Source code for shakemap.utils.queue

# System imports
import os
import os.path
import socket
import json
from collections import OrderedDict
import sys
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import time as time
import psutil
import copy
import shutil
import logging
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
import subprocess
import shlex
import sqlite3

# Third-party imports
import daemon
import lockfile
from shapely.geometry import Point
from configobj import ConfigObj
from validate import Validator
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from impactutils.rupture.origin import write_event_file
from impactutils.rupture import constants

# Local imports
from shakemap.utils.config import get_config_paths, get_configspec, config_error
from shakemap.utils.amps import AmplitudeHandler

MAX_SIZE = 4096

[docs]def send_queue(command, data, port=9755): """ Send a command and its data to the queue process. Args: command (str): A valid command for the queue (e.g., 'origin'). data (JSON serializable): The data associated with the command. Could be int, float, string, dictionary, list, etc. Must be JSON serializable. Must be less than MAX_SIZE bytes when serialized. Returns: nothing: Nothing Raises: RuntimeError: If the serialized data is larger than MAX_SIZE. OSError: If there is a problem with the socket or connection. TypeError: If the supplied data is not JSON serializable. """ qdata = {"type": command, "data": data} qstr = json.dumps(qdata).encode("utf8") if len(qstr) > MAX_SIZE: raise RuntimeError("Data portion too large") csocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) csocket.connect(("", port)) csocket.send(qstr) csocket.close() return
[docs]def str_to_seconds(tstring): """Convert time strings to seconds. Strings can be of the form: <int> (ninutes) <int>m (minutes) <int>h (hours) <int>d (days) <int>y (years) Args: tstring (str): An integer followed by an (optional) 'm', 'h', 'd', 'y'. Returns int: The number of seconds represented by the input string. If the string is unadorned and represents a negative number, -1 is returned. Raises: ValueError: If the value cannot be converted to seconds. """ if tstring.endswith("m"): secs = 60 * int(tstring.replace("m", "")) elif tstring.endswith("h"): secs = 60 * 60 * int(tstring.replace("h", "")) elif tstring.endswith("d"): secs = 24 * 60 * 60 * int(tstring.replace("d", "")) elif tstring.endswith("y"): secs = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * int(tstring.replace("y", "")) else: secs = 60 * int(tstring) if secs < 0: secs = -1 return secs
[docs]def parse_config(config): """Parse the config object to get usable data. Args: config (ConfigObj object): The result of parsing the file's configuration file. Returns: dict: A cleaned up version of the input. """ if "" in config["servers"]: config["servers"].remove("") if "localhost" not in config["servers"]: config["servers"].append("localhost") config["old_event_age"] = str_to_seconds(config["old_event_age"]) config["future_event_age"] = str_to_seconds(config["future_event_age"]) config["associate_interval"] = str_to_seconds(config["associate_interval"]) config["max_trigger_wait"] = str_to_seconds(config["max_trigger_wait"]) boxes = OrderedDict() for key, value in config["boxes"].items(): coords = [float(x) for x in value.split(",")] mag = coords.pop(0) # The config is in lat, lon order, but wee want lon, lat # so we do the odd indices first coords2 = list(zip(coords[1::2], coords[0::2])) coords2.append(coords2[0]) boxes[key] = {"mag": mag, "poly": Polygon(coords2)} config["boxes"] = boxes repeats = {} for key, value in config["repeats"].items(): tlist = [str_to_seconds(x) for x in value] repeats[float(key)] = tlist config["repeats"] = repeats network_delays = {} for key, value in config["network_delays"].items(): network_delays[key] = str_to_seconds(value) config["network_delays"] = network_delays return config
[docs]def get_config(install_path): """Read the config and get it into a usable state. Args: install_path (str): The install path of the current profile. Returns: dict: A dictionary of configuration data. """ config_file = os.path.join(install_path, "config", "queue.conf") configspec = get_configspec("queue") config = ConfigObj(config_file, configspec=configspec) results = config.validate(Validator()) if not isinstance(results, bool) or not results: config_error(config, results) config = parse_config(config.dict()) return config
