Source code for shakelib.distance

#!/usr/bin/env python

# stdlib imports
import copy

# third party imports
import numpy as np

from openquake.hazardlib.gsim.base import GMPE
from openquake.hazardlib.gsim import base

# local imports
from shakelib.utils.exception import ShakeLibException
from shakelib.rupture.edge_rupture import EdgeRupture

[docs]class Distance(object): """ Class for distance calculations. Primary method is 'get_distance'. To handle multiple segment ruptures, many of the distances are based on the Spudich and Chiou (2015) GC2 coordinate system. References: Spudich, Paul and Chiou, Brian, 2015, Strike-parallel and strike-normal coordinate system around geometrically complicated rupture traces—Use by NGA-West2 and further improvements: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1028, 20 p., """ def __init__(self, gmpe, lon, lat, dep, rupture=None): """ Constructor for Distance class. Args: gmpe (GMPE): Concrete subclass of GMPE `[link] <>`__; can be individual instance or list of instances. lon (array): A numpy array of site longitudes. lat (array): A numpy array of site latitudes. dep (array): A numpy array of site depths (km); down is positive. rupture (Rupture): A Shakemap Rupture instance. Returns: Distance object. """ # noqa self._rupture = rupture self._distance_context = self._calcDistanceContext( gmpe, lat, lon, dep)
[docs] @classmethod def fromSites(cls, gmpe, sites, rup): """ Convenience class method to construct a Distance object from a sites object. Args: gmpe (GMPE): Concrete subclass of GMPE `[link] <>`__; can be individual instance or list of instances. sites (Sites): A Shakemap Sites object. rup (Rupture): A Shakemap Rupture object. Returns: Distance object. """ # noqa sm_dict = sites._GeoDict west = sm_dict.xmin east = sm_dict.xmax south = sm_dict.ymin north = sm_dict.ymax nx = sm_dict.nx ny = sm_dict.ny lats = np.linspace(north, south, ny) lons = np.linspace(west, east, nx) lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) dep = np.zeros_like(lon) return cls(gmpe, lon, lat, dep, rup)
[docs] def getDistanceContext(self): """ Returns: Openquake distance context `[link] <>`__. """ # noqa return copy.deepcopy(self._distance_context)
def _calcDistanceContext(self, gmpe, lat, lon, dep): """ Create a DistancesContext object. Args: gmpe (GMPE): Concrete subclass of GMPE ( can be individual instance or list of instances. lat (array): Numpy array of latitudes. lon (array): Numpy array of longitudes. dep (array): Numpy array of depths (km). Returns: DistancesContext object with distance grids required by input gmpe(s). Raises: TypeError: If gmpe is not a subclass of GMPE. """ if not isinstance(gmpe, list): gmpe = [gmpe] # require rhypo always requires = set(['rhypo','rrup','rjb']) for ig in gmpe: if not isinstance(ig, GMPE): raise TypeError( 'getDistanceContext() cannot work with objects of ' 'type "%s"' % type(ig)) requires = requires | ig.REQUIRES_DISTANCES context = base.DistancesContext() if isinstance(self._rupture, EdgeRupture): ddict = get_distance(list(requires), lat, lon, dep, self._rupture, dx=self._rupture._mesh_dx) else: ddict = get_distance(list(requires), lat, lon, dep, self._rupture) for method in requires: (context.__dict__)[method] = ddict[method] return context
[docs]def get_distance_measures(): """ Returns a list of strings specifying the distance measure types (e.g. "repi", "rhypo") available for the "methods" argument to get_diistance(). Returns: A list of strings. """ return ['repi', 'rhypo', 'rjb', 'rrup', 'rx', 'ry', 'ry0', 'U', 'T']
[docs]def get_distance(methods, lat, lon, dep, rupture, dx=0.5): """ Calculate distance using any one of a number of distance measures. One of quadlist OR hypo must be specified. The following table gives the allowed distance strings and a description of each. +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | String | Description | +========+==========================================================+ | repi | Distance to epicenter. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | rhypo | Distance to hypocenter. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | rjb | Joyner-Boore distance; this is closest distance to the | | | surface projection of the rupture plane. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | rrup | Rupture distance; closest distance to the rupture plane. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | rx | Strike-normal distance; same as GC2 coordiante T. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ry | Strike-parallel distance; same as GC2 coordiante U, but | | | with a shift in origin definition. See Spudich and Chiou | | | (2015) | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | ry0 | Horizontal distance off the end of the rupture measured | | | parallel to strike. Can only be zero or positive. We | | | compute this as a function of GC2 coordinate U. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | U | GC2 coordinate U. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | T | GC2 coordinate T. | +--------+----------------------------------------------------------+ Args: methods (list): List of strings (or just a string) of distances to compute. lat (array): A numpy array of latitudes. lon (array): A numpy array of longidues. dep (array): A numpy array of depths (km). rupture (Rupture): A ShakeMap Rupture instance. dx (float): Mesh spacing for rupture; only used if rupture is an EdgeRupture subclass. Returns: dict: dictionary of numpy arrays of distances, size of lon.shape. """ rupture._mesh_dx = dx # Dictionary for holding/returning the requested distances distdict = dict() # Coerce methods into list if it isn't if not isinstance(methods, list): methods = [methods] # Check that all requested distances are available methods_available = set(get_distance_measures()) if not set(methods).issubset(methods_available): raise NotImplementedError( 'One or more requested distance method is not ' 'valid or is not implemented yet') # Check dimensions of site coordinates if (lat.shape != lon.shape) or (lat.shape != dep.shape): raise ShakeLibException('lat, lon, and dep must have the same shape.') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Point distances # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if 'rhypo' in methods: distdict['rhypo'] = rupture.computeRhyp(lon, lat, dep) if 'repi' in methods: distdict['repi'] = rupture.computeRepi(lon, lat, dep) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Rupture distances # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- gc2_distances = set(['rx', 'ry', 'ry0', 'U', 'T']) if 'rrup' in methods: distdict['rrup'] = rupture.computeRrup(lon, lat, dep) if 'rjb' in methods: distdict['rjb'] = rupture.computeRjb(lon, lat, dep) # If any of the GC2-related distances are requested, may as well do all if len(set(methods).intersection(gc2_distances)) > 0: distdict.update(rupture.computeGC2(lon, lat, dep)) return distdict