Package gov.usgs.earthquake.distribution

Distribution distributes Products.
Provides an example configuration for PDL to be embedded in another java application.
The primary command-line entry point, via the Bootstrap main-class.
The primary distribution components are:
Used to send products to NotificationReceivers.

Usually directly using SocketProductSender, or when running a central hub using EIDSNotificationSender.
Used to receive products.

Usually by connecting to a hub using EIDSNotificationReceiver, or when running a central hub using SocketProductReceiver.

A receiver notifies all its listeners when new products are received.
Used to process received products.

Listeners receive Notifications when new products are available, and can request a product be processed based on its source and/or type.

The DefaultNotificationListener processes in a different thread, the ExternalNotificationListener executes an external process, and RelayProductListener forwards products over a socket.
These components are also regularly used:
Store product contents in the file system. FileProductStorage supports a number of different storage formats, including "directory", "xml", "binary", and "zip".
Used to keep track of which products are in storage, have been processed, and when those products should be automatically cleaned up (if ever).