = get_rangebeta(pe, qe, prob=0.9545, minlim=0.0, maxlim=elim) else: exp_pop["pop_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None exp_pop["pop_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None else: print("no std values above zero, filling with zeros") exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 exp_pop["p_exp_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 exp_pop["q_exp_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 exp_pop["pop_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None exp_pop["pop_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None else: exp_pop["exp_std_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 exp_pop["p_exp_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 exp_pop["q_exp_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = 0.0 exp_pop["pop_1std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None exp_pop["pop_2std_range_%1.2fg" % (shakethresh / 100.0,)] = None return exp_pop
[docs]def semivario( model, threshold=0.0, maxlag=100, npts=1000, ndists=200, nvbins=20, makeplots=False, shakegrid=None, shakethresh=0.0, minpts=50, ): """ Quickly estimate semivariogram with by selecting seed points and then computing semivariogram between each of those points and ndists random locations around it that are within maxlag of the seed point. Will result in npts x ndists total distance pairs. Uses spherical model. Args: model (array): array of raster to estimate semivariogram for threshold: maxlag (int): in pixels npts (int): number of seed points to sample from ndists (int): number of points to sample at random distances from each seed point nvbins (int): number of semivariogram bins minpts (float): minimum number of samples above threshold required makeplots (bool): create semivariogram plots shakegrid (array): array of shaking that is the same size as model shakethresh (float): Shaking threshold for seed point selection Returns: range, sill """ model = model.copy() if threshold is None: threshold = 0.0 if shakegrid is None or shakethresh == 0.0: shakegrid = np.zeros(np.shape(model)) if np.shape(shakegrid) != np.shape(model): raise Exception("Shakegrid is not the same shape as the model") # prepare data nrows, ncols = np.shape(model) rows = matlib.repmat(np.arange(nrows), ncols, 1).T cols = matlib.repmat(np.arange(ncols), nrows, 1) values = model.flatten() shkvals = shakegrid.flatten() rowsf = rows.flatten() colsf = cols.flatten() # Select npts seed points indx = np.where((values >= threshold) & (shkvals >= shakethresh))[0] if len(indx) < minpts: print( "Not enough values above thresholds in model. " "Returning empty range and sill results" ) return None, None np.random.seed(47) # Always use same seed so results are repeatable # just select all points if there aren't npts above the threshold picks = np.random.choice(len(indx), size=np.min((npts, len(indx))), replace=False) seedpts = indx[picks] # Get lags and differences for seed point vs. ndists other points around it # TODO vectorize this to remove loop lags = np.array([]) diffs = np.array([]) # vals = np.array([]) seednums = range(len(seedpts)) seednums2 = reversed(range(len(seedpts))) for seed, seednum1, seednum2 in zip(seedpts, seednums, seednums2): row1 = rowsf[seed] col1 = colsf[seed] np.random.seed(seednum1) addr = np.random.randint( np.max((-maxlag, -row1)), np.min((maxlag, nrows - row1)), size=ndists ) np.random.seed(seednum2) addc = np.random.randint( np.max((-maxlag, -col1)), np.min((maxlag, ncols - col1)), size=ndists ) indr = row1 + addr indc = col1 + addc newvalues = model[indr, indc] ptval = model[row1, col1] dists = np.sqrt(addr**2 + addc**2) # distance in pixels # Remove any invalid samples dists = dists[np.isfinite(newvalues)] newvalues = newvalues[np.isfinite(newvalues)] difvals = np.abs(newvalues - ptval) diffs = np.hstack((diffs, difvals)) lags = np.hstack((lags, dists)) # vals = np.hstack((vals, newvalues, ptval)) diffs2 = diffs**2 # % Make variogram out of these samples # binedges = np.linspace(0, maxlag, num=nvbins + 1, endpoint=True) binedges = np.logspace(0, np.log10(maxlag), num=nvbins + 1, endpoint=True) binmid = (binedges[:-1] + binedges[1:]) / 2 subs = np.zeros(nvbins) N = np.zeros(nvbins) for b in range(nvbins): inrange = diffs2[(lags > binedges[b]) & (lags <= binedges[b + 1])] subs[b] = np.nansum(inrange) N[b] = len(inrange) semiv = 1.0 / (2 * N) * subs # Fit model using weighting by 1/N to weigh bins with more samples higher popt, pcov = curve_fit( spherical, binmid[np.isfinite(semiv)], semiv[np.isfinite(semiv)], sigma=1.0 / N[np.isfinite(semiv)], absolute_sigma=False, bounds=(0, [maxlag, 1.0]), ) range2, sill2 = popt # makeplots = True if makeplots: plt.figure() plt.plot(binmid, semiv, "ob") plt.xlabel("Lags (pixels)") plt.ylabel("Semivariance") plt.plot(binmid, spherical(binmid, *popt), "-b") # plt.figure() # corr = (sill2 - spherical(binmid, range2, sill2)) / sill2 # plt.plot(binmid, corr, 'ob') # plt.xlabel('Lags (pixels)') # plt.ylabel('Correlation') return range2, sill2
