Source code for

Parse STREC output and create/select a GMPE set for an event.
# stdlib imports
import os.path
import shutil
from collections import OrderedDict
import textwrap
import json

# third party imports
from configobj import ConfigObj
from impactutils.rupture.origin import Origin

# local imports
from .base import CoreModule
import shakemap.utils.config as cfg
from shakemap.utils.probs import get_weights
from shakemap.utils.layers import validate_config, update_config_regions

[docs]class SelectModule(CoreModule): """ select - Parse STREC output, make a GMPE set, create model_select.conf. """ command_name = "select" targets = [r"model_select\.conf"] dependencies = [("event.xml", True), ("source.text", False)] configs = ["select.conf"]
[docs] def execute(self): """ Parses the output of STREC in accordance with the configuration file, creates a new GMPE set specific to the event, and writes model_select.conf in the event's 'current' directory. Configuration file: select.conf Raises: NotADirectoryError -- the event's current directory doesn't exist FileNotFoundError -- the event.xml file doesn't exist ValidateError -- problems with the configuration file RuntimeError -- various problems matching the event to a gmpe set """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the install and data paths and verify that the even directory # exists # --------------------------------------------------------------------- install_path, data_path = cfg.get_config_paths() datadir = os.path.join(data_path, self._eventid, "current") if not os.path.isdir(datadir): raise NotADirectoryError(f"{datadir} is not a valid directory") # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Open event.xml and make an Origin object # --------------------------------------------------------------------- eventxml = os.path.join(datadir, "event.xml") if not os.path.isfile(eventxml): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{eventxml} does not exist.") momentfile = os.path.join(datadir, "moment.xml") if not os.path.isfile(momentfile): momentfile = None sourcefile = os.path.join(datadir, "source.txt") if not os.path.isfile(sourcefile): sourcefile = None org = Origin.fromFile(eventxml, sourcefile=sourcefile, momentfile=momentfile) # # Clear away results from previous runs # products_path = os.path.join(datadir, "products") if os.path.isdir(products_path): shutil.rmtree(products_path, ignore_errors=True) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get config file from install_path/config, parse and # validate it # --------------------------------------------------------------------- config = ConfigObj(os.path.join(install_path, "config", "select.conf")) global_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "shakemap_data") validate_config(config, install_path, data_path, global_data_path) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Search through all custom regions, and the first one that we are # inside of, take its tectonic region config stuff and replace the # default tectonic regions. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- config = update_config_regions(, org.lon, config) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get the default weighting for this event # --------------------------------------------------------------------- gmmdict, strec_results = get_weights(org, config) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Write the strec results out to a JSON file. # --------------------------------------------------------------------- jsonfile = os.path.join(datadir, "strec_results.json") with open(jsonfile, "wt") as f: json.dump(strec_results.to_dict(), f) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create ConfigObj object for output to model_select.conf # --------------------------------------------------------------------- zc_file = os.path.join(datadir, "model_select.conf") zc_conf = ConfigObj(indent_type=" ") zc_conf.filename = zc_file zc_conf.initial_comment = textwrap.wrap( "This file (model_select.conf) is generated automatically by the " "'select' coremod. It will be completely overwritten the next " "time select is run. To preserve these settings, or to modify " "them, copy this file to a file called 'model.conf' in the " "event's current directory. That event-specific model.conf will " "be used and model_select.conf will be ignored. (To avoid " "confusion, you should probably delete this comment section " "from your event-specific model.conf.)", width=75, ) # # Add the new gmpe set to the object # gmpe_set = "gmpe_" + str(self._eventid) + "_custom" zc_conf["gmpe_sets"] = OrderedDict( [ ( gmpe_set, OrderedDict( [ ("gmpes", list(gmmdict["gmpelist"])), ("weights", list(gmmdict["weightlist"])), ("weights_large_dist", "None"), ("dist_cutoff", "nan"), ("site_gmpes", "None"), ("weights_site_gmpes", "None"), ] ), ) ] ) # # Set gmpe to use the new gmpe set # zc_conf["modeling"] = OrderedDict( [("gmpe", gmpe_set), ("mechanism", strec_results["FocalMechanism"])] ) if gmmdict["ipe"]: zc_conf["modeling"]["ipe"] = gmmdict["ipe"] if gmmdict["gmice"]: zc_conf["modeling"]["gmice"] = gmmdict["gmice"] if gmmdict["ccf"]: zc_conf["modeling"]["ccf"] = gmmdict["ccf"] zc_conf.write()