Source code for shakemap.coremods.kml

# stdlib imports
import os
import os.path
import zipfile
import shutil
import re

# third party imports
from PIL import Image
from lxml import etree
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.filters import median_filter
import simplekml as skml
import fiona
import as shpreader
from shapely.geometry import shape

# local imports
from mapio.geodict import GeoDict
from import ShakeMapOutputContainer
from .base import CoreModule, Contents
from shakemap.utils.config import get_config_paths
from shakelib.plotting.contour import contour
from impactutils.colors.cpalette import ColorPalette
from mapio.grid2d import Grid2D
from shakemap.c.pcontour import pcontour

OVERLAY_IMG = "ii_overlay.png"
OVERLAY_KML = "overlay.kml"
STATION_KML = "stations.kml"
CONTOUR_KML = "mmi_contour.kml"
POLYGON_KML = "polygons_mi.kml"
KMZ_FILE = "shakemap.kmz"
KML_FILE = "shakemap.kml"
LEGEND = "intensity_legend.png"

LOOKAT_ALTITUDE = 500000  # meters

TRIANGLE = "triangle.png"
CIRCLE = "circle.png"

    "pga": "%g",
    "pgv": "cm/sec",
    "sa(0.3)": "%g",
    "sa(1.0)": "%g",
    "sa(3.0)": "%g",


color_hash = {
    "0": "ffffffff",
    "0.0": "ffffffff",
    "0.1": "ffffffff",
    "0.2": "ffffffff",
    "0.3": "ffffffff",
    "0.4": "ffffffff",
    "0.5": "ffffffff",
    "0.6": "ffffffff",
    "0.7": "ffffffff",
    "0.8": "ffffffff",
    "0.9": "ffffffff",
    "1": "ffffffff",
    "1.0": "ffffffff",
    "1.1": "fffffaf9",
    "1.2": "fffff5f2",
    "1.3": "fffff0ec",
    "1.4": "ffffebe5",
    "1.5": "ffffe5df",
    "1.6": "ffffe0d9",
    "1.7": "ffffdbd2",
    "1.8": "ffffd6cc",
    "1.9": "ffffd1c5",
    "2": "ffffccbf",
    "2.0": "ffffccbf",
    "2.1": "ffffcfbc",
    "2.2": "ffffd1b9",
    "2.3": "ffffd4b6",
    "2.4": "ffffd6b3",
    "2.5": "ffffd9b0",
    "2.6": "ffffdcac",
    "2.7": "ffffdea9",
    "2.8": "ffffe1a6",
    "2.9": "ffffe3a3",
    "3": "ffffe6a0",
    "3.0": "ffffe6a0",
    "3.1": "ffffe99d",
    "3.2": "ffffeb9a",
    "3.3": "ffffee96",
    "3.4": "fffff093",
    "3.5": "fffff390",
    "3.6": "fffff58d",
    "3.7": "fffff88a",
    "3.8": "fffffa86",
    "3.9": "fffffd83",
    "4": "ffffff80",
    "4.0": "ffffff80",
    "4.1": "fff4ff7f",
    "4.2": "ffe9ff7f",
    "4.3": "ffdfff7e",
    "4.4": "ffd4ff7e",
    "4.5": "ffc9ff7d",
    "4.6": "ffbeff7c",
    "4.7": "ffb3ff7c",
    "4.8": "ffa9ff7b",
    "4.9": "ff9eff7b",
    "5": "ff93ff7a",
    "5.0": "ff93ff7a",
    "5.1": "ff84ff87",
    "5.2": "ff76ff95",
    "5.3": "ff67ffa2",
    "5.4": "ff58ffaf",
    "5.5": "ff4affbc",
    "5.6": "ff3bffca",
    "5.7": "ff2cffd7",
    "5.8": "ff1dffe4",
    "5.9": "ff0ffff2",
    "6": "ff00ffff",
    "6.0": "ff00ffff",
    "6.1": "ff00faff",
    "6.2": "ff00f4ff",
    "6.3": "ff00efff",
    "6.4": "ff00e9ff",
    "6.5": "ff00e4ff",
    "6.6": "ff00deff",
    "6.7": "ff00d9ff",
    "6.8": "ff00d3ff",
    "6.9": "ff00ceff",
    "7": "ff00c8ff",
    "7.0": "ff00c8ff",
    "7.1": "ff00c3ff",
    "7.2": "ff00bdff",
    "7.3": "ff00b8ff",
    "7.4": "ff00b2ff",
    "7.5": "ff00adff",
    "7.6": "ff00a7ff",
    "7.7": "ff00a2ff",
    "7.8": "ff009cff",
    "7.9": "ff0097ff",
    "8": "ff0091ff",
    "8.0": "ff0091ff",
    "8.1": "ff0083ff",
    "8.2": "ff0074ff",
    "8.3": "ff0066ff",
    "8.4": "ff0057ff",
    "8.5": "ff0049ff",
    "8.6": "ff003aff",
    "8.7": "ff002cff",
    "8.8": "ff001dff",
    "8.9": "ff000fff",
    "9": "ff0000ff",
    "9.0": "ff0000ff",
    "9.1": "ff0000fa",
    "9.2": "ff0000f4",
    "9.3": "ff0000ef",
    "9.4": "ff0000e9",
    "9.5": "ff0000e4",
    "9.6": "ff0000de",
    "9.7": "ff0000d9",
    "9.8": "ff0000d3",
    "9.9": "ff0000ce",
    "10": "ff0000c8",
    "10.0": "ff0000c8",
    "10.1": "ff0000c6",
    "10.2": "ff0000c3",