[docs]def spherical(lag, range1, sill): # , nugget=0): """ Spherical variogram model assuming nugget = 0 Args: lag: float or array of lags as # of pixels/cells range1 (float): range of spherical model sill (float): sill of spherical model Returns: semivariance as float or array, depending on type(lag) """ nugget = 0.0 range1 = range1 / 1.0 out = nugget + sill * ((1.5 * (lag / range1)) - (0.5 * ((lag / range1) ** 3.0))) if isinstance(out, float): if lag > range1: out = nugget + sill else: out[lag > range1] = nugget + sill return out
[docs]def svar(stds, range1, sill1, scale=1.0): """ Estimate variance of aggregate statistic using correlation from semivariogram and std values for each pair of cells that are within range of each other, add up quickly by creating kernal of the correlations and convolving with the image, then multiply by std to equal sum of std1*std2*corr*scale1*scale2 over each valid cell Args: stds (array): grid of standard deviation of model range1 (float): range of empirical variogram used to estimate correlation model sill1 (float): sill of empirical variogram used to estimate correlation model scale: float or array same size as std, factor to multiply by (area or population) and include in convolution Returns: variance of aggregate statistic """ range5 = int(range1) # Prepare kernal that is size of range of spherical equation nrows = 2 * range5 + 1 ncols = 2 * range5 + 1 # get distance in row and col from center point rows = matlib.repmat(np.arange(nrows), ncols, 1).T - range5 cols = matlib.repmat(np.arange(ncols), nrows, 1) - range5 dists = np.sqrt(rows**2 + cols**2) # Convert from semivariance to correlation and build kernal kernal = (sill1 - spherical(dists, range1, sill1)) / sill1 # convolve with stds, equivalent to sum of corr * std at each pixel for # within range1 # out = convolve2d(stds, kernal, mode='same') # Replace all nans with zeros so can use fft convolve stdzeros = stds.copy() stdzeros[np.isnan(stds)] = 0.0 if not isinstance(scale, float): scale[np.isnan(scale)] = 0.0 stdzeros *= scale out = convolve(stdzeros, kernal, mode="same") # multiply by stds and scale again full1 = scale * out * stds # add up var2 = np.nansum(full1) return var2
[docs]def get_rangebeta(p, q, prob=0.95, minlim=0, maxlim=1): """ Get endpoints of the range of the specified beta function that contain prob percent of the distribution Args: p (float): p shape factor of beta distribution (a in scipy) q (float): q shape factor of beta distribution (b in scipy) prob (float): central probability of distribution to return the range of. Value from 0 to 1 minlim (float): minimum possible value of distribution maxlim (float): maximum possible value of distribution Returns: tuple (valmin, valmax) where: * valmin (float): lower edge of range containing prob * valmax (float): upper edge of range containing prob """ loc = minlim scale = maxlim - loc valmin, valmax = beta.interval(prob, p, q, loc=loc, scale=scale) return valmin, valmax
[docs]def get_pdfbeta(p, q, binedges, minlim=0, maxlim=1, npts=1000, openends=True): """ Return discretized pdf for plotting curve and report probabilities of each bin Args: p (float): p shape factor of beta distribution (a in scipy) q (float): q shape factor of beta distribution (b in scipy) binedges (list): list of bin edges minlim (float): minimum possible value of distribution maxlim (float): maximum possible value of distribution npts (int): number of points to return in xvals openends (bool): assumes lower and upper bins don't have hard edges Returns: tuple of (xvals, yvals, probs) where: * xvals: list of log-distributed values * yvals: corresponding list of * probs (list): list of len(binedges)-1 that gives probability of value falling in the corresponding bin """ loc = minlim scale = maxlim - loc xvals = np.logspace(np.log10(np.min(binedges)), np.log10(maxlim), npts) yvals = beta.pdf(xvals, p, q, loc=loc, scale=scale) # print(beta.mean(p, q, loc=loc, scale=scale)) probs = np.empty(len(binedges) - 1) bincop = np.copy(binedges) if openends: bincop[0] = -np.inf bincop[-1] = np.inf for i in range(len(bincop) - 1): min1 = beta.cdf(bincop[i], p, q, loc=loc, scale=scale) max1 = beta.cdf(bincop[i + 1], p, q, loc=loc, scale=scale) probs[i] = max1 - min1 return xvals, yvals, probs