Source code for shakelib.rupture.factory

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# stdlib modules
import json

# third party imports
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point

# local imports
from shakelib.rupture.point_rupture import PointRupture
from shakelib.rupture.quad_rupture import QuadRupture
from shakelib.rupture.edge_rupture import EdgeRupture
from shakelib.rupture.origin import Origin
from shakelib.rupture import utils
from shakelib.rupture import constants
from shakelib.utils.exception import ShakeLibException

[docs]def get_rupture(origin, file=None, mesh_dx=0.5): """ This is a module-level function to read in a rupture file. This allows for the ShakeMap 3 text file specification or the ShakeMap 4 JSON rupture format. The ShakeMap 3 (".txt" extension) only supports QuadRupture style rupture representation and so this method will always return a QuadRupture instance. The ShakeMap 4 JSON format supports QuadRupture and EdgeRupture represenations and so this method detects the rupture class and returns the appropriate Rupture subclass instance. If file is None (default) then it returns a PointRupture. Args: origin (Origin): A ShakeMap origin instance; required because hypocentral/epicentral distances are computed from the Rupture class. file (srt): Path to rupture file (optional). mesh_dx (float): Target spacing (in km) for rupture discretization; default is 0.5 km and it is only used if the rupture file is an EdgeRupture. Returns: Rupture subclass instance. """ if file is not None: try: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # First, try to read as a json file # ----------------------------------------------------------------- if isinstance(file, str): with open(file) as f: d = json.load(f) else: d = json.loads(str(file)) rupt = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx) except json.JSONDecodeError: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # Reading as json failed, so hopefully it is a ShakeMap 3 text file # ----------------------------------------------------------------- try: d = text_to_json(file) rupt = rupture_from_dict_and_origin(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx) except: raise Exception("Unknown rupture file format.") else: if origin is None: raise Exception("Origin requred if no rupture file is provided.") rupt = PointRupture(origin) return rupt
[docs]def rupture_from_dict_and_origin(d, origin, mesh_dx=0.5): """ Method returns either a QuadRupture or EdgeRupture object based on a GeoJSON dictionary and an origin. Note that this is very similar to :func:`rupture_from_dict`, except that method is for constructing the rupture objects from a dict that already contains the origin info in the `metadata` field (e.g., from a dict from a Shakemap container), while this method is for construction of the rupture objects from a GeoJSON dict that does not yet include that information (e.g., from a dict that is read in to initially create the shakemap container, along with an Origin that is derived from `event.xml`). .. seealso:: :func:`rupture_from_dict` Args: d (dict): Rupture GeoJSON dictionary. origin (Origin): A ShakeMap origin object. mesh_dx (float): Target spacing (in km) for rupture discretization; default is 0.5 km and it is only used if the rupture file is an EdgeRupture. Returns: a Rupture subclass. """ validate_json(d) # Is this a QuadRupture or an EdgeRupture? valid_quads = is_quadrupture_class(d) if valid_quads is True: rupt = QuadRupture(d, origin) else: rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx) return rupt
[docs]def rupture_from_dict(d): """ Method returns either a Rupture subclass (QuadRupture, EdgeRupture, or PointRupture) object based on a GeoJSON dictionary. .. seealso:: :func:`rupture_from_dict_and_origin` Args: d (dict): Rupture GeoJSON dictionary, which must contain origin information in the 'metadata' field. Returns: a Rupture subclass. """ validate_json(d) # Construct an origin # origin = Origin({ # 'lat': d['metadata']['lat'], # 'lon': d['metadata']['lon'], # 'depth': d['metadata']['depth'], # 'mag': d['metadata']['mag'], # 'eventsourcecode': d['metadata']['eventsourcecode'], # 'time': d['metadata']['time'], # 'eventsource': d['metadata']['eventsource'], # 'locstring': d['metadata']['locstring'], # 'rake': d['metadata']['rake'], # 'mech': d['metadata']['mech'], # 'created': d['metadata']['created'] # }) origin = Origin(d['metadata']) # What type of rupture is this? geo_type = d['features'][0]['geometry']['type'] if geo_type == 'MultiPolygon': # EdgeRupture will have 'mesh_dx' in metadata if 'mesh_dx' in d['metadata']: mesh_dx = d['metadata']['mesh_dx'] rupt = EdgeRupture(d, origin, mesh_dx=mesh_dx) else: rupt = QuadRupture(d, origin) elif geo_type == 'Point': rupt = PointRupture(origin) return rupt
