
package gov.usgs.earthquake.dyfi;

import gov.usgs.util.XmlUtils;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

 * Parser for DYFI "eventdata.xml" metadata.
public class EventDataXMLHandler extends DefaultHandler {

	/** XML Element Name for event_data */
	public static final String DYFI_EVENTDATA_ELEMENT = "event_data";
	/** XML Element Name  for event */
	public static final String DYFI_EVENT_ELEMENT = "event";
	/** XML Element Name for cdi_summary */
	public static final String DYFI_CDI_SUMMARY_ELEMENT = "cdi_summary";
	/** XML Element Name for products */
	public static final String DYFI_PRODUCTS_ELEMENT = "products";

	/** Static string to stop parsing before list of products */
	public static final String DYFI_STOP_PARSING_BEFORE_PRODUCTS = "Stop parsing before list of product files.";

	/** Map of XML attributes */
	public static final Map<String, String[]> DYFI_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
	static {
		// Statically add all these attributes and associate them to their
		// corresponding elements

		// Currently we only care about the max MMI and number of responses.

	private DYFIProduct dyfi = null;

	 * Constructor
	 * @param dyfi takes in DYFIProduct
	public EventDataXMLHandler(final DYFIProduct dyfi) {
		this.dyfi = dyfi;

	/** @return DYFIProduct */
	public DYFIProduct getDYFI() {
		return this.dyfi;

	/** @param dyfi Product to set */
	public void setDYFI(final DYFIProduct dyfi) {
		this.dyfi = dyfi;

	 * @param in XML object to parse
	 * @return DYFIProduct
	 * @throws Exception if exception message equals stop_parsing string
	public DYFIProduct parse(final Object in) throws Exception {
		try {
			XmlUtils.parse(in, this);
		} catch (Exception e) {
			if (!DYFI_STOP_PARSING_BEFORE_PRODUCTS.equals(e.getMessage())) {
				throw e;
		return getDYFI();

	public final void startElement(final String uri, final String localName,
			final String qName, final Attributes attributes)
			throws SAXException {

		if (localName != null && DYFI_PRODUCTS_ELEMENT.equals(localName)) {
			// We don't need the list of product files at this time.

		if (DYFI_CDI_SUMMARY_ELEMENT.equals(localName)) {