[docs]class Queue(object): def __init__(self, pargs): current_time = int(time.time()) self.MEMORY_UPDATE_TIME = current_time self.ASSOCIATE_UPDATE_TIME = current_time self.DB_MAINTENANCE_TIME = current_time self.children = {} self.attached = pargs.attached self.install_path, self.data_path = get_config_paths() self.config = get_config(self.install_path) # # Get shake.conf for the autorun modules # config_file = os.path.join(self.install_path, "config", "shake.conf") spec_file = get_configspec("shake") shake_config = ConfigObj(config_file, configspec=spec_file) results = shake_config.validate(Validator()) if not isinstance(results, bool) or not results: config_error(shake_config, results) self.shake_cmds = shlex.split(shake_config["autorun_modules"]) # # Turn this process into a daemon # self.logpath = os.path.join(self.install_path, "logs") if not os.path.isdir(self.logpath): os.makedirs(self.logpath) pidfile = os.path.join(self.logpath, "") self.filelock = lockfile.FileLock(pidfile) if self.filelock.is_locked(): if pargs.break_lock: self.filelock.break_lock() else: logger = self.getLogger() logger.error( "pid lock file '%s' exists, can't start " "sm_queue; exiting..." % (pidfile) ) sys.exit(-1)
[docs] def queueMainLoop(self): context = daemon.DaemonContext( working_directory=self.data_path, pidfile=self.filelock ) with self.getContext(context): self.logger = self.getLogger() # # Create the database for running and queued events. # self.eventQueue = EventQueue(self.install_path) # # Create the socket # qsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) qsocket.bind(("", self.config["port"])) # Set a timeout so that we can occasionally look for other # things to do qsocket.settimeout(30) qsocket.listen(5) # # Get a connection to the event database # self.ampHandler = AmplitudeHandler(self.install_path, self.data_path)"sm_queue initiated") # # At startup we want to see what was running when this process # shut down and try to restart them. # running = self.eventQueue.getRunningEvents() for eventid, command in running:"Startup: Running event {eventid}") event = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) # Update the XML because the DB may have newer information self.writeEventXml(event) p = subprocess.Popen(command) self.children[eventid] = {"popen": p, "start_time": time.time()} while True: # # Do routine stuff # self.doPeriodicTasks() # # Now wait for a connection # try: (clientsocket, address) = qsocket.accept() except socket.timeout: # # Normal timeout; do routine tasks and then go # back to waiting for a connection # continue # # Got a connection # hostname, _, _ = socket.gethostbyaddr(address[0]) # hostname = socket.getfqdn(hostname)"Got connection from {hostname} at port {address[1]}") if hostname not in self.config["servers"]: self.logger.warning( f"Connection from {hostname} refused: not in valid servers list" ) clientsocket.close() continue # # The accept() should guarantee that there's something # to read, but something could go wrong... # try: clientsocket.settimeout(5) data = clientsocket.recv(MAX_SIZE) except socket.timeout: self.logger.warning( "Did not get data from connection, " "continuing" ) clientsocket.close() continue else: clientsocket.close() # # Decode the data and do something # try: cmd = json.loads(data.decode("utf8")) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: self.logger.warning( f"Couldn't decode data from {hostname}: ignoring" ) continue if ( not isinstance(cmd, dict) or "type" not in cmd or "data" not in cmd or "id" not in cmd["data"] ): self.logger.warning(f"Bad data from {hostname}: ignoring") continue if cmd["type"] == "origin": f"Received \"origin\" for event {cmd['data']['id']}" ) if "action" in cmd["data"]: action = cmd["data"]["action"] else: action = "Origin received" self.processOrigin(cmd["data"], action) elif cmd["type"] == "cancel": f"Received \"cancel\" for event {cmd['data']['id']}" ) self.processCancel(cmd["data"]) else: 'Received "%s" for event %s' % cmd["type"], cmd["data"]["id"] ) self.processOther(cmd["data"], cmd["type"])
[docs] def doPeriodicTasks(self): """Check for finished children and start any needed timed repeats. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ # # Do routine stuff: # first check for repeats to queue # current_time = int(time.time()) repeats = self.ampHandler.getRepeats() for eventid, otime, rep_list in repeats: while rep_list is not None and rep_list[0] < current_time: event = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) if eventid in self.children: # # Event is already running; pop this repeat and move on # rep_list.pop(0) if len(rep_list) == 0: rep_list = None event["repeats"] = rep_list self.ampHandler.insertEvent(event, update=True) continue rep_list.pop(0) if len(rep_list) == 0: rep_list = None event["repeats"] = rep_list self.ampHandler.insertEvent(event, update=True) if event["lastrun"] == 0: # This is a delayed first run or possibly just a very # old event being updated event_dir = os.path.join(self.data_path, eventid, "current") if not os.path.isdir(event_dir): f"Queueing event {eventid} after network delay" ) self.dispatchEvent(event, "Event