- gfail.webpage.hazdev(maplayerlist, configs, shakemap, outfolder=None, alpha=0.7, shakethreshtype='pga', shakethresh=10.0, prefLS='Nowicki Jessee and others (2018)', prefLQ='Zhu and others (2017)', pop_file=None, defaultcolors=True, point=True, pager_alert='', eventsource='', eventsourcecode='', createpngs=True, gf_version=1, pdlcall=False)[source]¶
Create all files needed for product page creation Assumes gfail has been run already with -w flag
- Parameters
maplayerlist (list) – List of model outputs from gfail.
configs (list) – List of dictionaries of config files corresponding to each model in maplayerlist and in the same order.
shakemap (str) – path to shakemap .xml file.
outfolder (str) – Location in which to save outputs. If None, will use current directory.
alpha (float) – Transparency to use for overlay pngs, value from 0 to 1.
shakethreshtype (str) – Type of ground motion to use for shakethresh, ‘pga’, ‘pgv’, or ‘mmi’.
shakethresh – Float or list of shaking thresholds in %g for pga, cm/s for pgv, float for mmi. Used for Hagg and Exposure computation.
prefLS (str) – shortref of “preferred” landslide model.
prefLQ (str) – shortref of “preferred” liquefaction model.
pop_file (str) – file path to population file used to compute population-based alert levels.
defaultcolors (bool) – If True, will use DFCOLORS for all layers instead of determining new ones. This will crash if any of the layers have a different number of bins than the number of DFCOLORS
point (bool) – if True, event is a point source and warning should be displayed
pager_alert (str) – PAGER alert level, e.g., ‘green’. ‘pending’, …
eventsource (str) – net id (e.g., ‘us’)
eventsourcecode (str) – event code (e.g. ‘123456pq’)
createpngs (bool) – if True, create pngs for web map
gf_version (int) – ground failure version
pdlcall (bool) – True if callgf was called by pdl automatically, false if called manually (or otherwise).
- Returns
- Files that need to be sent to comcat for hazdev to create the product
- webpage including:
transparent png overlays of all models
- gfail.webpage.create_png(event_dir, lsmodels=None, lqmodels=None, mercator=True, lsmask=0.002, lqmask=0.005, legends=False)[source]¶
Creates transparent PNG file for website.
- Parameters
event_dir (srt) – Directory containing ground failure results.
lsmodels (list) – List of dictionaries of model summary info compiled by the hazdev function. If not specified, code will search for the hdf5 files for the preferred model and will create this dictionary and will apply default colorbars and bins.
lqmodels (list) – Same as above for liquefaction.
mercator (bool) – Project raster to web mercator
lsmask (float) – Mask all landslide cells with probabilities below this threshold
lqmask (float) – Mask all liquefaction cells with probabilities below this threshold
legends (bool) – if True, will produce png files of legends for each preferred model
- Returns
.png map overlays and .json files specifying their mapped extents
- gfail.webpage.create_info(event_dir, lsmodels, lqmodels, gf_version=1, eventsource='', eventsourcecode='', point=True, pdlcall=False)[source]¶
Create info.json for ground failure product.
- Parameters
event_dir (srt) – Directory containing ground failure results.
lsmodels (list) – List of dictionaries of model summary info compiled by the hazdev function. If not specified, code will search for the hdf5 files for the preferred model and will create this dictionary and will apply default colorbars and bins.
lqmodels (list) – Same as above for liquefaction.
gf_version (int) – ground failure version
eventsource (str) – net id (e.g., ‘us’)
eventsourcecode (str) – event code (e.g. ‘123456pq’)
point (bool) – if True, event is a point source and warning should be displayed
pdlcall (bool) – True if callgf was called by pdl automatically
- Returns
creates info.json for this event
- gfail.webpage.fixfile(filename)[source]¶
Replace any Nan or Infinity values with null in info.json
- Parameters
filename (str) – full path to info.json file
Returns: same file with invalid entries replaced with valid
- gfail.webpage.make_legends(lqmin=0.005, lsmin=0.002, outfolder=None, orientation='horizontal', transparent=True)[source]¶
Make png file of legends to go with pngs using DFCOLORS and DFBINS
- Parameters
lqmin (float) – minimum visible value of liquefaction probability
lsmin (float) – same as above for landslides
outfolder (str) – folder to place pngs of legends
orientation (str) – orientation of colorbar, ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’
transparent (bool) – if True, background will be transparent
- Returns
(lsfilename, lqfilename), locations of files that were created.
