
- class
Accessor to xarray.Dataset that handles ASEG Tabular data, metadata_file, spatial_ref, **kwargs)
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Filename to read from.
metadata_file (str, optional) – Json file name, by default None
spatial_ref (dict or gspy.Spatial_ref or xarray.DataArray, optional) – Spatial ref object, by default None
- Returns:
Dataset with all data read in.
- Return type:
See also
Class method for reading file into class
For Spatial reference instantiation.
- property cols
Get the columns of an ASEG file
- Return type:
- property column_names
Get all the column name from the file
- Return type:
list of str
- property file_handler
Class to handle file IO
- Return type:
- static get_attrs(file_handle, variable, **kwargs)
Retrieve attribute information from ASEG field definitions
Handle aseg gdf read errors and overload entries with gspy metadata. Metadata is read from the GDF file, but gspy json files take precedence and will overwrite the GDF information.
- Parameters:
file (aseg_gdf2 file handler) – File handler
variable (str) – Name of variable
long_name (str, optional) – CF convention long name
null_value (int or float, optional) – Number that represents unusable data. default is ‘not_defined’
standard_name (str, optional) – CF convention standard name
units (str, optional) – units of the coordinate
- Returns:
out – dictionary of metadata for current variable
- Return type:
- write_aseg_dfn_file(filename, default_f32='f10.3', default_f64='g12.6')
- write_metadata_template(filename='aseg_md.yml')
Write metadata template for an ASEG dataset
Creates a template metadata file needed for adding ASEG data. Most metadata is pulled from the aseg definition file, but we require extra attributes to honour the CF convention. Additional dictionaries can be optionally added to document more information or ancillary metadata relevant to the specific variables.
- Raises:
Exception – Tells user to specify metadata file when instantiating