Source code for shakemap.utils.macros

# from local imports
# from shakemap.utils.queue import TIMEFMT

# stdlib imports
from datetime import datetime

from impactutils.rupture import constants

DATE_STR_FMT = "%b %d, %Y"

[docs]def get_macros(info): """Return a dictionary containing macros that can be used in shakemail text. Args: info (dict): Dictionary returned from ShakeMapOutputContainer.getMetadata(). Returns: dict: Dictionary containing following fields: - MAG Event magnitude. - LOC Location string. - LAT Event latitude. - LON Event longitude. - DEP Event depth. - DATETIME Event date/time (i.e., 2018-01-18T11:34:25.123456) - DATE Event date (i.e., "Jan 31, 2018") - TIME Event time (i.e., "11:34:23") - VERSION ShakeMap map version (i.e., 1, 2, 3, etc.) - EVENTID Earthquake event ID. - PRODUCT_CODE Unique code describing the ShakeMap product. - NETID Earthquake network ID. """ macros = {} macros["MAG"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["magnitude"] macros["LOC"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["location"] macros["LAT"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["latitude"] macros["LON"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["longitude"] macros["DEP"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["depth"] macros["DATETIME"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["origin_time"] try: dtime = datetime.strptime(macros["DATETIME"], constants.TIMEFMT) except ValueError: dtime = datetime.strptime(macros["DATETIME"], constants.ALT_TIMEFMT) macros["DATE"] = dtime.strftime(DATE_STR_FMT) macros["TIME"] = dtime.strftime(TIME_OF_DAY_FMT) macros["VERSION"] = str(info["processing"]["shakemap_versions"]["map_version"]) macros["EVENTID"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["event_id"] macros["PRODUCT_CODE"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["productcode"] if "netid" in info["input"]["event_information"]: macros["NETID"] = info["input"]["event_information"]["netid"] else: macros["NETID"] = "" return macros