added") else:"Queueing old event {eventid} for update") self.dispatchEvent(event, "Event updated") else:"Queueing repeat of event {eventid}") self.dispatchEvent(event, "Scheduled repeat") break # # Run the associator and dispatch events with new data # if ( self.config["associate_interval"] >= 0 and self.ASSOCIATE_UPDATE_TIME + self.config["associate_interval"] < current_time ): self.ASSOCIATE_UPDATE_TIME = current_time self.associateAll() # # Reap any dead children, and then try to run queued events # _ = self.reapChildren() self.runQueuedEvents() # # Print memory usage once per hour to see how much we're leaking... # if self.MEMORY_UPDATE_TIME + 3600 < current_time: self.MEMORY_UPDATE_TIME = current_time process = psutil.Process(os.getpid()) mem = getattr(process.memory_full_info(), "uss", 0) / 1048576.0"Currently using {mem:.1f} MB") # # Do the occasional DB cleanup once per day; keep amps for 30 # days and events for 1 year # if self.DB_MAINTENANCE_TIME + 86400 < current_time: self.DB_MAINTENANCE_TIME = current_time # # First do the assocication to make sure we don't drop any # amps that might associate # if self.config["associate_interval"] >= 0: self.ASSOCIATE_UPDATE_TIME = current_time self.associateAll() # # Now clean out the amps and events # self.ampHandler.cleanAmps(threshold=30) self.ampHandler.cleanEvents(threshold=365) return
[docs] def getLogger(self): """Set up a logger for this process. Returns: logging.logger: An instance of a logger. """ if not os.path.isdir(self.logpath): os.makedirs(self.logpath) logger = logging.getLogger("queue_logger") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if self.attached: handler = logging.StreamHandler() else: logfile = os.path.join(self.logpath, "queue.log") handler = TimedRotatingFileHandler(logfile, when="midnight", backupCount=30) formatter = logging.Formatter( fmt="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.propagate = False return logger
[docs] def associateAll(self): """Do the associateAll method of the the AmplitudeHandler and then process all of the events with updated data. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ event_list = self.ampHandler.associateAll(pretty_print=True) for eventid in event_list: event = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) self.processOrigin(event, "Data association") return
[docs] def writeEventXml(self, event): """Create the event directory if it doesn't exist and write/re-write the event.xml file Args: event (dict): The event data structure. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ ttemp = event["time"] try: dt = datetime.strptime(ttemp, constants.TIMEFMT) except ValueError: try: dt = datetime.strptime(ttemp, constants.ALT_TIMEFMT) except ValueError: self.logger.error(f"Can't parse input time {ttemp}") return event["time"] = dt event_dir = os.path.join(self.data_path, event["id"], "current") if not os.path.isdir(event_dir): os.makedirs(event_dir) event_xml = os.path.join(event_dir, "event.xml")"Writing event {event['id']} to event.xml") val = write_event_file(event, event_xml) if val: self.logger.error(f"Error writing event.xml: {val}") event["time"] = ttemp return
[docs] def moveEventDirectory(self, oldid, newid): """Change the name of an existing event directory to a new ID.""" try: shutil.move( os.path.join(self.data_path, oldid), os.path.join(self.data_path, newid) ) except shutil.Error as e: self.logger( f"Error trying to move data directory {oldid} to {newid}: {str(e)}" ) return
[docs] def processOrigin(self, event, action): """Determine if an event should be processed (or reprocessed) and dispatch it for processing. Args: event (dict): The event data structure. action (str): The "type" of the trigger that caused this function to be called. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ current_time = int(time.time()) force_run = False dispatch = True # # See if we already have this event, make a decision # existing = self.ampHandler.getEvent(event["id"]) if existing is None and "alt_eventids" in event: # # We haven't processed this ID, but the ID may have changed # for eid in event["alt_eventids"].split(","): if eid == event["id"]: continue alt_exists = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eid) if alt_exists is None: continue # # We processed this event under a different ID # If the event is currently running with the old ID, kill it # if eid in self.children: self.children[eid]["popen"].kill() self.children[eid]["popen"].wait() del self.children[eid] self.eventQueue.deleteRunningEvent(eid) # Delete the old event from the database self.ampHandler.deleteEvent(eid) # Move the old event directory to the new ID self.moveEventDirectory(eid, event["id"]) # Now treat the the new event ID as a new event. existing = None # But force it to run (because