Source code for shakemap.coremods.gridxml

# stdlib imports
import os.path
import logging
from datetime import datetime
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

# third party imports
import numpy as np
from import ShakeMapOutputContainer
from impactutils.rupture import constants
from mapio.shake import ShakeGrid
from mapio.geodict import GeoDict

# local imports
from .base import CoreModule, Contents
from shakemap.utils.config import get_config_paths
import shakemap

def _oq_to_gridxml(oqimt):
    Convert openquake IMT nomenclature to grid.xml friendly form.

    Note: The grid.xml form only handles periods up to 9.9, after
    that there is no way to tell the difference between 10.0 and 1.0.

    SA(1.0) (Spectral Acceleration at 1 second) -> PSA10
    SA(0.3) (Spectral Acceleration at 0.3 second) -> PSA03
    SA(15.0) (Spectral Acceleration at 15 seconds) -> NOT SUPPORTED
    SA(3) (Spectral Acceleration at 3 seconds) -> PSA30
    SA(.5) (Spectral Acceleration at 0.5 seconds) -> PSA05

        oqimt (str): Openquake IMT nomenclature string.
        str: grid.xml friendly IMT string.
        ValueError: when there is no corresponding filename-friendly
            IMT representation, or when frequency exceeds 9.9.
    if oqimt in ["PGA", "PGV", "MMI"]:
        return oqimt
    float_pattern = r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+"
    periods = re.findall(float_pattern, oqimt)
    if not len(periods):
        fmt = 'IMT string "%s" has no file-name friendly representation.'
        raise ValueError(fmt % oqimt)
    period = periods[0]
    if period.find(".") < 0:
        integer = period
        fraction = "0"
        integer, fraction = period.split(".")
        if not len(integer):
            integer = "0"
    if int(integer) >= 10:
        raise ValueError("Periods >= than 10 seconds not supported.")
    fileimt = f"PSA{integer}{fraction}"
    return fileimt

[docs]class GridXMLModule(CoreModule): """ gridxml -- Create grid.xml and uncertainty.xml files from shake_result.hdf. """ command_name = "gridxml" targets = [r"products/grid\.xml", r"products/uncertainty\.xml"] dependencies = [("products/shake_result.hdf", True)] def __init__(self, eventid): super(GridXMLModule, self).__init__(eventid) self.contents = Contents("XML Grids", "gridxml", eventid)
[docs] def execute(self): """Create grid.xml and uncertainty.xml files. Raises: NotADirectoryError: When the event data directory does not exist. FileNotFoundError: When the the shake_result HDF file does not exist. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) install_path, data_path = get_config_paths() datadir = os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, "current", "products") if not os.path.isdir(datadir): raise NotADirectoryError(f"{datadir} is not a valid directory.") datafile = os.path.join(datadir, "shake_result.hdf") if not os.path.isfile(datafile): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{datafile} does not exist.") # Open the ShakeMapOutputContainer and extract the data container = ShakeMapOutputContainer.load(datafile) # get all of the grid layers and the geodict if container.getDataType() != "grid": raise NotImplementedError( "gridxml module can only function on " "gridded data, not sets of points" ) components = container.getComponents() for component in components: xml_types = ["grid", "uncertainty"] for xml_type in xml_types: layers = OrderedDict() field_keys = OrderedDict() gridnames = container.getIMTs(component) for gridname in gridnames: imt_field = _oq_to_gridxml(gridname) imtdict = container.getIMTGrids(gridname, component) if xml_type == "grid": grid_data = imtdict["mean"] metadata = imtdict["mean_metadata"] elif xml_type == "uncertainty": grid_data = imtdict["std"] metadata = imtdict["std_metadata"] units = metadata["units"] digits = metadata["digits"] # convert from HDF units to legacy grid.xml units if xml_type == "grid": if units == "ln(cm/s)": grid_data = np.exp(grid_data) units = "cm/s" elif units == "ln(g)": grid_data = np.exp(grid_data) * 100 units = "%g" else: pass if xml_type == "grid": layers[imt_field] = grid_data field_keys[imt_field] = (units, digits) else: layers["STD" + imt_field] = grid_data field_keys["STD" + imt_field] = (units, digits) if xml_type == "grid": grid_data, _ = container.getArray([], "vs30") units = "m/s" digits = metadata["digits"] layers["SVEL"] = grid_data field_keys["SVEL"] = (units, digits) geodict = GeoDict(metadata) config = container.getConfig() # event dictionary info = container.getMetadata() event_info = info["input"]["event_information"] event_dict = {} event_dict["event_id"] = event_info["event_id"] event_dict["magnitude"] = float(event_info["magnitude"]) event_dict["depth"] = float(event_info["depth"]) event_dict["lat"] = float(event_info["latitude"]) event_dict["lon"] = float(event_info["longitude"]) try: event_dict["event_timestamp"] = datetime.strptime( event_info["origin_time"], constants.TIMEFMT ) except ValueError: event_dict["event_timestamp"] = datetime.strptime( event_info["origin_time"], constants.ALT_TIMEFMT ) event_dict["event_description"] = event_info["location"] event_dict["event_network"] = info["input"]["event_information"][ "eventsource" ] event_dict["intensity_observations"] = info["input"][ "event_information" ]["intensity_observations"] event_dict["seismic_stations"] = info["input"]["event_information"][ "seismic_stations" ] if info["input"]["event_information"]["fault_ref"] == "Origin": event_dict["point_source"] = "True" else: event_dict["point_source"] = "False" # shake dictionary shake_dict = {} shake_dict["event_id"] = event_dict["event_id"] shake_dict["shakemap_id"] = event_dict["event_id"] shake_dict["shakemap_version"] = info["processing"][ "shakemap_versions" ]["map_version"] shake_dict["code_version"] = shakemap.__version__ ptime = info["processing"]["shakemap_versions"]["process_time"] try: shake_dict["process_timestamp"] = datetime.strptime( ptime, constants.TIMEFMT ) except ValueError: shake_dict["process_timestamp"] = datetime.strptime( ptime, constants.ALT_TIMEFMT ) shake_dict["shakemap_originator"] = config["system"]["source_network"] shake_dict["map_status"] = config["system"]["map_status"] shake_dict["shakemap_event_type"] = "ACTUAL" if event_dict["event_id"].endswith("_se"): shake_dict["shakemap_event_type"] = "SCENARIO" shake_grid = ShakeGrid( layers, geodict, event_dict, shake_dict, {}, field_keys=field_keys ) if component == "GREATER_OF_TWO_HORIZONTAL": fname = os.path.join(datadir, f"{xml_type}.xml") else: fname = os.path.join(datadir, f"{xml_type}_{component}.xml") logger.debug(f"Saving IMT grids to {fname}") # TODO - set grid version number cname = os.path.split(fname)[1] if xml_type == "grid": self.contents.addFile( "xmlGrids", "XML Grid", f"XML grid of {component} ground motions", cname, "text/xml", ) else: self.contents.addFile( "uncertaintyGrids", "Uncertainty Grid", f"XML grid of {component} uncertainties", cname, "text/xml", ) container.close()