Package gov.usgs.util
Utility classes.
Formerly managed as a separate "java utils" project,
This is now primarily used by PDL.
Interface Summary Interface Description Configurable An interface for objects that require configuration.FileListenerInterface An object that listens for files.SocketListenerInterface An object that processes sockets. -
Class Summary Class Description Config The configuration object used for distribution.CryptoUtils Encryption and signing utilities.DefaultConfigurable Default implementation of all methods on the Configurable interface.DirectoryPoller Monitor a directory for files, notifying FileListenerInterfaces.ExecutorTask<T> A wrapper for Runnable or Callable objects for use with an ExecutorService.FileUtils File input, output, content type, and delete utilities.FutureExecutorTask<T> FutureExecutorTask overrides how timeouts are handled to use a separate executor service with Futures.Ini Ini is a Properties that supports sections.JDBCUtils JDBC Connection and Statement utility functions.ObjectLock<T> Reentrant ReadWrite Locking per object.SAXAdapter SAXAdapter is a sax handler that accumulates element content, which is a common sax handler task.SocketAcceptor Accept socket connections from a ServerSocket, and notify a listener using a separate thread.StreamUtils Stream input, output, and transfer utilities.StreamUtils.UnclosableInputStream An InputStream that ignores calls to close.StreamUtils.UnclosableOutputStream An OutputStream that ignores calls to close.StringUtils String parsing and utility functions.TimeoutProcess TimeoutProcess wraps a Process object.TimeoutProcessBuilder The TimeoutProcessBuilder wraps a ProcessBuilder, adding support for a command time out.XmlUtils Xml parsing utility functions. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CryptoUtils.Version Signature versions. -
Exception Summary Exception Description ProcessTimeoutException Exception thrown when TimeoutProcess times out while it is being waited for.