
This program produces tables of Rrup-to-Repi and Rjb-to-Repi ratios and variances for a single event. This means that the magnitdue and hypocentral depth are available, simplifying the integration. It optionally tabulates the adjustment factors as a function of backazimuth. An example configuration file for this program is given in tests/config/test_single.ini here.

The configuration parameters are:

  • M – The earthquake magnitude.

  • zhyp – The hypocentral depth of the earthquake.

  • bytheta – Tabulate factors for bins of theta (bool; default=False).

  • NP – The number of processors (cores) to use. Minimum 1.

  • datadir — The directory into which the output files are written. If unspecified, it uses ./data.

  • rup_dim_model – String to select the magnitude scaling relationship.

    Currently supported values are:

    • WC94 – Wells, D. L., & Coppersmith, K. J. (1994). New empirical relationships among magnitude, rupture length, rupture width, rupture area, and surface displacement, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 84(4), 974–1002.
    • S14 – Somerville, P. (2014). Scaling Relations between Seismic Moment and Rupture Area of Earthquakes in Stable Continental Regions, PEER Report 2014/14.
    • HB08 – Hanks, T. C. and Bakun, W. H. (2008). M-logA observations for recent large earthquakes, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98(1), 490–494.
    • Sea10_interface – Interface coefficients of Strasser, F. O., Arango, M. C., & Bommer, J. J. (2010). Scaling of the source dimensions of interface and intraslab subduction-zone earthquakes with moment magnitude, Seismological Research Letters, 81(6), 941–950.
    • Sea10_slab: Slab coefficients from the paper in previous bullet.
  • mech – The rupture mechanism, only used by some scaling relationships:

    • A – all/unknown mechanisms,
    • SS – strike-slip,
    • N – normal,
    • R – reverse.
  • LW – Boolean for whether to separately select rupture length and width distributions, otherwise select the rupture area and compute length and width from it and an assumed aspect ratio.

  • AR – Aspect ratio (Length/Width) of the rupture. The aspect ratio is maintained until the rupture width spans the seismogenic zone, after which only the rupture length will increase.

  • min_seis_depth - The minimum seismogenic depth (km).

  • max_seis_depth - The maximum seismogenic depth (km).

  • mindip_deg - The minimum rupture dip in degrees (0 min, 90 max).

  • maxdip_deg - The maximum rupture dip in degrees (0 min 90 max).

  • ndip - The number of integration steps in dip.

  • ntheta - The number of integration steps in theta.

  • nxny - The number of integration steps in x and y (minimum is 2).

  • trunc - For the integration in area (or length and width), this is the truncation of the normal distribution (in standard deviation units).

  • neps - The number of integration steps for area (or length and width) from –trunc to +trunc. Larger numbers increase the accuracy of the result, but take longer to run.

  • minepi - The minimum epicentral distance for which to compute results.

  • maxepi - The maximum epicentral distance for which to compute results.

  • nepi - The number of steps from minepi to max epi. The steps will be

    uniformly sized in log space.

usage: run_ps2ff_single_event [-h] [-v] config_file

Positional Arguments

config_file The configuration file.

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose Print informational messages.