we want to update the event ID), # bypassing date and magnitude checks that come later force_run = True break if existing is None: # # This is a new event (or an event with a changed ID) # update = False # Do we want to run this event? if not force_run and self.magnitudeTooSmall(event): f"Event {event['id']} (mag={event['mag']:f}) too small, skipping" ) return if not force_run and self.eventTooOldOrInFuture(event): f"Event {event['id']} too old or too far in the future, skipping" ) return # # Looks like we'll be running this event, get the repeats # (if any) and toss the ones that have already passed # replist = None try: dt = datetime.strptime(event["time"], constants.TIMEFMT) except ValueError: try: dt = datetime.strptime(event["time"], constants.ALT_TIMEFMT) except ValueError: self.logger.error(f"Can't parse input time {event['time']}") return event_timestamp = int(dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) for mag in sorted(self.config["repeats"].keys(), reverse=True): if event["mag"] > mag: replist = [ x + event_timestamp for x in self.config["repeats"][mag] if event_timestamp + x > current_time ] break # # The first time we run an event, we need to check its # network ID against those in the delay list. If present, # we add the required delay as the first repeat, but # don't dispatch the event. If the delay time has already # passed, just treat this as a normal event # if event["netid"] in self.config["network_delays"]: delay = self.config["network_delays"][event["netid"]] if event_timestamp + delay > current_time: "Delaying processing event %s due to " "network delay configuration." % (event["id"]) ) replist.insert(0, event_timestamp + delay) dispatch = False event["repeats"] = replist if len(replist) > 0 else None event["lastrun"] = 0 else: # # We've run this event before # update = True # # We want to update the event info in the database but # save the lastrun and repeats settings # event["lastrun"] = existing["lastrun"] event["repeats"] = copy.copy(existing["repeats"]) # # Insert or update the event info in the database, then # possibly queue the event to be run. # self.ampHandler.insertEvent(event, update=update) if dispatch is True: self.dispatchEvent(event, action) return
[docs] def processOther(self, data, action): """A trigger has been issued for an event. Treat this as an origin update. If the event in question is not in our database, ignore the message. Args: data (dict): The event information dictionary. action (str): The "type" of the trigger that caused this function to be called. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ eventid = data["id"] existing = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) if existing: self.processOrigin(existing, action) else: if "alt_eventids" in data: for eid in data["alt_eventids"].split(","): if eid == eventid: continue existing = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eid) if existing: self.processOrigin(existing, action) return 'Trigger of action "%s" is for unprocessed ' "event %s: ignoring" % (action, data["id"]) ) return
[docs] def processCancel(self, data): """We've received a cancellation of an event: run 'shake cancel'. Args: data (dict): The dictionary must have an event ID under the 'id' key. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ eventid = data["id"] existing = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) if existing: self.dispatchEvent(data, "cancel") existing["repeats"] = None self.ampHandler.insertEvent(existing, update=True) return if "alt_eventids" in data: for eid in data["alt_eventids"].split(","): if eid == eventid: continue existing = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eid) if existing: self.dispatchEvent(existing, "cancel") existing["repeats"] = None self.ampHandler.insertEvent(existing, update=True) return"cancel is for unprocessed event {eventid}: ignoring") return
[docs] def magnitudeTooSmall(self, event): """Return False if the magnitude is greater than the threshold magnitude of the first metro box within which it falls, or the global minmag if it does not fall within a box; return true otherwise. Args: event (dict): The event dictionary; must contain at least "mag", "lon", and "lat" keys. Returns: bool: True if the event is too small to process; False otherwise. """ mag = event["mag"] lon = event["lon"] lat = event["lat"] pt = Point((lon, lat)) for boxname in sorted(self.config["boxes"]): boxdict = self.config["boxes"][boxname] if pt.within(boxdict["poly"]): if mag >= boxdict["mag"]: return False else: return True # # Not in any boxes # if mag >= self.config["minmag"]: return False return True