    "10.3": "ff0000c1",
    "10.4": "ff0000be",
    "10.5": "ff0000bc",
    "10.6": "ff0000ba",
    "10.7": "ff0000b7",
    "10.8": "ff0000b5",
    "10.9": "ff0000b2",
    "11": "ff0000b0",
    "11.0": "ff0000b0",

arabic2roman = {
    "1": "I",
    "2": "II",
    "3": "III",
    "4": "IV",
    "5": "V",
    "6": "VI",
    "7": "VII",
    "8": "VIII",
    "9": "IX",
    "10": "X",

[docs]class KMLModule(CoreModule): """ kml -- Generate KML/KMZ files for ShakeMap. """ command_name = "kml" targets = [r"products/shakemap\.kmz"] dependencies = [("products/shake_result.hdf", True)] def __init__(self, eventid): """ Instantiate a KMLModule class with an event ID. """ super(KMLModule, self).__init__(eventid) self.contents = Contents("Ground MOtion KMZ File", "kml", eventid)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Create KML files. Raises: NotADirectoryError: When the event data directory does not exist. FileNotFoundError: When the the shake_result HDF file does not exist. """ install_path, data_path = get_config_paths() datadir = os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, "current", "products") if not os.path.isdir(datadir): raise NotADirectoryError(f"{datadir} is not a valid directory.") datafile = os.path.join(datadir, "shake_result.hdf") if not os.path.isfile(datafile): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{datafile} does not exist.") # Open the ShakeMapOutputContainer and extract the data container = ShakeMapOutputContainer.load(datafile) if container.getDataType() != "grid": raise NotImplementedError( "kml module can only contour " "gridded data, not sets of points" ) # call create_kmz function create_kmz(container, datadir, self.logger, self.contents) container.close()
[docs]def create_kmz(container, datadir, logger, contents): # we're going to combine all these layers into one KMZ file. kmz_contents = [] # create the kml text info = container.getMetadata() eid = info["input"]["event_information"]["event_id"] mag = info["input"]["event_information"]["magnitude"] timestr = info["input"]["event_information"]["origin_time"] namestr = f"ShakeMap {eid} M{mag} {timestr}" document = skml.Kml(name=namestr) nlc = skml.NetworkLinkControl(minrefreshperiod=300) document.networklinkcontrol = nlc set_look(document, container) # create intensity overlay logger.debug("Creating intensity overlay...") overlay_image = create_overlay(container, datadir, document) if overlay_image is not None: kmz_contents += [overlay_image] logger.debug(f"Created intensity overlay image {overlay_image}") # create station kml logger.debug("Creating station KML...") triangle_file, circle_file = create_stations(container, datadir, document) kmz_contents += [triangle_file, circle_file] logger.debug("Created station KML") # create contour kml logger.debug("Creating contour KML...") create_contours(container, document) logger.debug("Created contour KML") # create MMI polygon kml logger.debug("Creating polygon KML...") create_polygons(container, document) logger.debug("Created polygon KML") # create epicenter KML logger.debug("Creating epicenter KML...") create_epicenter(container, document) logger.debug("Created epicenter KML") # place ShakeMap legend on the screen legend_file = place_legend(datadir, document) kmz_contents.append(legend_file) # Write the uber-kml file kmlfile = os.path.join(datadir, KML_FILE) kmz_contents.append(kmlfile) # assemble all the pieces into a KMZ file, and delete source files # as we go kmzfile = os.path.join(datadir, KMZ_FILE) kmzip = zipfile.ZipFile(kmzfile, mode="w", compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) for kfile in kmz_contents: _, arcname = os.path.split(kfile) kmzip.write(kfile, arcname=arcname) os.remove(kfile) kmzip.close() ftype = "application/" contents.addFile( "shakemap_kmz", "ShakeMap Overview KMZ", "ShakeMap Overview KMZ.", "shakemap.kmz", ftype, ) logger.debug(f"Wrote KMZ container file {kmzfile}") return kmzfile
