package gov.usgs.earthquake.product;
import gov.usgs.util.Config;
import gov.usgs.util.DefaultConfigurable;
import gov.usgs.util.StringUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* A base listener implementation for both NotificationListener and
* IndexerListener implementations.
* The AbstractListener implements the Configurable interface and defines the
* following configuration parameters:
* <dl>
* <dt>includeTypes</dt>
* <dd>(Optional) A comma separated list of product types to include. If this
* list is defined it constitutes an "allow" list, and only types in this list
* are allowed.</dd>
* <dt>excludeTypes</dt>
* <dd>(Optional) A comma separated list of product types to exclude. If this
* list is defined it constitutes a "block" list, and types in this list are not
* allowed.</dd>
* <dt>includeSources</dt>
* <dd>(Optional) A comma separated list of product types to include. If this
* list is defined it constitutes an "allow" list, and only types in this list
* are allowed.</dd>
* <dt>excludeSources</dt>
* <dd>(Optional) A comma separated list of product types to exclude. If this
* list is defined it constitutes a "block" list, and types in this list are not
* allowed.</dd>
* <dt>includeTests</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate test products should be
* accepted. Set to "true" or "yes" to enable.</dd>
* <dt>includeScenarios</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate scenario products should be
* accepted. Set to "true" or "yes" to enable.</dd>
* <dt>includeActuals</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default true) Flag to indicate Actual products should be
* accepted. Set to "true" or "yes" to enable.</dd>
* <dt>includeInternals</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate internal products should be
* accepted. Set to "true" or "yes" to enable.</dd>
* <dt>includeDevelopments</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default false) Flag to indicate development products should be
* accepted. Set to "true" or "yes" to enable.</dd>
* <dt>maxTries</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default 1) Number of times to attempt delivery of each
* notification, if the listener throws a ContinuableListenerException during
* onNotification(). A value <= 1 means do not re-attempt.</dd>
* <dt>timeout</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default 0) Number of milliseconds before thread running
* onNotification() is interrupted. A value <= 0 means never interrupt.</dd>
* <dt>retryDelay</dt>
* <dd>(Optional, Default 0) Number of milliseconds to wait before re-attempting
* processing of a notification, if the listener throws a
* ContinuableListenerException during onNotification().
* A value <= 0 means no delay.</dd>
* </dl>
* <p>
* When excludeTypes (or sources) and includeTypes (or sources) are defined,
* excludes are processed first. This is usually not recommended.
* </p>
public class AbstractListener extends DefaultConfigurable {
/** Logging object. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger
// --------------------------------------------------
// Configurable property names
// --------------------------------------------------
/** Configuration parameter for include types list. */
public static final String INCLUDE_TYPES_PROPERTY = "includeTypes";
/** Configuration parameter for exclude types list. */
public static final String EXCLUDE_TYPES_PROPERTY = "excludeTypes";
/** Configuration parameter for include sources list. */
public static final String INCLUDE_SOURCES_PROPERTY = "includeSources";
/** Configuration parameter for exclude sources list. */
public static final String EXCLUDE_SOURCES_PROPERTY = "excludeSources";
/** Flag to indicate if scenario type products should be included **/
public static final String INCLUDE_TESTS_PROPERTY = "includeTests";
/** Flag to indicate if scenario type products should be included **/
public static final String INCLUDE_SCENARIOS_PROPERTY = "includeScenarios";
/** Flag to indicate if actual type products should be included **/
public static final String INCLUDE_ACTUALS_PROPERTY = "includeActuals";
/** Flag to indicate if scenario type products should be included **/
public static final String INCLUDE_INTERNALS_PROPERTY = "includeInternals";
/** Flag to indicate if scenario type products should be included **/
public static final String INCLUDE_DEVELOPMENTS_PROPERTY = "includeDevelopments";
* Configuration parameters for attemptCount.
* @deprecated Use MAX_TRIES_PROPERTY instead.
public static final String ATTEMPT_COUNT_PROPERTY = "attemptCount";
/** Configuration parameters for maxTries. */
public static final String MAX_TRIES_PROPERTY = "maxTries";
/** Configuration parameter for timeout. */
public static final String TIMEOUT_PROPERTY = "timeout";
/** Configuration parameter for retryDelay. */
public static final String RETRY_DELAY_PROPERTY = "retryDelay";
// --------------------------------------------------
// Default values for configurable settings
// --------------------------------------------------
// Default setting for include/exclude types/sources variables are to
// remain empty lists. Default interpretation of this setting is defined in
// the "accept" method and will accept all types/sources. This can be
// overridden in a subclass.
