Source code for shakemap.coremods.coverage

# stdlib imports
import os.path
import json

# third party imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from import ShakeMapOutputContainer
from openquake.hazardlib import imt

# local imports
from .base import CoreModule, Contents
from shakemap.utils.config import get_config_paths
from shakelib.utils.imt_string import oq_to_file

# Not really relevant, but seemingly necessary

[docs]class CoverageModule(CoreModule): """ coverage -- Create JSON coverage(s) of the ground motion layers. """ command_name = "coverage" targets = [ r"products/coverage_h\.json", r"products/coverage_m\.json", r"products/coverage_l\.json", ] dependencies = [("products/shake_result.hdf", True)] def __init__(self, eventid): super(CoverageModule, self).__init__(eventid) self.contents = Contents("JSON Coverages", "coverages", eventid)
[docs] def execute(self): """Create high, medium, and low resolution coverage of the mapped parameters. Raises: NotADirectoryError: When the event data directory does not exist. FileNotFoundError: When the the shake_result HDF file does not exist. """ install_path, data_path = get_config_paths() datadir = os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, "current", "products") if not os.path.isdir(datadir): raise NotADirectoryError(f"{datadir} is not a valid directory.") datafile = os.path.join(datadir, "shake_result.hdf") if not os.path.isfile(datafile): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{datafile} does not exist.") # Open the ShakeMapOutputContainer and extract the data container = ShakeMapOutputContainer.load(datafile) # get all of the grid layers and the geodict if container.getDataType() != "grid": raise NotImplementedError( "coverage module can only function on " "gridded data, not sets of points" ) imtlist = container.getIMTs() for imtype in imtlist: component, imtype = imtype.split("/") fileimt = oq_to_file(imtype) oqimt = imt.from_string(imtype) imtdict = container.getIMTGrids(imtype, component) grid_data = imtdict["mean"] metadata = imtdict["mean_metadata"] if imtype == "MMI": description = ("Modified Mercalli Intensity",) property_id = ( "", ) # noqa decimals = 1 elif imtype == "PGA": description = ("Peak Ground Acceleration",) units = 'natural logarithm of "g"' symbol = "ln(g)" decimals = 2 elif imtype == "PGV": description = ("Peak Ground Velocity",) units = "natural logarithm of centimeters per second" symbol = "ln(cm/s)" decimals = 2 elif imtype.startswith("SA"): description = (str(oqimt.period) + "-second Spectral Acceleration",) units = 'natural logarithm of "g"' symbol = "ln(g)" decimals = 2 else: raise TypeError("Unknown IMT in coverage module") for i in range(3): if i == 0: resolution = "high" fgrid = grid_data decimation = 1 elif i == 1: resolution = "medium" fgrid = gaussian_filter(grid_data, sigma=1) decimation = 2 elif i == 2: resolution = "low" fgrid = gaussian_filter(grid_data, sigma=2) decimation = 4 rgrid = fgrid[::decimation, ::decimation] ny, nx = rgrid.shape rnd_grd = np.flipud(np.around(rgrid, decimals=decimals)).flatten() if imtype == "MMI": rnd_grd = np.clip(rnd_grd, 1.0, 10.0) xstart = metadata["xmin"] xstop = metadata["xmin"] + (nx - 1) * decimation * metadata["dx"] ystart = metadata["ymin"] ystop = metadata["ymin"] + (ny - 1) * decimation * metadata["dy"] coverage = { "type": "Coverage", "domain": { "type": "Domain", "domainType": "Grid", "axes": { "x": {"start": xstart, "stop": xstop, "num": nx}, "y": {"start": ystart, "stop": ystop, "num": ny}, }, "referencing": [ { "coordinates": ["x", "y"], "system": { "type": "GeographicCRS", "id": "", # noqa }, } ], }, "parameters": { imtype: { "type": "Parameter", "description": {"en": description}, "observedProperty": { "id": property_id, "label": {"en": imtype}, }, } }, "ranges": { imtype: { "type": "NdArray", "dataType": "float", "axisNames": ["y", "x"], "shape": [ny, nx], "values": rnd_grd.tolist(), } }, } if imtype == "MMI": coverage["parameters"]["MMI"]["preferredPalette"] = { "colors": [ "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "rgb(191, 204, 255)", "rgb(160, 230, 255)", "rgb(128, 255, 255)", "rgb(122, 255, 147)", "rgb(255, 255, 0)", "rgb(255, 200, 0)", "rgb(255, 145, 0)", "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "rgb(200, 0, 0)", ], "extent": [0, 10], "interpolation": "linear", } else: coverage["parameters"][imtype]["unit"] = { "label": {"en": units}, "symbol": { "value": symbol, "type": "", }, } if component == "GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL": fname = f"coverage_{fileimt}_{resolution}_res.covjson" else: fname = f"coverage_{fileimt}_{resolution}_{component}_res.covjson" filepath = os.path.join(datadir, fname) with open(filepath, "w") as outfile: json.dump(coverage, outfile, separators=(",", ":")) self.contents.addFile( imtype + "_" + resolution + "_res_coverage", resolution + "-res " + imtype.upper() + " Coverage", "Coverage of " + resolution + " resolution " + imtype, fname, "application/json", ) container.close()