* ProductTracker
package gov.usgs.earthquake.distribution;
import gov.usgs.earthquake.product.ProductId;
import gov.usgs.util.Config;
import gov.usgs.util.StreamUtils;
import gov.usgs.util.XmlUtils;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Send updates and search sent updates about distribution status.
* ProductDistribution clients to send status updates about received
* notifications, and processed products.
* <strong>Search Example</strong>
* <pre>
* ProductTracker tracker = new ProductTracker(new URL(
* ""));
* String source = "us";
* String type = "losspager";
* String code = "us2010abcd";
* Date updateTime = null;
* String className = null;
* List<ProductTrackerUpdate> updates = tracker.getUpdates(source, type, code,
* updateTime, className);
* </pre>
* <strong>Update Example</strong>
* <pre>
* Product product = ...;
* ProductTracker tracker = new ProductTracker(product.getTrackerURL()).;
* ProductTrackerUpdate update = new ProductTrackerUpdate(product.getTrackerURL(),
* product.getId(),
* "my component name",
* "my component message");
* tracker.sendUpdate(update);
* </pre>
public class ProductTracker {
/** Logging object. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(ProductTracker.class
/** Whether tracker updates are enabled in this vm. */
private static boolean TRACKER_ENABLED = false;
* Set whether sending tracker updates is enabled from this host.
* @param enabled
* true to send tracker updates, false to disable.
public static void setTrackerEnabled(final boolean enabled) {
/** Location of tracker. */
private URL trackerURL;
* Create a new ProductTracker object.
* @param trackerURL location of tracker
public ProductTracker(final URL trackerURL) {
this.trackerURL = trackerURL;
* @return the trackerURL
public URL getTrackerURL() {
return trackerURL;
* @param trackerURL
* the trackerURL to set
public void setTrackerURL(URL trackerURL) {
this.trackerURL = trackerURL;
* Send an update to this ProductTracker.
* @param update
* the update to send to the tracker.
* @return the update object processed by the tracker, including sequence
* number, or null if unable to send.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate sendUpdate(final ProductTrackerUpdate update)
throws Exception {
HeartbeatListener.sendHeartbeatMessage(update.getClassName(), // component
update.getMessage(), // key
update.getId().toString() // value
String response = sendUpdateXML(update);
try {
List<ProductTrackerUpdate> updates = parseTrackerResponse(
// should receive one update (the one that was sent)
if (updates.size() == 1) {
return updates.get(0);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
return null;
* Send an update to this ProductTracker.
* @param update
* the update to send to the tracker.
* @return the raw XML returned by the tracker, or null if unable to send.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public String sendUpdateXML(final ProductTrackerUpdate update)
throws Exception {
// make sure this update hasn't already been sent
Long sequenceNumber = update.getSequenceNumber();
if (sequenceNumber != null && sequenceNumber > 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"ProductTrackerUpdate already has a sequence number.");
ProductId id = update.getId();
// log the update no matter what
LOGGER.fine(new StringBuffer().append(update.getMessage())
.append(" source=").append(id.getSource()).append(", type=")
.append(id.getType()).append(", code=").append(id.getCode())
.append(", updateTime=").append(id.getUpdateTime().toString())
LOGGER.finest("Tracker updates disabled, not sent");
// didn't send update
return null;
// build update request
Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<String, String>();
request.put("action", "update");
request.put("source", id.getSource());
request.put("type", id.getType());
request.put("code", id.getCode());
request.put("updateTime", Long.toString(id.getUpdateTime().getTime()));
request.put("className", update.getClassName());
request.put("message", update.getMessage());
try {
String response = post(update.getTrackerURL(), request);
return response;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Unable to post to tracker", e);
return null;
* Same as getUpdates with 0 for startid
* @param source
* product source.
* @param type
* product type.
* @param code
* product code.
* @param updateTime
* product update time.
* @param className
* module name.
* @return updates matching the provided fields.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public List<ProductTrackerUpdate> getUpdates(final String source,
final String type, final String code, final Date updateTime,
final String className) throws Exception {
return getUpdates(source, type, code, updateTime, className, 0L);
* Search for updates on this tracker.
* At least one field must be not null, or this method will return no
* updates.
* @param source
* product source.
* @param type
* product type.
* @param code
* product code.
* @param updateTime
* product update time.
* @param className
* module name.
* @param startid
* starting ID
* @return updates matching the provided fields.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public List<ProductTrackerUpdate> getUpdates(final String source,
final String type, final String code, final Date updateTime,
final String className, final Long startid) throws Exception {
String response = getUpdateXML(source, type, code, updateTime,
className, startid);
List<ProductTrackerUpdate> updates = parseTrackerResponse(trackerURL,
return updates;
* Search for updates on this tracker, returning raw xml.