[docs]def place_legend(datadir, document): """Place the ShakeMap intensity legend in the upper left corner of the viewer's map. Args: datadir (str): Path to data directory where output KMZ will be written. document (Element): LXML KML Document element. Returns: str: Path to output intensity legend file. """ icon = skml.Icon(href=LEGEND) overlayxy = skml.OverlayXY(x=0, y=90, xunits="pixels", yunits="pixels") screenxy = skml.ScreenXY(x=5, y=1, xunits="pixels", yunits="fraction") size = skml.Size(x=0, y=0, xunits="pixels", yunits="pixels") document.newscreenoverlay( name="Intensity Legend", icon=icon, overlayxy=overlayxy, screenxy=screenxy, size=size, ) # we need to find the legend file and copy it to # the output directory this_dir, _ = os.path.split(__file__) data_path = os.path.join(this_dir, "..", "data", "mapping") legend_file = os.path.join(data_path, LEGEND) legdest = os.path.join(datadir, LEGEND) shutil.copyfile(legend_file, legdest) return legdest
[docs]def create_epicenter(container, document): """Place a star marker at earthquake epicenter. Args: container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): Results of model.conf. document (Element): LXML KML Document element. """ icon = skml.Icon(href=EPICENTER_URL) iconstyle = skml.IconStyle(icon=icon) style = skml.Style(iconstyle=iconstyle) info = container.getMetadata() lon = info["input"]["event_information"]["longitude"] lat = info["input"]["event_information"]["latitude"] point = document.newpoint( name="Earthquake Epicenter", coords=[(lon, lat)], visibility=0 ) = style
[docs]def create_polygons(container, document): component = container.getComponents("MMI") if len(component) == 0: return component = component[0] gdict = container.getIMTGrids("MMI", component) fgrid = median_filter(gdict["mean"], size=10) cont_min = np.floor(np.min(fgrid)) - 0.5 if cont_min < 0: cont_min = 0.5 cont_max = np.ceil(np.max(fgrid)) + 0.5 if cont_max > 10.5: cont_max = 10.5 contour_levels = np.arange(cont_min, cont_max, 1, dtype=np.double) gjson = pcontour( fgrid, gdict["mean_metadata"]["dx"], gdict["mean_metadata"]["dy"], gdict["mean_metadata"]["xmin"], gdict["mean_metadata"]["ymax"], contour_levels, 4, 0, ) folder = document.newfolder(name="MMI Polygons") for feature in gjson["features"]: cv = feature["properties"]["value"] f = folder.newfolder(name=f"MMI {cv:g} Polygons") color = color_hash[f"{cv:g}"] name = f"MMI {cv:g} Polygon" s = skml.PolyStyle(fill=1, outline=0, color=color, colormode="normal") for plist in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"]: ib = [] for i, coords in enumerate(plist): if i == 0: ob = coords else: ib.append(coords) p = f.newpolygon( outerboundaryis=ob, innerboundaryis=ib, name=name, visibility=0 ) = s # Make the polygon labels cont_min = np.floor(np.min(fgrid)) cont_max = np.ceil(np.max(fgrid)) contour_levels = np.arange(cont_min, cont_max, 1, dtype=np.double) gjson = pcontour( fgrid, gdict["mean_metadata"]["dx"], gdict["mean_metadata"]["dy"], gdict["mean_metadata"]["xmin"], gdict["mean_metadata"]["ymax"], contour_levels, 2, 0, ) f = folder.newfolder(name="MMI Labels") ic = skml.IconStyle(scale=0) for feature in gjson["features"]: cv = f"{feature['properties']['value']:g}" if cv.endswith(".5"): continue for coords in feature["geometry"]["coordinates"]: lc = len(coords) if lc < 150: continue if coords[0][0] == coords[-1][0] and coords[0][1] == coords[-1][1]: if lc < 500: dopts = [0, int(lc / 2)] elif lc < 1000: dopts = [0, int(lc / 3), int(2 * lc / 3)] else: dopts = [0, int(lc / 4), int(lc / 2), int(3 * lc / 4)] else: dopts = [int(lc / 2)] for i in dopts: p = f.newpoint(name=arabic2roman[cv], coords=[coords[i]], visibility=0) = ic