[docs]def text_to_json(file): """ Read in old ShakeMap 3 textfile rupture format and convert to GeoJSON. Args: rupturefile (srt): Path to rupture file OR file-like object in GMT psxy format, where: * Rupture vertices are space separated lat, lon, depth triplets on a single line. * Rupture groups are separated by lines containing ">" * Rupture groups must be closed. * Verticies within a rupture group must start along the top edge and move in the strike direction then move to the bottom edge and move back in the opposite direction. Returns: dict: GeoJSON rupture dictionary. """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # First read in the data # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- x = [] y = [] z = [] isFile = False if isinstance(file, str): isFile = True file = open(file, 'rt') lines = file.readlines() else: lines = file.readlines() reference = '' for line in lines: sline = line.strip() if sline.startswith('#'): reference += sline continue if sline.startswith('>'): if len(x): # start of new line segment x.append(np.nan) y.append(np.nan) z.append(np.nan) continue else: # start of file continue if not len(sline.strip()): continue parts = sline.split() if len(parts) < 3: raise ShakeLibException( 'Rupture file %s has no depth values.' % file) y.append(float(parts[0])) x.append(float(parts[1])) z.append(float(parts[2])) if isFile: file.close() # Construct GeoJSON dictionary coords = [] poly = [] for lon, lat, dep in zip(x, y, z): if np.isnan(lon): coords.append(poly) poly = [] else: poly.append([lon, lat, dep]) if poly != []: coords.append(poly) d = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "metadata": {}, "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "properties": { "rupture type": "rupture extent", "reference": reference }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [coords] } } ] } return d
[docs]def validate_json(d): """ Check that the JSON format is acceptable. This is only for requirements that are common to both QuadRupture and EdgeRupture. Args: d (dict): Rupture JSON dictionary. """ if d['type'] != 'FeatureCollection': raise Exception('JSON file is not a \"FeatureColleciton\".') if len(d['features']) != 1: raise Exception('JSON file should contain excactly one feature.') f = d['features'][0] if 'reference' not in f['properties'].keys(): raise Exception('Feature property dictionary should contain ' '\"referencey\" key.') if f['type'] != 'Feature': raise Exception('Feature type should be \"Feature\".') geom = f['geometry'] if (geom['type'] != 'MultiPolygon' and geom['type'] != 'Point'): raise Exception('Geometry type should be \"MultiPolygon\" ' 'or \"Point\".') if 'coordinates' not in geom.keys(): raise Exception('Geometry dictionary should contain \"coordinates\" ' 'key.') polygons = geom['coordinates'][0] if geom['type'] == 'MultiPolygon': n_polygons = len(polygons) for i in range(n_polygons): p = polygons[i] n_points = len(p) if n_points % 2 == 0: raise Exception('Number of points in polyon must be odd.') if p[0] != p[-1]: raise Exception('First and last points in polygon must be ' 'identical.') n_pairs = int((n_points - 1) / 2) for j in range(n_pairs): # ------------------------------------------------------------- # Points are paired and in each pair the top is first, as in: # # _.-P1-._ # P0' 'P2---P3 # | \ # P7---P6----P5-------P4 # # Pairs: P0-P7, P1-P6, P2-P5, P3-P4 # ------------------------------------------------------------- top_depth = p[j][2] bot_depth = p[-(j + 2)][2] if top_depth > bot_depth: raise Exception( 'Top points must be ordered before bottom points.')
[docs]def is_quadrupture_class(d): """ Check if JSON file fulfills QuadRupture class criteria: - Are top and bottom edges horizontal? - Are the four points in each quad coplanar? Args: d (dict): Rupture JSON dictionary. Returns: bool: Can the rupture be represented in the QuadRupture class? """ isQuad = True f = d['features'][0] geom = f['geometry'] polygons = geom['coordinates'][0] n_polygons = len(polygons) for i in range(n_polygons): p = polygons[i] n_points = len(p) n_pairs = int((n_points - 1) / 2) # Within each polygon, top and bottom edges must be horizontal depths = [pt[2] for pt in p] tops = np.array(depths[0:n_pairs]) if not np.isclose(tops[0], tops, rtol=0, atol=constants.DEPTH_TOL).all(): isQuad = False bots = np.array(depths[(n_pairs):-1]) if not np.isclose(bots[0], bots, rtol=0, atol=constants.DEPTH_TOL).all(): isQuad = False n_quads = n_pairs - 1 for j in range(n_quads): # Four points of each quad should be co-planar within a tolerance quad = [Point(p[j][0], p[j][1], p[j][2]), Point(p[j + 1][0], p[j + 1][1], p[j + 1][2]), Point(p[-(j + 3)][0], p[-(j + 3)][1], p[-(j + 3)][2]), Point(p[-(j + 2)][0], p[-(j + 2)][1], p[-(j + 2)][2])] test = utils.is_quad(quad) if test[0] is False: isQuad = False return isQuad