Source code for shakemap.coremods.history

# stdlib imports
import os.path
import glob
import logging

# third party imports

# local imports
from .base import CoreModule
from shakemap.utils.logging import get_logging_config
from import ShakeMapOutputContainer
from shakemap.utils.config import get_config_paths

[docs]class HistoryModule(CoreModule): """ history -- Output the version history of an event. """ command_name = "history"
[docs] def execute(self): """ Output the version history of an event. Raises: NotADirectoryError: When the event data directory does not exist. """ _, data_path = get_config_paths() datadir = os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, "current") backups = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, "backup*")) backups.sort(reverse=True) if not os.path.isdir(datadir): raise NotADirectoryError(f"{datadir} is not a valid directory.") # First try the current results file... datafile = os.path.join(datadir, "products", "shake_result.hdf") if os.path.isfile(datafile): # Open the ShakeMapOutputContainer and extract the data container = ShakeMapOutputContainer.load(datafile) try: metadata = container.getMetadata() except LookupError: print("\nNo version history available for this event.\n") return history = metadata["processing"]["shakemap_versions"]["map_data_history"] final = False if len(backups) > 0: last_ver = int(backups[0][-4:]) last_hist = history[-1][2] if last_ver == last_hist: final = True print_history(history, final=final) return # Nope. Are there any backup files? if len(backups) == 0: print("\nNo version history available for this event.\n") return # There should be a results file in the backup directory... datafile = os.path.join( data_path, self._eventid, backups[0], "products", "shake_result.hdf" ) if os.path.isfile(datafile): # Open the ShakeMapOutputContainer and extract the data container = ShakeMapOutputContainer.load(datafile) try: metadata = container.getMetadata() except LookupError: print("\nNo version history available for this event.\n") return history = metadata["processing"]["shakemap_versions"]["map_data_history"] print_history(history, final=True) return print("\nNo version history available for this event.\n") return