/** Default, do not include tests */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_INCLUDE_TESTS = false;
/** Default, do not include scenarios */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SCENARIOS = false;
/** Default, do include actuals */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_INCLUDE_ACTUALS = true;
/** Default, do not include internals */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_INCLUDE_INTERNALS = false;
/** Default, do not include developments */
private static final boolean DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DEVELOPMENTS = false;
/** Default attempt count value is 1 = don't retry. */
public static final int DEFAULT_ATTEMPT_COUNT = 1;
/** Default timeout is 0 = infinity. */
public static final long DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 0L;
/** Default delay is 300000ms = 5 minute delay. */
public static final long DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY = 300000L;
// --------------------------------------------------
// Member variables
// --------------------------------------------------
/** Types of products to allow. */
private final ArrayList<String> includeTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
/** Types of products to block. */
private final ArrayList<String> excludeTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
/** Sources of products to allow. */
private final ArrayList<String> includeSources = new ArrayList<String>();
/** Sources of products to block. */
private final ArrayList<String> excludeSources = new ArrayList<String>();
/** Whether or not to include test type products */
private boolean includeTests = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_TESTS;
/** Whether or not to include scenario type products */
private boolean includeScenarios = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SCENARIOS;
/** Whether or not to include actual type products */
private boolean includeActuals = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_ACTUALS;
/** Whether or not to include internal type products */
private boolean includeInternals = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_INTERNALS;
/** Whether or not to include development type products */
private boolean includeDevelopments = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DEVELOPMENTS;
/** Number of retries when a continuable listener exception is thrown. */
private int maxTries = DEFAULT_ATTEMPT_COUNT;
/** Number of milliseconds before the onNotification thread is interrupted. */
private long timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
/** Number of milliseconds before retries, after the first attempt fails. */
private long retryDelay = DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY;
* Determines if a listener accepts a message based on the incoming product
* id.
* @param id
* The incoming id of the product that triggered the message.
* @return True if the message should be processed, false otherwise.
public boolean accept(ProductId id) {
String type = id.getType();
String source = id.getSource();
// excluded type
if (excludeTypes.size() > 0 && excludeTypes.contains(type)) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName() + "] product type '" + type
+ "' excluded");
return false;
// not included type
if (includeTypes.size() > 0 && !includeTypes.contains(type)) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName() + "] product type '" + type
+ "' not included");
return false;
// excluded source
if (excludeSources.size() > 0 && excludeSources.contains(source)) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName() + "] product source '" + source
+ "' excluded");
return false;
// not included source
if (includeSources.size() > 0 && !includeSources.contains(source)) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName() + "] product source '" + source
+ "' not included");
return false;
if (type.endsWith("-test") && !includeTests) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName()
+ "] product type was test. Not included.");
return false;
if (type.endsWith("-scenario") && !includeScenarios) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName()
+ "] product type was scenario. Not included.");
return false;
if (!includeActuals &&
!type.endsWith("-scenario") &&
!type.startsWith("internal-") &&
) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName()
+ "] product type was actual. Not included.");
return false;
if (type.startsWith("internal-") && !includeInternals) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName()
+ "] product type was internal. Not included.");
return false;
if (type.endsWith("-devel") && !includeDevelopments) {
LOGGER.finer("[" + getName()
+ "] product type was development version. Not included.");
return false;
// otherwise accept
return true;
* Read the include and exclude types from config.
