Source code for shakemap.utils.config

# stdlib imports
import os
import os.path
import sys
# This is what we want (for Python 2.9 and beyond):
# import importlib.resources as importlib_resources
# but this is what we need to support Py 2.8:
import pkg_resources
import logging
import glob

# third party libraries
import numpy as np
from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors, get_extra_values
from validate import Validator, ValidateError

[docs]def get_data_path(): """ Return the path to the shakemap package data directory holding modelspec.conf, the template config files, and the example config files. Returns: str: The full path to the data directory. """ # This is what we want (for Python 2.9 and beyond): # return importlib_resources.files("shakemap") / "data" # but this is what we need to support Py 2.8: return pkg_resources.resource_filename('shakemap', 'data')
[docs]def get_configspec(config=None): """ Returns the full path to a ShakeMap config spec file. Args: config (str): Name of config spec to find, or None. Returns: str: The path to a config spec, or """ if config is None: return os.path.join(get_data_path(), "modelspec.conf") fname = os.path.join(get_data_path(), f"{config}spec.conf") if not os.path.isfile(fname): raise FileNotFoundError(f'No file "{fname}" exists.') return fname
[docs]def get_config_paths(): """ Returns two paths based on the currently selected profile in the user's ~/.shakemap/profile.conf: 1) the path to the ShakeMap installation directory; 2) the path to the data directory. If this function is called within a pytest process, it will return the paths to the repository's test install and data directories. Returns: tuple: The paths to the ShakeMap install directory and the data directory. Raises: FileNotFoundError -- if the profile file can't be found. ValueError -- If the correct profile can't be foun in profiles.conf. """ if "CALLED_FROM_PYTEST" in os.environ: base_path = os.path.join(get_data_path(), "..", "..", "tests", "data") install = os.path.join(base_path, "install") data = os.path.join(base_path, "eventdata") else: config_file = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), ".shakemap", "profiles.conf" ) if not os.path.isfile(config_file): raise FileNotFoundError( "Can't find a profile file: " "have you run sm_profile?" ) config = ConfigObj(config_file, encoding="utf-8-sig") config = check_profile_config(config) profile_name = config["profile"] if not profile_name or profile_name == "None": raise ValueError("No profile set in the profiles.conf file") if not config["profiles"] or profile_name not in config["profiles"]: raise ValueError("Profile %s not found in list of profiles") profile = config["profiles"][profile_name] install = profile["install_path"] data = profile["data_path"] return (install, data)
[docs]def get_model_config(install_path, datadir, logger): # # Look for global configs in install_path/config # spec_file = get_configspec() validator = get_custom_validator() logger.debug("Looking for configuration files...") modules = ConfigObj( os.path.join(install_path, "config", "modules.conf"), configspec=spec_file ) gmpe_sets = ConfigObj( os.path.join(install_path, "config", "gmpe_sets.conf"), configspec=spec_file ) global_config = ConfigObj( os.path.join(install_path, "config", "model.conf"), configspec=spec_file ) # # this is the event specific model.conf (may not be present) # prefer model.conf to model_select.conf # event_config_file = os.path.join(datadir, "model.conf") event_config_zc_file = os.path.join(datadir, "model_select.conf") if os.path.isfile(event_config_file): event_config = ConfigObj(event_config_file, configspec=spec_file) elif os.path.isfile(event_config_zc_file): event_config = ConfigObj(event_config_zc_file, configspec=spec_file) else: event_config = ConfigObj() # # start merging event_config # global_config.merge(event_config) global_config.merge(modules) global_config.merge(gmpe_sets) results = global_config.validate(validator) if not isinstance(results, bool) or not results: config_error(global_config, results) check_config(global_config, logger) return global_config
[docs]def path_macro_sub(s, ip="", dp="", gp="", ei=""): """ Replace macros with current paths: - <INSTALL_DIR> is replaced with the contents of ip - <DATA_DIR> is replaced with the contents of dp - <GLOBAL_DATA> is replaced with the contents of gp - <EVENT_ID> is replaced with the contents of ei e.g., path_macro_sub("<INSTALL_DIR>/<DATA_DIR>", "hello", "world") would return "hello/world". It is not an error if the original string does not contain one or any of the substitution strings. Args: s (str): The string into which the replacements are made. ip (str): The string with which to replace <INSTALL_DIR>. dp (str): The string with which to replace <DATA_DIR>. gp (str): The string with which to replace <GLOBAL_DATA>. ei (str): The string with which to replace <EVENT_ID>. Returns: str: A new string with the sub-string replacements. """ s = s.replace("<INSTALL_DIR>", ip) s = s.replace("<DATA_DIR>", dp) s = s.replace("<GLOBAL_DATA>", gp) s = s.replace("<EVENT_ID>", ei) return s