- Return type
- gfail.webpage.create_kmz(maplayer, outfile, mask=None, levels=None, colorlist=None, qdict=None)[source]¶
Create kmz files of models
- Parameters
maplayer (dict) –
Dictionary of one model result formatted like:
{ 'grid': mapio grid2D object, 'label': 'label for colorbar and top line of subtitle', 'type': 'output or input to model', 'description': 'description for subtitle' }
outfile (str) – File extension
mask (float) – make all cells below this value transparent
levels (array) – list of bin edges for each color, must be same length
colorlist (array) – list of colors for each bin, should be length one less than levels
qdict (dict) – dictionary of quantile grids
- Returns
kmz file
- gfail.webpage.get_zoomextent(grid, propofmax=0.3)[source]¶
Get the extent that contains all values with probabilities exceeding a threshold in order to determine ideal zoom level for interactive map If nothing is above the threshold, uses the full extent
- Parameters
grid – grid2d of model output
propofmax (float) – Proportion of maximum that should be fully included within the bounds.
- Returns
- a dictionary with keys ‘xmin’, ‘xmax’, ‘ymin’, and
’ymax’ that defines the zoomed boundaries in geographic coordinates.
- Return type
- gfail.webpage.make_rgba(grid2D, levels, colorlist, mask=None, mercator=False)[source]¶
Make an rgba (red, green, blue, alpha) grid out of raw data values and provide extent and limits needed to save as an image file
- Parameters
grid2D – Mapio Grid2D object of result to mape
levels (list) – list of bin edges for each color, must be same length
colorlist (list) – list of colors for each bin, should be length one less than levels
mask (float) – mask all values below this value
mercator (bool) – project to web mercator (needed for leaflet, not for kmz)
- Returns
- (rgba_img, extent, lmin, lmax, cmap), where:
rgba_img: rgba (red green blue alpha) image
- extent: list of outside corners of image,
[minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon]
lmin: lowest bin edge
lmax: highest bin edge
cmap: colormap corresponding to image
- Return type
- gfail.webpage.make_legend(levels, colorlist, filename=None, orientation='horizontal', title=None, transparent=False)[source]¶
Make legend file
- Parameters
levels (list) – list of bin edges for each color, must be same length
colorlist (list) – list of colors for each bin, should be length one less than levels
filename (str) – File extension of legend file
orientation (str) – orientation of colorbar, ‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’
title (str) – title of legend (usually units)
transparent (bool) – if True, background will be transparent
- Returns
figure of legend
- gfail.webpage.setupcolors(sync, plotorder, lims, colormaps, defaultcolormap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>, logscale=None, alpha=None)[source]¶
Get colors that will be used for all colorbars from reference grid
- Parameters
sync (str) – If False, will exit program, else corresponds to the shortref of the model which should serve as the template for the colorbars used by all other models. All other models must have the exact same number of bins
plotorder (list) – List of keys of shortrefs of the grids that will be plotted.
lims –
Nx1 list of tuples or numpy arrays corresponding to plotorder defining the bin edges to use for each model. Example: .. code-block:: python
[(0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3), np.linspace(0., 1.5, 15)]
colormaps (list) – List of strings of matplotlib colormaps (e.g. cm.autumn_r) corresponding to plotorder
defaultcolormap (matplotlib colormap) – Colormap to use if colormaps is not defined. default cm.CMRmap_r
logscale – If not None, then a list of booleans corresponding to plotorder stating whether to use log scaling in determining colors
alpha – list of transparencies
- Returns
- (sync, colorlist, lim1) where:
sync (bool): whether or not colorbars are/can be synced
- colorlist (list): list of rgba colors that will be applied to all
models regardless of bin edge values
lim1 (array): bin edges of model to which others are synced
- Return type