[docs]def create_contours(container, document): """Create a KML file containing MMI contour lines. Args: container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): Results of model.conf. datadir (str): Path to data directory where output KMZ will be written. document (Element): LXML KML Document element. """ # TODO - label contours? gx:labelVisibility doesn't seem to be working... folder = document.newfolder(name="Contours", visibility=0) mmi_line_styles = create_line_styles() pgm_line_style = skml.Style(linestyle=skml.LineStyle(width=3)) ic = skml.IconStyle(scale=0) component = list(container.getComponents())[0] imts = container.getIMTs(component) for imt in imts: line_strings = contour( container.getIMTGrids(imt, component), imt, DEFAULT_FILTER_SIZE, None ) # make a folder for the contours imt_folder = folder.newfolder(name=f"{imt} Contours", visibility=0) for line_string in line_strings: if imt == "MMI": val = f"{line_string['properties']['value']:.1f}" else: val = f"{line_string['properties']['value']:g}" line_list = [] for segment in line_string["geometry"]["coordinates"]: ctext = [] for vertex in segment: ctext.append((vertex[0], vertex[1])) ls = skml.LineString(coords=ctext) line_list.append(ls) lc = len(ctext) if lc < 10: dopts = [] elif ctext[0][0] == ctext[-1][0] and ctext[0][1] == ctext[-1][1]: if lc < 30: dopts = [0, int(lc / 2)] elif lc < 60: dopts = [0, int(lc / 3), int(2 * lc / 3)] else: dopts = [0, int(lc / 4), int(lc / 2), int(3 * lc / 4)] else: dopts = [int(lc / 2)] for i in dopts: p = imt_folder.newpoint(name=val, coords=[ctext[i]], visibility=0) = ic mg = imt_folder.newmultigeometry( geometries=line_list, visibility=0, name=f"{imt} {val}" ) if imt == "MMI": = mmi_line_styles[val] else: = pgm_line_style
[docs]def set_look(document, container): """Set the view location, altitude, and angle. Args: document (Element): LXML KML Document element. container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): Results of model.conf. """ # set the view so that we're looking straight down info = container.getMetadata() lon = info["input"]["event_information"]["longitude"] lat = info["input"]["event_information"]["latitude"] document.lookat = skml.LookAt( longitude=lon, latitude=lat, altitude="%i" % LOOKAT_ALTITUDE, altitudemode="absolute", tilt=0, heading=0, )
[docs]def create_line_styles(): """Create line styles for contour KML. Args: """ line_styles = {} cpalette = ColorPalette.fromPreset("mmi") for mmi in np.arange(0, 11, 0.5): pid = f"{mmi:.1f}" rgb = cpalette.getDataColor(mmi, color_format="hex") line_style = skml.LineStyle(color=flip_rgb(rgb), width=2.0) style = skml.Style(linestyle=line_style) line_styles[pid] = style return line_styles
[docs]def create_overlay(container, datadir, document): """Create a KML file and intensity map. Args: container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): Results of model.conf. datadir (str): Path to data directory where output KMZ will be written. document (SubElement): KML document where the overlay tags should go. Returns: tuple: (Path to output KMZ file, Path to output overlay image) """ # create the overlay image file overlay_img_file = os.path.join(datadir, OVERLAY_IMG) geodict = create_overlay_image(container, overlay_img_file) if geodict is None: return None box = skml.LatLonBox( north=geodict.ymax, south=geodict.ymin, east=geodict.xmax, west=geodict.xmin ) icon = skml.Icon(refreshinterval=300, refreshmode="onInterval", href=OVERLAY_IMG) document.newgroundoverlay( name="IntensityOverlay", color="ffffffff", draworder=0, latlonbox=box, icon=icon ) return overlay_img_file
