Source code for shakemap.utils.layers

import glob
import os.path
from functools import partial
import logging

# third party imports
import pyproj
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, MultiPolygon
from shapely.ops import transform
import shapely.wkt
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.geodetic import min_distance_to_segment
from validate import ValidateError

import shakemap.utils.config as config
from shakemap.utils.config import path_macro_sub

# ##########################################################################
# We can't use normal ConfigObj validation because there are
# inconsistent sub-section structures (i.e., acr, scr, and volcanic
# vs. subduction. There are also optional sections with variable
# structure (i.e., the layers). So we do our validation and variable
# conversion here.
# ##########################################################################

[docs]def validate_config(mydict, install_path, data_path, global_data_path): """Recursively validate select.conf. Args: mydict (dict): Full or partial config dictionary. install_path (str): """ for key in mydict: if isinstance(mydict[key], dict): validate_config(mydict[key], install_path, data_path, global_data_path) continue if key == "horizontal_buffer" or key == "vertical_buffer": mydict[key] = config.cfg_float(mydict[key]) elif key == "use_slab": mydict[key] = config.cfg_bool(mydict[key]) elif key == "gmpe": mydict[key] = config.gmpe_list(mydict[key], 1) elif key == "min_depth" or key == "max_depth": mydict[key] = config.cfg_float_list(mydict[key]) elif key == "layer_dir": mydict[key] = path_macro_sub( mydict[key], ip=install_path, dp=data_path, gp=global_data_path ) elif key in ("x1", "x2", "p1", "p2", "p_kagan_default", "default_slab_depth"): mydict[key] = float(mydict[key]) elif key in ("ipe", "gmice", "ccf"): pass else: raise ValidateError(f'Invalid entry in config: "{key}"') return
[docs]def nearest_edge(elon, elat, poly): """ Return the distance from a point to the nearest edge of a polygon. Args: elon (float): The longitude of the reference point. elat (float): The latitude of the reference point. poly (Polygon): An instance of a shapely Polygon. Returns: float: The distance (in km) from the reference point to the nearest edge (or vertex) of the polygon. """ elon_arr = np.array([elon]) elat_arr = np.array([elat]) x, y = poly.exterior.xy nearest = 99999.0 for ix in range(1, len(x) - 1): dd = min_distance_to_segment( np.array(x[ix - 1 : ix + 1]), np.array(y[ix - 1 : ix + 1]), elon_arr, elat_arr, ) if np.abs(dd[0]) < nearest: nearest = np.abs(dd[0]) return nearest
[docs]def dist_to_layer(elon, elat, geom): """ Return the distance from a point to the polygon(s) in a layer; zero if the point is inside the polygon. If the nearest edge of the polygon is greater than 5000 km from the point, the point cannot be inside the polygon and the distance reported will be the distance to the nearest edge. So don't make polygons too big. Args: elon (float): The longitude of the reference point. elat (float): The latitude of the reference point. geom (Polygon or MultiPolygon): An instance of a shapely Polygon or MultiPolygon. Returns: float: The distance (in km) from the reference point to the nearest polygon in the layer. The distance will be zero if the point lies inside the polygon. """ if isinstance(geom, Polygon): plist = [geom] elif isinstance(geom, MultiPolygon): plist = list(geom.geoms) else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid geometry type in layer: {type(geom)}") project = partial( pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(proj="latlong", datum="WGS84"), pyproj.Proj(proj=f"aeqd +lat_0={elat:f} +lon_0={elon:f} +datum=WGS84"), ) ep = Point(0.0, 0.0) min_dist = 99999.0 for poly in plist: nearest = nearest_edge(elon, elat, poly) if nearest < 5000: nearest = ep.distance(transform(project, poly)) / 1000.0 if nearest < min_dist: min_dist = nearest if min_dist == 0: break return min_dist
[docs]def get_layer_distances(elon, elat, layer_dir): """ Return the distances from a point to the nearest polygon in each layer file found in 'layer_dir'. The distance will be zero if the point is inside a polygon. If the nearest edge of a polygon is greater than 5000 km from the point, the point cannot be inside the polygon and the distance reported will be the distance to the nearest edge. So don't make polygons too big. The layer files should be written in Well-Known Text (with .wkt extensions), and should contain either a single POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON object. The layer name will be the file's basename. Args: elon (float): The longitude of the reference point. elat (float): The latitude of the reference point. layer_dir (str): The path to the directory containg the layer files. Returns: dict: A dictionary where the keys are the layer names, and the values are the distance (in km) from the reference point to the nearest polygon in the layer. The distance will be zero if the point lies inside the polygon. """ layer_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(layer_dir, "*.wkt")) dist_dict = {} for file in layer_files: layer_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file))[0] with open(file, "r") as fd: data = geom = shapely.wkt.loads(data) dist_dict[layer_name] = dist_to_layer(elon, elat, geom) return dist_dict
[docs]def update_config_regions(lat, lon, config): min_dist_to_layer = 999999.9 inside_layer_name = None if "layers" in config and "layer_dir" in config["layers"]: layer_dir = config["layers"]["layer_dir"] if layer_dir: geo_layers = get_layer_distances(lon, lat, layer_dir) else: geo_layers = {} for layer in config["layers"]: if layer == "layer_dir": continue if layer not in geo_layers: logging.warn(f"Error: cannot find layer {layer} in {layer_dir}") continue ldist = geo_layers[layer] if ldist < min_dist_to_layer: min_dist_to_layer = ldist if min_dist_to_layer == 0: inside_layer_name = layer break if inside_layer_name is None: return config else: layer_config = config["layers"][inside_layer_name] for region, rdict in layer_config.items(): if region == "horizontal_buffer": continue config["tectonic_regions"][region].update(rdict) return config