[docs]def get_custom_validator(): """ Returns a validator suitable for validating the ShakeMap config files. Returns: :class:`Validator`: A Validator object. """ fdict = { "file_type": file_type, "directory_type": directory_type, "annotatedfloat_type": annotatedfloat_type, "nanfloat_type": nanfloat_type, "nanfloat_list": nanfloat_list, "gmpe_list": gmpe_list, "weight_list": weight_list, "extent_list": extent_list, "status_string": status_string, } validator = Validator(fdict) return validator
[docs]def config_error(config, results): """ Parse the results of a ConfigObj validation and log the errors. Throws a RuntimeError exception upon completion if any errors or missing sections are encountered. Args: config (ConfigObj): The ConfigObj instance representing the parsed config. results (dict): The dictionary returned by the validation of the 'config' arguments. Returns: Nothing: Nothing Raises: RuntimeError: Should always raise this exception. """ errs = 0 for (section_list, key, _) in flatten_errors(config, results): if key is not None: logging.error( 'The "%s" key in the section "%s" failed validation' % (key, ", ".join(section_list)) ) errs += 1 else: logging.error( f"The following section was missing:{', '.join(section_list)} " ) errs += 1 if errs: raise RuntimeError( "There %s %d %s in configuration." % ("was" if errs == 1 else "were", errs, "error" if errs == 1 else "errors") )
[docs]def check_extra_values(config, logger): """ Checks the config and warns the user if there are any extra entries in their config file. This function is based on suggested usage in the ConfigObj manual. Args: config (ConfigObj): A ConfigObj instance. logger (logger): The logger to which to write complaints. Returns: Nothing: Nothing. """ warnings = 0 for sections, name in get_extra_values(config): # this code gets the extra values themselves the_section = config for section in sections: the_section = the_section[section] # the_value may be a section or a value the_value = the_section[name] section_or_value = "value" if isinstance(the_value, dict): # Sections are subclasses of dict section_or_value = "section" section_string = ", ".join(sections) or "top level" logger.warning( "Extra entry in section: %s: %s %r is not in spec." % (section_string, section_or_value, name) ) warnings += 1 if warnings: logger.warning( "The extra value(s) may be the result of deprecated " "entries or other changes to the config files; please " "check the conifg files in shakemap/data for the most " "up to date specs." )
[docs]def check_config(config, logger): """ Checks that the gmpe, gmice, ipe, and ccf parameters in config are defined in their respective sections. Raises a ValidateError exception if an error is encountered. Args: config (ConfigObj): A ConfigObj instance. logger (logger): The logger to which to write complaints. Returns: Nothing: Nothing. """ if config["modeling"]["gmpe"] not in config["gmpe_sets"]: logger.error( f"Configuration error: gmpe {config['modeling']['gmpe']} not in gmpe_sets" ) raise ValidateError() if config["modeling"]["gmice"] not in config["gmice_modules"]: logger.error( "Configuration error: gmice %s not in gmice_modules" % (config["modeling"]["gmice"]) ) raise ValidateError() if config["modeling"]["ipe"] not in config["ipe_modules"]: logger.error( f"Configuration error: ipe {config['modeling']['ipe']} not in ipe_modules" ) raise ValidateError() if config["modeling"]["ccf"] not in config["ccf_modules"]: logger.error( f"Configuration error: ccf {config['modeling']['ccf']} not in ccf_modules" ) raise ValidateError()
[docs]def check_all_configs(configdir): data_path = get_data_path() specfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_path, "*spec*.conf")) missing_files = [] issues = {} exceptions = [] val = get_custom_validator() for tspecfile in specfiles: _, specfile = os.path.split(tspecfile) configfile = os.path.join(configdir, specfile.replace("spec", "")) if not os.path.isfile(configfile): missing_files.append(configfile) continue config = ConfigObj(configfile, configspec=tspecfile, interpolation=False) try: results = config.validate(val, preserve_errors=True) except Exception as e: exceptions.append(str(e)) if not isinstance(results, bool): # results = flatten_errors(config, results) issues[specfile] = results return (missing_files, issues, exceptions)
[docs]def nanfloat_type(value): """ Checks to see if value is a float, or NaN, nan, Inf, -Inf, etc. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A string representing a float NaN or Inf. Returns: float: The input value converted to its float equivalent. """ try: out = float(value) except ValueError: raise ValidateError(value) return out