[docs]def create_overlay_image(container, filename): """Create a semi-transparent PNG image of intensity. Args: container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): Results of model.conf. filename (str): Path to desired output PNG file. Returns: GeoDict: GeoDict object for the intensity grid. """ # extract the intensity data from the container comp = container.getComponents("MMI") if len(comp) == 0: return None comp = comp[0] imtdict = container.getIMTGrids("MMI", comp) mmigrid = imtdict["mean"] gd = GeoDict(imtdict["mean_metadata"]) imtdata = mmigrid.copy() rows, cols = imtdata.shape # get the intensity colormap palette = ColorPalette.fromPreset("mmi") # map intensity values into # RGBA array rgba = palette.getDataColor(imtdata, color_format="array") # set the alpha value to 255 wherever we have MMI 0 rgba[imtdata <= 1.5] = 0 if "CALLED_FROM_PYTEST" not in os.environ: # mask off the areas covered by ocean oceans = shpreader.natural_earth( category="physical", name="ocean", resolution="10m" ) bbox = (gd.xmin, gd.ymin, gd.xmax, gd.ymax) with as c: tshapes = list(c.items(bbox=bbox)) shapes = [] for tshp in tshapes: shapes.append(shape(tshp[1]["geometry"])) if len(shapes): oceangrid = Grid2D.rasterizeFromGeometry(shapes, gd, fillValue=0.0) rgba[oceangrid.getData() == 1] = 0 # save rgba image as png img = Image.fromarray(rgba) return gd
[docs]def create_stations(container, datadir, document): """Create a KMZ file containing station KML and necessary icons files. Args: container (ShakeMapOutputContainer): Results of model.conf. datadir (str): Path to data directory where output KMZ will be written. document (Element): LXML KML Document element. Returns: str: Path to output KMZ file. """ # get a color palette object to convert intensity values to # html colors cpalette = ColorPalette.fromPreset("mmi") # get the station data from the container station_dict = container.getStationDict() # Group the MMI and instrumented stations separately mmi_folder = document.newfolder(name="Macroseismic Stations", visibility=0) ins_folder = document.newfolder(name="Instrumented Stations", visibility=0) for station in station_dict["features"]: intensity = get_intensity(station) rgb = cpalette.getDataColor(intensity, color_format="hex") color = flip_rgb(rgb) if station["properties"]["station_type"] == "seismic": style_map = create_styles(document, TRIANGLE, 0.6, 0.8, color) make_placemark(ins_folder, station, cpalette, style_map) else: style_map = create_styles(document, CIRCLE, 0.4, 0.6, color) make_placemark(mmi_folder, station, cpalette, style_map) # we need to find the triangle and circle icons and copy them to # the output directory this_dir, _ = os.path.split(__file__) data_path = os.path.join(this_dir, "..", "data", "mapping") triangle_file = os.path.join(data_path, TRIANGLE) circle_file = os.path.join(data_path, CIRCLE) tridest = os.path.join(datadir, TRIANGLE) cirdest = os.path.join(datadir, CIRCLE) shutil.copyfile(triangle_file, tridest) shutil.copyfile(circle_file, cirdest) return (tridest, cirdest)
[docs]def make_placemark(folder, station, cpalette, style_map): """Create a placemark element in station KML. Args: folder (Element): KML Folder element. station (dict): Dictionary containing station data. cpalette (ColorPalette): Object allowing user to convert MMI to color. style_map (skml.StyleMap): The style map for the station type. """ point = folder.newpoint( name=station["id"], visibility=0, description=get_description_table(station), altitudemode="clampToGround", coords=[tuple(station["geometry"]["coordinates"])], ) point.stylemap = style_map