* @param source
* product source.
* @param type
* product type.
* @param code
* product code.
* @param updateTime
* product update time.
* @param className
* module name.
* @param startid
* start id
* @return the raw xml response from the tracker.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public String getUpdateXML(final String source, final String type,
final String code, final Date updateTime, final String className,
final Long startid) throws Exception {
Map<String, String> request = new HashMap<String, String>();
request.put("action", "search");
if (source != null) {
request.put("source", source);
if (type != null) {
request.put("type", type);
if (code != null) {
request.put("code", code);
if (updateTime != null) {
request.put("updateTime", Long.toString(updateTime.getTime()));
if (className != null) {
request.put("className", className);
if (startid != null) {
request.put("startid", Long.toString(startid));
String response = post(trackerURL, request);
return response;
* Send a custom tracker update message.
* @param className
* the module that is sending the message.
* @param id
* the product the message is about.
* @param message
* the message about the product.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate sendUpdate(final String className,
final ProductId id, final String message) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate update = new ProductTrackerUpdate(trackerURL, id,
className, message);
return sendUpdate(update);
* Send a productCreated update.
* @param className
* the module that created the product.
* @param id
* the product that was created.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate productCreated(final String className,
final ProductId id) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate createdUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, id, className, ProductTrackerUpdate.PRODUCT_CREATED);
return sendUpdate(createdUpdate);
* Send a productIndexed update.
* @param className
* the module that indexed the product.
* @param id
* the product that was indexed.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate productIndexed(final String className,
final ProductId id) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate indexedUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, id, className, ProductTrackerUpdate.PRODUCT_INDEXED);
return sendUpdate(indexedUpdate);
* Send a notificationSent update.
* @param className
* the module that sent the notification.
* @param notification
* the notification that was sent.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate notificationSent(final String className,
final Notification notification) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate notifiedUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, notification.getProductId(), className,
return sendUpdate(notifiedUpdate);
* Send a notificationReceived update.
* @param className
* the module that received the notification.
* @param notification
* the notification that was received.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate notificationReceived(final String className,
final Notification notification) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate notifiedUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, notification.getProductId(), className,
return sendUpdate(notifiedUpdate);
* Send a productDownloaded update.
* @param className
* the module that downloaded the product.
* @param id
* the product that was downloaded.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate productDownloaded(final String className,
final ProductId id) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate downloadedUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, id, className,
return sendUpdate(downloadedUpdate);
* Send a productReceived update.
* @param className
* the module that received the product.
* @param id
* the product that was received.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate productReceived(final String className,
final ProductId id) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate receivedUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, id, className,
return sendUpdate(receivedUpdate);
* Send an exception update.
* @param className
* the module that encountered an exception.
* @param id
* the product that was being processed.
* @param e
* the exception that was caught.
* @return the sent update.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public ProductTrackerUpdate exception(final String className,
final ProductId id, final Exception e) throws Exception {
ProductTrackerUpdate exceptionUpdate = new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, id, className,
ProductTrackerUpdate.PRODUCT_EXCEPTION + ": " + e.getMessage());
return sendUpdate(exceptionUpdate);
* Encode data for a HTTP Post.
* @param data
* a map containing name value pairs for encoding.
* @return a string of encoded data.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public static String encodeURLData(final Map<String, String> data)
throws Exception {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
Iterator<String> iter = data.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key =;
buf.append(URLEncoder.encode(key, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString()))
.append(URLEncoder.encode(data.get(key), StandardCharsets.UTF_8.toString()));
if (iter.hasNext()) {
return buf.toString();
* Execute a HTTP Post.
* @param url
* the target url.
* @param data
* the data to send.
* @return the response text.
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public static String post(final URL url, final Map<String, String> data)
throws Exception {
InputStream in = null;
OutputStream out = null;
String response = null;
try {
URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
if (data != null) {
String encodedData = encodeURLData(data);
out = connection.getOutputStream();
StreamUtils.transferStream(encodedData, out);
in = connection.getInputStream();
response = new String(StreamUtils.readStream(in));
} finally {
return response;
* Parse xml received from a ProductTracker using a ProductTrackerParser.
* @param trackerURL
* the trackerURL being parsed (so updates are flagged as from
* this tracker).
* @param updateStream
* the XML response stream from a product tracker.
* @return a list of parsed updates.
public List<ProductTrackerUpdate> parseTrackerResponse(
final URL trackerURL, final InputStream updateStream) {
ProductTrackerParser parser = new ProductTrackerParser(trackerURL);
return parser.getUpdates();
/** Search a product tracker. */
public static final String ACTION_SEARCH = "--search";
/** Send an update to a product tracker. */
public static final String ACTION_UPDATE = "--update";
/** Used when searching or sending an update to a product tracker. */
public static final String ARGUMENT_CLASSNAME = "--class=";
/** Used when searching or sending an update to a product tracker. */
public static final String ARGUMENT_PRODUCT_ID = "--productid=";
/** Used when searching. */
public static final String ARGUMENT_START_ID = "--startid=";
* Command Line Interface to ProductTracker.