[docs]def annotatedfloat_type(value): """ Checks to see if value is a float, or a float with a 'c', 'm', or 'd' appended. Then converts the value to decimal degrees where an unadorned float or a float plus 'd' is interpreted as decimal degrees, 'm' is interpreted as arc-minutes, and 'c' is interpreted as arc-seconds. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A string representing a float or a float appended with 'd', 'm', or 'c' (for degrees, minutes, seconds). Returns: float: The input value converted to decimal degrees. """ try: out = float(value) except ValueError: try: if value.endswith("c"): out = float(value.replace("c", "")) / 3600.0 elif value.endswith("m"): out = float(value.replace("m", "")) / 60.0 elif value.endswith("d"): out = float(value.replace("d", "")) else: raise ValidateError(value) except Exception: raise ValidateError(value) return out
[docs]def weight_list(value, min): """ Checks to see if value is a list of floats at least min elements long, and whose values add up to 1.0. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A string representing a list of floats. Returns: list: The input string converted to a list of floats. """ if isinstance(value, str) and value == "None": if int(min) == 0: return [] else: logging.error( "list must contain at least %d entr%s" % (min, "ies" if int(min) != 1 else "y") ) raise ValidateError() if isinstance(value, str): if value.startswith("[") and value.endswith("]"): value = value.replace("[", "") value = value.replace("]", "") if not value: if int(min) == 0: value = [] else: logging.error( "list must contain at least %d entr%s" % (min, "ies" if int(min) != 1 else "y") ) raise ValidateError() else: value = [value] if len(value) < int(min): logging.error( "list must contain at least %d entr%s" % (min, "ies" if int(min) != 1 else "y") ) raise ValidateError() try: out = [float(a) for a in value] except ValueError: logging.error(f"{value} is not a list of floats") raise ValidateError() np_out = np.array(out) if np.any(np_out < 0): logging.error(f"all list values must be >= 0: {value}") raise ValidateError() if len(out) > 0 and np.abs(np.sum(np_out) - 1.0) > 0.01: logging.error(f"weights must sum to 1.0: {value}") raise ValidateError() return out
[docs]def nanfloat_list(value, min): """ Checks to see if value is a list of floats, including NaN and Inf. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A string representing a list of floats. Returns: list: The input string converted to a list of floats. """ min = int(min) if isinstance(value, str) and (value == "None" or value == "[]"): value = [] if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] if isinstance(value, list) and not value: value = [] if not isinstance(value, list): logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list") raise ValidateError() if len(value) < min: logging.error("extent list must contain %i entries" % min) raise ValidateError() try: out = [float(a) for a in value] except ValueError: logging.error("%s is not a list of %i floats" % (value, min)) raise ValidateError() return out
[docs]def gmpe_list(value, min): """ Checks to see if value is a list of strings at least min elements long. The entries are not checked for their validity as GMPEs. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A string representing a list of GMPEs. Returns: list: The input string converted to a list of GMPEs. """ if value == "None" or value == "[]": value = [] if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list) or len(value) < int(min): logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list of at least {min} gmpes") raise ValidateError() for gmpe in value: if not isinstance(gmpe, str): logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list of strings") raise ValidateError() return value
[docs]def extent_list(value): """ Checks to see if value is an empty list or a list of four floats, whose values are valid coordinates in (longitude, longitude, latitude, latitude) order. Returns a list upon success; raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A string representing a list of geographic coordinates. Returns: list: The input string converted to a list of floats. """ if isinstance(value, str) and (value == "None" or value == "[]"): return [] if isinstance(value, list) and not value: return [] if not isinstance(value, list): logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list of 4 coordinates") raise ValidateError() if len(value) != 4: logging.error("extent list must contain 4 entries") raise ValidateError() try: out = [float(a) for a in value] except ValueError: logging.error(f"{value} is not a list of 4 floats") raise ValidateError() if ( out[0] < -360.0 or out[0] > 360.0 or out[2] < -360.0 or out[2] > 360.0 or out[1] < -90.0 or out[1] > 90.0 or out[3] < -90.0 or out[3] > 90.0 ): logging.error( f"Invalid extent: {value} (-360 <= longitude <= 360, -90 <= latitude <= 90)" ) raise ValidateError() return out