[docs] def eventTooOldOrInFuture(self, event): """Return True if the event is too old or too far in the future to process; return False otherwise. Args: event (dict): The event data structure. Returns: bool: True if the event is older than old_event_age or is more than future_event_age in the future; returns False otherwise. """ current_time = time.time() try: event_time = ( datetime.strptime(event["time"], constants.TIMEFMT) .replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) .timestamp() ) except ValueError: event_time = ( datetime.strptime(event["time"], constants.ALT_TIMEFMT) .replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) .timestamp() ) if ( self.config["old_event_age"] >= 0 and event_time + self.config["old_event_age"] < current_time ): return True if ( self.config["future_event_age"] >= 0 and event_time - self.config["future_event_age"] > current_time ): return True return False
[docs] def dispatchEvent(self, event, action): """Queue a run for the specified event. Args: event (dict): The data structure of the event to process. action (str): 'cancel', 'test', or some other string. 'cancel' starts the cancel process, 'test' queues the process 'echo eventid'. Any other string queues the shake process to be run at the next opportunity. See the configuration file 'queue.conf' for the exact commands that will be run. Returns: nothing: Nothing. """ eventid = event["id"] if action == "cancel": # # Cancellations aren't queued, they're run immediately #"Canceling event {eventid}") if eventid in self.children:"Event {eventid} is running; killing...") self.children[eventid]["popen"].kill() self.children[eventid]["popen"].wait() del self.children[eventid] self.eventQueue.deleteRunningEvent(eventid) cmd = self.config["cancel_command"].replace( "shake", self.config["shake_path"] ) cmd = cmd.replace("<EVID>", eventid) cmd = cmd.split() p = subprocess.Popen(cmd) self.children[eventid] = {"popen": p, "start_time": time.time()} self.eventQueue.insertRunningEvent(eventid, cmd) return'Queueing event {eventid} due to action "{action}"') # # Add the action as the assemble/augment comment, or replace the # comment if it is already there. # for ix, shcmd in enumerate(self.shake_cmds): if shcmd not in ["assemble", "augment"]: continue if len(self.shake_cmds) == ix + 1: # This shouldn't happen self.shake_cmds.append("-c") self.shake_cmds.append(f'"{action}"') elif self.shake_cmds[ix + 1] == "-c": self.shake_cmds[ix + 2] = f'"{action}"' else: self.shake_cmds.insert(ix + 1, "-c") self.shake_cmds.insert(ix + 2, f'"{action}"') break if action == "test": cmd = self.config["shake_command"].replace("shake", "echo") else: cmd = self.config["shake_command"].replace( "shake", self.config["shake_path"] ) cmd = cmd.replace("<EVID>", eventid) cmd = cmd.split() + self.shake_cmds self.eventQueue.queueEvent(eventid, cmd, event["mag"]) return
[docs] def runQueuedEvents(self): """If there is space, run events from the queue""" if len(self.children) >= self.config["max_subprocesses"]:"Processing queue is full; waiting for open " "slots.") return current_time = int(time.time()) mtw = self.config["max_trigger_wait"] queued = self.eventQueue.getQueuedEvents() for eventid, command in queued: event = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) if eventid in self.children: # # Event is currently running, don't run it but make sure # there's a repeat pretty soon # if event["repeats"]: if event["repeats"][0] > current_time + mtw: event["repeats"].insert(0, current_time + mtw) else: event["repeats"] = [current_time + mtw] self.ampHandler.insertEvent(event, update=True) f"Event {event['id']} is currently running, shelving this update" ) self.eventQueue.dequeueEvent(eventid) continue if event["repeats"]: delta_t = current_time - event["repeats"][0] if delta_t > -mtw: # We're due for a rerun anyway, so just leave the # event queued f"Event {eventid} will repeat soon, shelving this update" ) self.eventQueue.dequeueEvent(eventid) continue if current_time - event["lastrun"] < mtw: # # We ran this event very recently, but don't have a repeat # scheduled in the near future, so let's skip this one # but make sure something happens relatively soon # if event["repeats"]: event["repeats"].insert(0, current_time + mtw) else: event["repeats"] = [current_time + mtw] self.ampHandler.insertEvent(event, update=True) f"Event {event['id']} ran recently, shelving this update" ) self.eventQueue.dequeueEvent(eventid) continue"Running event {eventid}") # Update the XML because the DB may have newer information self.writeEventXml(event) p = subprocess.Popen(command) self.children[eventid] = {"popen": p, "start_time": time.time()} self.eventQueue.dequeueEvent(eventid) self.eventQueue.insertRunningEvent(eventid, command) if len(self.children) >= self.config["max_subprocesses"]:"Processing queue is full; waiting for open " "slots.") break return