* @param args CLI arguments
* @throws Exception if error occurs
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
// whether we are sending an update (true)
boolean isUpdate = false;
// whether we are searching (true)
boolean isSearch = false;
// The update message being sent to the tracker (updates only)
String updateMessage = null;
// The tracker to communicate with
URL trackerURL = null;
// The module that sent an update
String className = null;
// The product id, an alternate to source+type+code+updateTime
ProductId id = null;
// The product source
String source = null;
// The product type
String type = null;
// The product code
String code = null;
// The product update time
Date updateTime = null;
// The starting sequence number (searches only)
Long startid = 0L;
// use the default tracker url unless overridden by arguments
String defaultTrackerURL = Config.getConfig().getProperty(
if (defaultTrackerURL != null) {
trackerURL = new URL(defaultTrackerURL);
// parse the arguments
for (String arg : args) {
if (arg.equals(ACTION_UPDATE)) {
isUpdate = true;
} else if (arg.equals(ACTION_SEARCH)) {
isSearch = true;
} else if (arg.startsWith(ARGUMENT_CLASSNAME)) {
className = arg.replace(ARGUMENT_CLASSNAME, "");
} else if (arg.startsWith(ARGUMENT_PRODUCT_ID)) {
id = ProductId.parse(arg.replace(ARGUMENT_PRODUCT_ID, ""));
source = id.getSource();
type = id.getType();
code = id.getCode();
updateTime = id.getUpdateTime();
} else if (arg.startsWith(CLIProductBuilder.TRACKER_URL_ARGUMENT)) {
trackerURL = new URL(arg.replace(
} else if (arg.startsWith(CLIProductBuilder.SOURCE_ARGUMENT)) {
source = arg.replace(CLIProductBuilder.SOURCE_ARGUMENT, "");
} else if (arg.startsWith(CLIProductBuilder.TYPE_ARGUMENT)) {
type = arg.replace(CLIProductBuilder.TYPE_ARGUMENT, "");
} else if (arg.startsWith(CLIProductBuilder.CODE_ARGUMENT)) {
code = arg.replace(CLIProductBuilder.CODE_ARGUMENT, "");
} else if (arg.startsWith(CLIProductBuilder.UPDATE_TIME_ARGUMENT)) {
updateTime = XmlUtils.getDate(arg.replace(
} else if (arg.startsWith(ARGUMENT_START_ID)) {
startid = Long.valueOf(arg.replace(ARGUMENT_START_ID, ""));
// run the search or update
ProductTracker tracker = new ProductTracker(trackerURL);
if (isUpdate && isSearch) {
LOGGER.severe("Both " + ACTION_UPDATE + " and " + ACTION_SEARCH
+ " present, only one allowed");
} else if (!isUpdate && !isSearch) {
LOGGER.severe("Neither " + ACTION_UPDATE + " nor " + ACTION_SEARCH
+ " present, one is required");
} else if (isUpdate) {"Reading update message from STDIN...");
updateMessage = new String(StreamUtils.readStream(;
if (id == null) {
id = new ProductId(source, type, code, updateTime);
System.out.println(tracker.sendUpdateXML(new ProductTrackerUpdate(
trackerURL, id, className, updateMessage)));
//"Update id=" + update.getSequenceNumber());
} else if (isSearch) {
// default to search action
*"Searching for source=" + source + ", type=" + type +
* ", code=" + code + ", updateTime=" + updateTime + ", className="
* + className + ", startid=" + startid);
System.out.println(tracker.getUpdateXML(source, type, code,
updateTime, className, startid));
/** Usage for ProductTracker
* @return CLI usage
public static String getUsage() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
buf.append("[--search] search a tracker (default)\n");
buf.append(" when searching, include at least one parameter\n");
buf.append("[--update] send an update to a tracker\n");
buf.append(" when updating, productid and class are required\n");
buf.append(" the update message is read from STDIN\n");
buf.append("--trackerURL=URL which tracker to search or update\n");
buf.append("[--productid=URN] the product to search or update\n");
buf.append("[--source=SOURCE] a product source to search\n");
buf.append("[--type=TYPE] a product type to search\n");
buf.append("[--code=CODE] a product code to search\n");
buf.append("[--updateTime=TIME] a product update time to search\n");
buf.append("[--class=MODULE] a module to search or send an update\n");
buf.append("[--startid=SEQ] only return updates with sequence number > SEQ\n");
return buf.toString();