Source code for ps2ff.config

import os.path
import pkg_resources

from ps2ff.constants import DistType, MagScaling, Mechanism

from configobj import ConfigObj, flatten_errors
from validate import Validator, ValidateError

[docs]def get_configspec(): """ Returns the full path to the configspec.conf file. Returns: (str): The path to the configspec. """ return os.path.join(pkg_resources.resource_filename('ps2ff', 'data'), 'configspec.conf')
[docs]def get_custom_validator(): """ Returns a validator suitable for validating the ps2ff config file. Returns: (:class:`Validator`): A Validator object. """ fdict = { 'magScalingType': magScalingType, 'mechType': mechType, } validator = Validator(fdict) return validator
[docs]def config_error(config, results): """ Parse the results of a ConfigObj validation and print the errors. Throws a RuntimeError exception upon completion if any errors or missing sections are encountered. Args: config (ConfigObj): The ConfigObj instance representing the parsed config. results (dict): The dictionary returned by the validation of the 'config' arguments. Returns: (Nothing): Nothing """ errs = 0 for (section_list, key, _) in flatten_errors(config, results): if key is not None: print('The "%s" key in the section "%s" failed validation' % (key, ', '.join(section_list))) errs += 1 else: print('The following section was missing:%s ' % ', '.join(section_list)) errs += 1 if errs: raise RuntimeError('There %s %d %s in configuration.' % ('was' if errs == 1 else 'were', errs, 'error' if errs == 1 else 'errors'))
[docs]def check_config(config): """ Checks the config for sanity. """ if config['min_seis_depth'] >= config['max_seis_depth']: print('Config error: min_seis_depth must be < max_seis_depth') raise ValidateError() if config['mindip_deg'] > config['maxdip_deg']: print('Config error: mindip_deg must be <= maxdip_deg') raise ValidateError() if config['mindip_deg'] == config['maxdip_deg'] and config['ndip'] != 1: print('Config error: mindip_deg == maxdip_deg, but ndip != 1') raise ValidateError() if config['minmag'] > config['maxmag']: print('Config error: minmag must be <= maxmag') raise ValidateError() if config['minepi'] > config['maxepi']: print('Config error: minepi must be <= maxepi') raise ValidateError() if config['minepi'] == config['maxepi'] and config['nepi'] != 1: print('Config error: minepi == maxepi, but nepi != 1') raise ValidateError()
[docs]def magScalingType(value): """ Checks that the value is in the magScalingType enum and returns the appropriate enum. """ if not isinstance(value, str): print('Config error: Unknown value "%s" for "rup_dim_model"' % (value)) raise ValidateError() for thing in MagScaling: if value == thing.value: return thing print('Config error: Invalid value "%s" for "rup_dim_model"' % (value)) print('Config error: "rup_dim_model" must be in %s' % ([x.value for x in list(MagScaling)])) raise ValidateError()
[docs]def mechType(value): """ Checks that the value is in the mechType enum and returns the appropriate enum. """ if not isinstance(value, str): print('Config error: Unknown value "%s" for "mech"' % (value)) raise ValidateError() for thing in Mechanism: if value == thing.value: return thing print('Config error: Invalid value "%s" for "mech"' % (value)) print('Config error: "mech" must be in %s' % ([x.value for x in list(Mechanism)])) raise ValidateError()