[docs] def reapChildren(self): """ Look through the list of child processes, reap the ones that have finished, and kill any that are taking too long. Returns: nothing: Nothing. Completed or killed child processes are removed from the list of children. """ to_delete = [] current_time = time.time() for eventid, info in self.children.items(): returncode = info["popen"].poll() if returncode is not None: "Reaped child for event %s (return code %d)" % (eventid, returncode) ) event = self.ampHandler.getEvent(eventid) if event: event["lastrun"] = current_time self.ampHandler.insertEvent(event, update=True) to_delete.append(eventid) self.eventQueue.deleteRunningEvent(eventid) continue # # Kill children who take too long # if info["start_time"] + self.config["max_process_time"] < current_time: self.logger.warning(f"Event {eventid} taking too long, killing") info["popen"].kill() info["popen"].wait() self.logger.warning(f"Reaped child for killed event {eventid}") to_delete.append(eventid) self.eventQueue.deleteRunningEvent(eventid) for eventid in to_delete: del self.children[eventid] return to_delete
[docs] def getContext(self, context): """Returns a context based on the value of the 'attached' argument. If attached is True, then the function returns an instance of the Dummycontext; if it is False the function returns the 'context' argument. Args: context (Context manager): A valid context manager. Returns: Context manager: If attached is True, the function returns an instance of the Dummycontext; if False, returns the 'context' argument. """ if self.attached: return Dummycontext() else: return context
[docs]class Dummycontext(object): """This is a dummy context that can be used as a context manager with 'with'. It doesn't do anything. """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(*x): pass
[docs]class EventQueue(object): """Class to maintain some persistence in the event of a program crash or shutdown. The db file can be removed if the operator wants a fresh start. """ def __init__(self, ipath): queued_events = OrderedDict( [ ("id", "INTEGER_PRIMARY_KEY"), ("eventid", "TEXT UNIQUE"), ("command", "TEXT"), ("mag", "REAL"), ] ) running_events = OrderedDict( [ ("id", "INTEGER_PRIMARY_KEY"), ("eventid", "TEXT UNIQUE"), ("command", "TEXT"), ] ) tables = {"queued": queued_events, "running": running_events} self.db_file = os.path.join(ipath, "data", "event_queue.db") db_exists = os.path.isfile(self.db_file) self._connection = sqlite3.connect(self.db_file, timeout=15) if self._connection is None: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not connect to {self.db_file}") self._connection.isolation_level = "EXCLUSIVE" self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() self._cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON") self._cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL") if not db_exists: for table, tdict in tables.items(): createcmd = f"CREATE TABLE {table} (" nuggets = [] for column, ctype in tdict.items(): nuggets.append(f"{column} {ctype}") createcmd += ",".join(nuggets) + ")" self._cursor.execute(createcmd) self._cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX queue_index ON " "queued(eventid)") self._cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX mag_index ON " "queued(mag)") self._cursor.execute("CREATE INDEX event_index ON " "running(eventid)") self._cursor.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL") def __del__(self): """Destructor.""" if hasattr(self, "_connection") and self._connection is not None: self._disconnect() def _disconnect(self): self.commit() self._cursor.close() self._connection.close() self._connection = None self._cursor = None
[docs] def commit(self): """Commit any operations to the database.""" self._connection.commit()
[docs] def getQueuedEvents(self): query = "SELECT eventid, command, mag FROM queued ORDER BY mag DESC" self._cursor.execute(query) erows = self._cursor.fetchall() return [(x[0], json.loads(x[1])) for x in erows]
[docs] def queueEvent(self, eventid, command, mag): query = "REPLACE INTO queued (eventid, command, mag) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" self._cursor.execute(query, (eventid, json.dumps(command), mag)) self.commit()
[docs] def dequeueEvent(self, eventid): query = "DELETE FROM queued WHERE eventid = ?" self._cursor.execute(query, (eventid,)) self.commit()
[docs] def getRunningEvents(self): query = "SELECT eventid, command FROM running" self._cursor.execute(query) erows = self._cursor.fetchall() return [(x[0], json.loads(x[1])) for x in erows]
[docs] def insertRunningEvent(self, eventid, command): query = "INSERT INTO running (eventid, command) VALUES (?, ?)" self._cursor.execute(query, (eventid, json.dumps(command))) self.commit()
[docs] def deleteRunningEvent(self, eventid): query = "DELETE FROM running WHERE eventid = ?" self._cursor.execute(query, (eventid,)) self.commit()