[docs]def file_type(value): """ Checks to see if value is a valid file or an empty string. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Does macro substitution of <INSTALL_DIR>, <DATA_DIR>, and <GLOBAL_DATA_DIR>. Args: value (str): A string representing the path to a file. Returns: str: The input string. """ if not value or value == "None": return "" ip, dp = get_config_paths() gp = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "shakemap_data") value = path_macro_sub(value, ip=ip, dp=dp, gp=gp) if not os.path.isfile(value): logging.error(f"file '{value}' is not a valid file") raise ValidateError(value) return value
[docs]def directory_type(value): """ Checks to see if value is a valid directory or an empty string. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Does macro substitution of <INSTALL_DIR>, <DATA_DIR>, and <GLOBAL_DATA_DIR>. Args: value (str): A string representing the path to a directory. Returns: str: The input string. """ if not value or value == "None": return "" ip, dp = get_config_paths() gp = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "shakemap_data") value = path_macro_sub(value, ip=ip, dp=dp, gp=gp) if not os.path.isdir(value): raise ValidateError(value) return value
[docs]def status_string(value, min): """ Checks to see if value is one of the ShakeMap status string of 'automatic', 'released', or 'reviewed. Raises a ValidateError exception on failure. Args: value (str): A status string. Returns: str: The input string. 'automatic' is returned if value is empty. """ if not value: return "automatic" if value not in ("automatic", "released", "reviewed"): raise ValidateError(value) return value
[docs]def cfg_float_list(value): """ Converts (if possible) the input list (or string) to a list of floats. Raises ValidateError if the input can't be converted to a list of floats. Args: value (str or list): A string or list of strings to be converted to a list of floats. Returns: list: The input converted to a list of floats. Raises: ValidateError """ if not value or value == "None": logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list of at least 1 float") raise ValidateError() if isinstance(value, str): value = [value] if not isinstance(value, list) or len(value) < 1: logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list of at least 1 float") raise ValidateError() fvalue = [] for val in value: try: fval = float(val) except ValueError: logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a list of floats") raise ValidateError() fvalue.append(fval) return fvalue
[docs]def cfg_float(value): """ Converts (if possible) the input string to a float. Raises ValidateError if the input can't be converted to a float. Args: value (str): A string to be converted to a float. Returns: float: The input converted to a float. Raises: ValidateError """ if not isinstance(value, (str, float)) or not value or value == "None": logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a float") raise ValidateError() try: fval = float(value) except ValueError: logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a float") raise ValidateError() return fval
[docs]def cfg_bool(value): """ Converts (if possible) the input string to a bool. Raises ValidateError if the input can't be converted to a bool. Args: value (str): A string to be converted to a bool. Returns: bool: The input converted to a bool. Raises: ValidateError """ if not isinstance(value, (str, bool)) or not value or value == "None": logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a bool") raise ValidateError() try: if value.lower() in ["true", "t", "yes", "y", "1"]: bval = True else: bval = False except ValueError: logging.error(f"'{value}' is not a bool") raise ValidateError() return bval
[docs]def check_profile_config(config): """ Validation checks on the profile config. At least one profile must exist (otherwise exit) and the paths for each profile should exist, otherwise the profile entry is removed. Args: config (ConfigObj): The ConfigObj instance. """ # Check that at least one profile exists if "profiles" not in config: logging.error( 'There are currently no profiles. Use "sm_profile ' '-c <profile>" to create one.' ) sys.exit(1) # Check that the paths for each profile exist for profile in config["profiles"].keys(): data_exists = os.path.isdir(config["profiles"][profile]["data_path"]) delete_profile = False if not data_exists: logging.warn(f"Data path for profile {profile} does not exist.") delete_profile = True install_exists = os.path.isdir(config["profiles"][profile]["install_path"]) if not install_exists: logging.warn(f"Install path for profile {profile} does not exist.") delete_profile = True if delete_profile: logging.warn(f" Deleting profile {profile}.") del config["profiles"][profile] config.write() return config