Source code for shakemap.utils.dependencies

import os.path
import hashlib
import sqlite3
import glob
import re
import logging

from shakemap.utils.config import get_config_paths

[docs]def sha_sum(fname): """Returns the sha256 checksum of a file. Args: fname (str): Path to a file. Returns: str: The sha256 checksum as a hex string. """ hasher = hashlib.sha256() with open(fname, "rb") as fd: for block in iter(lambda:, b""): hasher.update(block) return hasher.hexdigest()
[docs]class DepNode(object): """A helper class to create a dependency tree made up of "nodes" with parents, children, and data. """ def __init__(self, deps, cmd, child=None): """Create a new node. When called without a child node, this will be the root node of a tree. When called with a child, this node will be a parent of the child node. Args: deps (list): A list of (file, required (bool)) that are the dependencies of cmd. cmd (str): The name of the ShakeMap coremod command. child (class DepNode): The child of the created node; if None, the node will be the root node of a tree. """ self._deps = deps self._cmd = cmd self._child = child self._parents = [] self._level = 0 if child is not None: self._level = child._level + 1 child._parents.append(self)
[docs] def parents(self): """Returns the parents of the calling node. Args: none Returns: list: Returns a list of parent nodes of the calling node. """ return self._parents
[docs] def child(self): """Returns the child of the calling node. Args: none Returns: class DepNode or None: Returns the child node of the calling node or None if the calling node is the root. """ return self._child
[docs] def deps(self): """Returns the dependency list of the calling node. Args: none Returns: list: A list of (file (str), required (bool)) tuples that are the dependencies of the node's cmd. """ return self._deps
[docs] def cmd(self): """Returns the command stored in the calling node. Args: none Returns: str: The command stored in the node. """ return self._cmd
[docs] def level(self): """Returns the tree level of the calling node. Args: none Returns: int: The tree level of the node. """ return self._level
[docs] def getLeaves(self): """Returns all the leaf nodes (i.e., nodes with no parents) in the tree that starts at the calling node. Args: none Returns: list: A list of leaf nodes (i.e., nodes with no parents) in the tree that starts at the calling node. """ if len(self._parents) == 0: return [self] leaves = [] for parent in self._parents: if len(parent._parents) == 0: leaves += [parent] continue leaves += parent.getLeaves() return leaves
[docs]class CommandDatabase(object): """A class to keep track of dependencies.""" def __init__(self, classes, eventid, install_path=None, data_path=None): """ Create a new (or open an exsiting) dependency database for checking the status of command dependencies. Args: classes (dict): A dictionary commands and their associated data as produced by the 'shake' program's _get_command_classes() function. eventid (str): The event ID of the event being processed. Returns: class CommandDatabase: An instance of the CommandDatabase class. """ if install_path is None or data_path is None: install_path, data_path = get_config_paths() event_path = os.path.join(data_path, eventid, "current") self.eventid = eventid self.event_path = event_path # # The "c" database is a temporary in-memory database just for # this run of a particular event # self.cconnect = con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") self.ccursor = cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( """CREATE TABLE dependencies (command text, dependency text, required integer)""" ) con.commit() config_path = os.path.join(install_path, "config") self.targets = {} self.cmdsums = {} dependencies = [] for cmd, cd in classes.items(): if cd["class"].targets is not None: for target in cd["class"].targets: self.targets[cmd] = self.targets.get(cmd, []) + [ re.compile(os.path.join(event_path, target)) ] else: self.targets[cmd] = None if cd["class"].dependencies is not None: for depend in cd["class"].dependencies: dependencies.append( (cmd, os.path.join(event_path, depend[0]), int(depend[1])) ) # Configs are dependencies, too, they just live in a different # directory if cd["class"].configs is not None: for config in cd["class"].configs: dependencies.append((cmd, os.path.join(config_path, config), 1)) self.cmdsums[cmd] = sha_sum(cd["mfile"]) if len(dependencies) > 0: cur.executemany("INSERT into dependencies values (?, ?, ?)", dependencies) con.commit() # # The dependencies.db database keeps track of the state of the # dependencies from previous runs # dbfile = os.path.join(install_path, "data", "dependencies.db") if not os.path.isfile(dbfile): # It doesn't exist, so create it # TODO: Better checking would probably be good here self.fconnect = sqlite3.connect(dbfile, timeout=15) self.fcursor = self.fconnect.cursor() self.fcursor.execute( """CREATE TABLE file_checksums (command text NOT NULL, file text NOT NULL, checksum text, PRIMARY KEY (command, file))""" ) self.fcursor.execute( """CREATE TABLE cmd_checksums (command text NOT NULL, eventid text NOT NULL, checksum text, PRIMARY KEY (command, eventid))""" ) self.fconnect.commit() else: self.fconnect = sqlite3.connect(dbfile, timeout=15) self.fcursor = self.fconnect.cursor() self.fcursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL")