[docs]def get_intensity(station): """Retrieve the intensity value from a station dictionary. Args: station (dict): Dictionary containing station data. Returns: float: Intensity value. """ intensity = station["properties"]["intensity"] if intensity == "null": channels = [channel["name"] for channel in station["properties"]["channels"]] if "mmi" not in channels: intensity = 0 else: mmi_idx = channels.index("mmi") mmid = station["properties"]["channels"][mmi_idx] intensity = mmid["amplitudes"][0]["value"] return intensity
[docs]def get_description_table(station): """Get station description as HTML table. Args: station (dict): Dictionary containing station data. Returns: str: String containing HTML table describing station. """ table = etree.Element("table", border="1") if station["properties"]["network"] in ["INTENSITY", "DYFI", "CIIM"]: network = "DYFI" else: network = station["properties"]["network"] make_row(table, "Network", network) make_row(table, "Station ID", station["id"]) make_row(table, "Location", station["properties"]["location"]) make_row(table, "Lat", f"{station['geometry']['coordinates'][1]:.4f}") make_row(table, "Lon", f"{station['geometry']['coordinates'][0]:.4f}") make_row(table, "Distance to source", f"{station['properties']['distance']:.2f}") intensity_string = f"{get_intensity(station):.1f}" make_row(table, "Intensity", intensity_string) # get the list of IMTs in the station tag imt_list = [] for channel in station["properties"]["channels"]: for amplitude in channel["amplitudes"]: if amplitude["name"] == "mmi": continue imt_list.append(amplitude["name"]) for imt in imt_list: imt_str = imt_to_string(imt) make_row(table, imt_str, get_imt_text(station, imt)) desc_xml = etree.tostring(table).decode("utf8") return desc_xml
[docs]def imt_to_string(imt): non_spectrals = {"pga": "PGA", "pgv": "PGV"} if imt in non_spectrals: return non_spectrals[imt] period ="\d+\.\d+", imt).group() # noqa imt_string = f"PSA {period} sec" return imt_string
[docs]def make_row(table, key, value): """Create a row in the description table. Args: table (Element): LXML Element for table tag. key (str): Text for left hand column of row. value (str): Text for right hand column of row. """ row = etree.SubElement(table, "tr") row_col1 = etree.SubElement(row, "td") row_col1.text = key row_col2 = etree.SubElement(row, "td") row_col2.text = value
[docs]def get_description(station): """Get station description as HTML definition list. Args: station (dict): Dictionary containing station data. Returns: str: String containing HTML definition list describing station. """ dl = etree.Element("dl") network_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") network_dt.text = "NETWORK:" network_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") if station["properties"]["network"] in ["INTENSITY", "DYFI", "CIIM"]: network_dd.text = "DYFI" else: network_dd.text = station["properties"]["network"] station_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") station_dt.text = "Station ID:" station_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") station_dd.text = station["id"] location_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") location_dt.text = "Location:" location_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") location_dd.text = station["properties"]["location"] lat_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") lat_dt.text = "Lat:" lat_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") lat_dd.text = f"{station['geometry']['coordinates'][1]:.4f}" lon_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") lon_dt.text = "Lon:" lon_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") lon_dd.text = f"{station['geometry']['coordinates'][0]:.4f}" distance_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") distance_dt.text = "Distance to source:" distance_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") distance_dd.text = f"{station['properties']['distance']:.2f}" intensity_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") intensity_dt.text = "Intensity:" intensity_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") intensity_dd.text = f"{get_intensity(station):.1f}" # get the names of all the IMTs # TODO: Get list of IMTs dynamically from the data. pga_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") pga_dt.text = "PGA:" pga_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") pga_dd.text = get_imt_text(station, "pga") pgv_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") pgv_dt.text = "PGV:" pgv_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") pgv_dd.text = get_imt_text(station, "pgv") psa03_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") psa03_dt.text = "PSA 0.3 sec:" psa03_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") psa03_dd.text = get_imt_text(station, "sa(0.3)") psa10_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") psa10_dt.text = "PSA 1.0 sec:" psa10_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") psa10_dd.text = get_imt_text(station, "sa(1.0)") psa30_dt = etree.SubElement(dl, "dt") psa30_dt.text = "PSA 3.0 sec:" psa30_dd = etree.SubElement(dl, "dd") psa30_dd.text = get_imt_text(station, "sa(3.0)") desc_xml = etree.tostring(dl).decode("utf8") return desc_xml
[docs]def get_imt_text(station, imt): """Get a text string describing the value of input IMT. Args: station (dict): Dictionary containing station data. imt (str): IMT string (pga,pgv, sa(0.3), etc.) Returns: str: IMT text string (i.e., "7.1 cm/sec") """ imt_max = -1 units = IMT_UNITS[imt] for channel in station["properties"]["channels"]: if channel["name"].endswith("Z"): continue for amplitude in channel["amplitudes"]: if amplitude["name"] != imt: continue imt_value = amplitude["value"] if imt_value == "null": continue if imt_value > imt_max: imt_max = imt_value if imt_max > -1: imt_text = f"{imt_max:.1f} {units}" else: imt_text = f"nan {units}" return imt_text
[docs]def create_styles(document, icon_text, scale_normal, scale_highlight, color): """Create styles/style maps for station KML. Args: document (Element): LXML KML Document element. """ style_normal = add_icon_style(document, icon_text, scale_normal, 0.0, color) style_highlight = add_icon_style(document, icon_text, scale_highlight, 1.0, color) style_map = skml.StyleMap(normalstyle=style_normal, highlightstyle=style_highlight) return style_map
[docs]def add_icon_style(document, icon_text, icon_scale, label_scale, color): """Create Style tag around Icon in KML. Args: document (Element): LXML KML Document element. icon_text (str): The name of the icon file. icon_scale (float): The icon scale. label_scale (float): The label scale. """ icon = skml.Icon(href=icon_text) icon_style = skml.IconStyle(scale=f"{icon_scale:.1f}", color=color, icon=icon) label_style = skml.LabelStyle(scale=f"{label_scale:.1f}") # list_style = skml.ListStyle(listitemtype='checkHideChildren') balloon_style = skml.BalloonStyle(text="$[description]") # style = skml.Style(iconstyle=icon_style, labelstyle=label_style, # liststyle=list_style, balloonstyle=balloon_style) style = skml.Style( iconstyle=icon_style, labelstyle=label_style, balloonstyle=balloon_style ) return style
[docs]def flip_rgb(rgb): """Reverse order of RGB hex string, prepend 'ff' for transparency. Args: rgb: RGB hex string (#E1C2D3) Returns: str: ABGR hex string (#ffd3c2e1). """ # because Google decided that colors in KML should be # specified as ABGR instead of RGBA, we have to reverse the # sense of our color. # so given #E1C2D3, (red E1, green C2, blue D3) convert to #ffd3c2e1 # where the first hex pair is transparency and the others are in # reverse order. abgr = rgb.replace("#", "") abgr = "#FF" + abgr[4:6] + abgr[2:4] + abgr[0:2] abgr = abgr.lower() return abgr