public void configure(final Config config) throws Exception {
String includeTypeNames = config.getProperty(INCLUDE_TYPES_PROPERTY);
if (includeTypeNames != null) {
includeTypes.addAll(StringUtils.split(includeTypeNames, ","));
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeTypes = "
+ includeTypeNames);
String excludeTypeNames = config.getProperty(EXCLUDE_TYPES_PROPERTY);
if (excludeTypeNames != null) {
excludeTypes.addAll(StringUtils.split(excludeTypeNames, ","));
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] excludeTypes = "
+ excludeTypeNames);
String includeSourceNames = config
if (includeSourceNames != null) {
includeSources.addAll(StringUtils.split(includeSourceNames, ","));
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeSources = "
+ includeSourceNames);
String excludeSourceNames = config
if (excludeSourceNames != null) {
excludeSources.addAll(StringUtils.split(excludeSourceNames, ","));
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] excludeSources = "
+ excludeSourceNames);
String includeFlag = config.getProperty(INCLUDE_TESTS_PROPERTY);
if (includeFlag != null) {
includeTests = (includeFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ||
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeTests = "
+ includeTests);
} else {
includeDevelopments = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_TESTS;
includeFlag = config.getProperty(INCLUDE_SCENARIOS_PROPERTY);
if (includeFlag != null) {
includeScenarios = (includeFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ||
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeScenarios = "
+ includeScenarios);
} else {
includeDevelopments = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_SCENARIOS;
includeFlag = config.getProperty(INCLUDE_ACTUALS_PROPERTY);
if (includeFlag != null) {
includeActuals = !(includeFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("no") ||
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeActuals = "
+ includeActuals);
includeFlag = config.getProperty(INCLUDE_INTERNALS_PROPERTY);
if (includeFlag != null) {
includeInternals = (includeFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ||
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeInternals = "
+ includeInternals);
} else {
includeDevelopments = DEFAULT_INCLUDE_INTERNALS;
includeFlag = config.getProperty(INCLUDE_DEVELOPMENTS_PROPERTY);
if (includeFlag != null) {
includeDevelopments = (includeFlag.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") ||
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] includeDevelopments = "
+ includeDevelopments);
} else {
String maxTriesStr = config.getProperty(ATTEMPT_COUNT_PROPERTY);
if (maxTriesStr != null) {
maxTries = Integer.parseInt(maxTriesStr);
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] Configured using deprecated '" +
"' property. Prefer to use the new '" + MAX_TRIES_PROPERTY +
"' instead. Support for the deprecated property may be " +
"removed in a subsequent release.");
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] maxTries = " + maxTries);
// By checking for this parameter after the ATTEMPT_COUNT_PROPERTY, the
// value of the MAX_TRIES_PROPERTY (if specified) will take precedence.
maxTriesStr = config.getProperty(MAX_TRIES_PROPERTY);
if (maxTriesStr != null) {
maxTries = Integer.parseInt(maxTriesStr);
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] maxTries = " + maxTries);
String timeoutStr = config.getProperty(TIMEOUT_PROPERTY);
if (timeoutStr != null) {
timeout = Long.parseLong(timeoutStr);
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] timeout = " + timeout + "ms");
String retryDelayStr = config.getProperty(RETRY_DELAY_PROPERTY);
if (retryDelayStr != null) {
retryDelay = Long.parseLong(retryDelayStr);
LOGGER.config("[" + getName() + "] retry delay = " + retryDelay + "ms");
* @return the includeTypes
public List<String> getIncludeTypes() {
return includeTypes;
* @return the excludeTypes
public List<String> getExcludeTypes() {
return excludeTypes;
* @return the includeSources
public List<String> getIncludeSources() {
return includeSources;
* @return the excludeSources
public List<String> getExcludeSources() {
return excludeSources;
* Number of tries to deliver notification, when an Exception is thrown
* during onNotification().
* @return the attemptCount. A value < 1 means never try to deliver.
public int getMaxTries() {
return maxTries;
* Set the maxTries.
* @param maxTries
* the maxTries. A value < 1 means never try to deliver.
public void setMaxTries(final int maxTries) {
this.maxTries = maxTries;
* Number of milliseconds onNotification is allowed to run before being
* interrupted.
* @return the timeout in milliseconds. A value <= 0 means never timeout.
public long getTimeout() {
return timeout;
* Set the timeout.
* @param timeout
* the timeout in milliseconds. A value <= 0 means never timeout.
public void setTimeout(final long timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
* @return the includeTests
public boolean isIncludeTests() {
return includeTests;
* @param includeTests the includeTests to set
public void setIncludeTests(boolean includeTests) {
this.includeTests = includeTests;
* @return the includeScenarios
public boolean isIncludeScenarios() {
return includeScenarios;
* @param includeScenarios the includeScenarios to set
public void setIncludeScenarios(boolean includeScenarios) {
this.includeScenarios = includeScenarios;
* @return the includeActuals
public boolean isIncludeActuals() {
return includeActuals;
* @param includeActuals the includeActuals to set
public void setIncludeActuals(boolean includeActuals) {
this.includeActuals = includeActuals;
* @return the includeInternals
public boolean isIncludeInternals() {
return includeInternals;
* @param includeInternals the includeInternals to set
public void setIncludeInternals(boolean includeInternals) {
this.includeInternals = includeInternals;
* @return the includeDevelopments
public boolean isIncludeDevelopments() {
return includeDevelopments;
* @param includeDevelopments the includeDevelopments to set
public void setIncludeDevelopments(boolean includeDevelopments) {
this.includeDevelopments = includeDevelopments;
* @return the retryDelay
public long getRetryDelay() {
return retryDelay;
* @param retryDelay the retryDelay to set
public void setRetryDelay(long retryDelay) {
this.retryDelay = retryDelay;