[docs] def close(self): """Closes the object and associated databases""" self.fcursor.close() self.fconnect.close() self.ccursor.close() self.cconnect.close()
[docs] def getDependencyStatus(self, cmd): """Return the status of the specified command and its ancestors. Args: cmd (str): The command name of one of the configured modules for shake (i.e., the "coremods") Returns: list: A list of tuples of type (command, status) where the status is one of: missing-depencencies: the command cannot run because of missing dependencies out-of-date: the dependencies are newer than the output, so the command should be run okay: The output is up to date relative to the dependencies """ tree = self.__buildDependencyTree(cmd) status = self.__getDependencyStatus(tree) return status
def __buildDependencyTree(self, cmd, root=None): """Internal function to build the dependency tree for a command.""" deps = self.__getDependencies(cmd) child = root = DepNode(deps, cmd, root) for fp in deps: fp_exists = len(glob.glob(fp[0])) # If a file is optional and does not exist, we don't want to # force the system to make it. (E.g., we don't want to force # 'select' to run if model_select.conf isn't already there -- # that's the user's choice. if fp[1] == 0 and not fp_exists: continue parent_cmd = self.__findCmd(fp[0]) if parent_cmd: self.__buildDependencyTree(parent_cmd, child) return root def __getDependencyStatus(self, tree): """Internal function to create a list of out-of-date commands.""" status = [] for leaf in tree.getLeaves(): status += self.__traceLeaf(leaf) # Make a list of unique commands, in order from ancestors to # descendents: set() gets the unique elements, sorted() puts # them in proper order based on tree "level", and the list # comprehension extracts the command name into a list. status = [x[0] for x in sorted(set(status), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)] return status def __traceLeaf(self, leaf): """Internal function to produce a list of all commands that are descendents of the leaf argument's command. """ clean = True status = [] while leaf: # # If any command is out of date, all of its descendents are also # out of date -- no need to check their status # if len(status) > 0: status.append((leaf.cmd(), leaf.level())) leaf = leaf.child() continue # # If command is out of date, all descendent commands need to be # rerun; otherwise ok # sql = "SELECT checksum FROM cmd_checksums WHERE command=? AND " "eventid=?" self.fcursor.execute(sql, (leaf.cmd(), self.eventid)) result = self.fcursor.fetchall() if len(result) == 0 or result[0][0] != self.cmdsums[leaf.cmd()]: # command isn't in DB, or file checksum has # changed: need to rerun status.append((leaf.cmd(), leaf.level())) leaf = leaf.child() continue # # If target is missing, the command needs to be run # This is only semi-reliable because it only checks that # at least one of each target pattern is there. # explist = self.targets[leaf.cmd()] if explist is not None: for exp in explist: found_target = False files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.event_path, "*")) files += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.event_path, "products", "*")) for filename in files: if exp.fullmatch(filename): found_target = True break if found_target is False: status.append((leaf.cmd(), leaf.level())) leaf = leaf.child() clean = False break if clean is False: continue # # If dep file is out of date, child command and all descendent # commands need to be rerun # sql = "SELECT checksum FROM file_checksums WHERE command=? " "AND file=?" for pattern, required in leaf.deps(): found = glob.glob(pattern) if len(found) == 0 and required: # Didn't find a required file -- this prevents a run logging.warning(f"Did not find required dependency: {pattern}") clean = False break if len(found) > 0: for fp in found: self.fcursor.execute(sql, (leaf.cmd(), fp)) result = self.fcursor.fetchall() if len(result) == 0 or result[0][0] != sha_sum(fp): # File is a dependency, but isn't in DB, or # file checksum has changed: need to rerun clean = False break if clean is False: break if clean is False: status.append((leaf.cmd(), leaf.level())) leaf = leaf.child() return status
[docs] def updateCommand(self, cmd): """Update the command and dependency checksums of a command that has just been run. Args: cmd (str): The name of the command that has just been run. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ sql = ( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO file_checksums (command, file, " "checksum) values (?, ?, ?)" ) args = [] files = self.__getDependencies(cmd) for fp in files: # Only do dependencies that actually exist efiles = glob.glob(fp[0]) for ef in efiles: csum = sha_sum(ef) args.append((cmd, ef, csum)) if len(args) > 0: self.fcursor.executemany(sql, args) sql = ( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO cmd_checksums (command, eventid, " "checksum) values (?, ?, ?)" ) self.fcursor.execute(sql, (cmd, self.eventid, self.cmdsums[cmd])) self.fconnect.commit() return
def __getDependencies(self, cmd): """Internal function to get the file dependencies of a command.""" self.ccursor.execute( "SELECT dependency, required FROM dependencies WHERE command=?", (cmd,) ) return self.ccursor.fetchall() def __findCmd(self, filepath): """Find the command that produces the target file named by filepath. """ for cmd, explist in self.targets.items(): if explist is None: continue for exp in explist: if exp.fullmatch(filepath): return cmd return None