Source code for shakelib.rupture.quad_rupture

#!/usr/bin/env python

# stdlib modules
import copy

# third party imports
import numpy as np
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.mesh import Mesh
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.point import Point
from openquake.hazardlib.geo.utils import get_orthographic_projection

from impactutils.vectorutils.ecef import latlon2ecef
from impactutils.vectorutils.ecef import ecef2latlon
from impactutils.vectorutils.vector import Vector
from impactutils.time.ancient_time import HistoricTime
from shakelib.utils.exception import ShakeLibException
from shakelib.rupture.base import Rupture
from shakelib.rupture import utils
from shakelib.rupture import gc2

[docs]class QuadRupture(Rupture): """ Rupture class that represents the rupture surface as a combination of quadrilaterals. Each quadrilateral must have horizontal top and bottom edges and must be coplanar. These restrictions make the computation of rupture distances more efficient. The number of points in the top edges must match the number of points in the bottom edge. """ def __init__(self, d, origin): """ Create a QuadRupture instance from a GeoJSON dictionary and an Origin. Args: d (dict): Rupture GeoJSON dictionary. origin (Origin): Reference to a ShakeMap Origin object. Returns: QuadRupture instance. """ polys = d['features'][0]['geometry']['coordinates'][0] n_polygons = len(polys) lon = [] lat = [] dep = [] for i in range(n_polygons): p = polys[i] p_lons = [pt[0] for pt in p][0:-1] p_lats = [pt[1] for pt in p][0:-1] p_depths = [pt[2] for pt in p][0:-1] lon = lon + p_lons + [np.nan] lat = lat + p_lats + [np.nan] dep = dep + p_depths + [np.nan] # Add origin information to metadata odict = origin.__dict__ for k, v in odict.items(): if isinstance(v, HistoricTime): d['metadata'][k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') else: d['metadata'][k] = v self._geojson = d self._lon = lon self._lat = lat self._depth = dep self._origin = origin self._reference = d['features'][0]['properties']['reference'] self._setQuadrilaterals()
[docs] def getDepthAtPoint(self, lat, lon): SMALL_DISTANCE = 2e-03 # 2 meters depth = np.nan tmp = self.computeRjb(np.array([lon]), np.array([lat]), np.array([0])) if tmp > SMALL_DISTANCE: return depth i = 0 imin = -1 dmin = 9999999999999999 for quad in self.getQuadrilaterals(): pX = Vector.fromPoint(Point(lon, lat, 0)) points = np.reshape(np.array([pX.x, pX.y, pX.z]), (1, 3)) rjb = utils._quad_distance(quad, points, horizontal=True) if rjb[0][0] < dmin: dmin = rjb[0][0] imin = i i += 1 quad = self._quadrilaterals[imin] P0, P1, P2, P3 = quad # project the quad and the point in question to orthographic defined by # quad xmin = np.min([P0.x, P1.x, P2.x, P3.x]) xmax = np.max([P0.x, P1.x, P2.x, P3.x]) ymin = np.min([P0.y, P1.y, P2.y, P3.y]) ymax = np.max([P0.y, P1.y, P2.y, P3.y]) proj = get_orthographic_projection(xmin, xmax, ymax, ymin) # project each vertex of quad (at 0 depth) s0x, s0y = proj(P0.x, P0.y) s1x, s1y = proj(P1.x, P1.y) s2x, s2y = proj(P2.x, P2.y) s3x, s3y = proj(P3.x, P3.y) sxx, sxy = proj(lon, lat) # turn these to vectors s0 = Vector(s0x, s0y, 0) s1 = Vector(s1x, s1y, 0) s3 = Vector(s3x, s3y, 0) sx = Vector(sxx, sxy, 0) # Compute vector from s0 to s1 s0s1 = s1 - s0 # Compute the vector from s0 to s3 s0s3 = s3 - s0 # Compute the vector from s0 to sx s0sx = sx - s0 # cross products s0normal = s0s3.cross(s0s1) dd = s0s1.cross(s0normal) # normalize dd (down dip direction) ddn = dd.norm() # dot product sxdd = # get width of quad w = utils.get_quad_width(quad) # Get weights for top and bottom edge depths N = utils.get_quad_normal(quad) V = utils.get_vertical_vector(quad) dip = np.degrees(np.arccos(, V))) ws = (w * np.cos(np.radians(dip))) wtt = (ws - sxdd) / ws wtb = sxdd / ws # Compute the depth of of the plane at Px: depth = wtt * P0.z + wtb * P3.z * 1000 return depth
[docs] def getLength(self): """ Compute length of rupture based on top edge in km. Returns: float: Length of rupture (km). """ flength = 0 for quad in self._quadrilaterals: flength = flength + utils.get_quad_length(quad) return flength
[docs] def getWidth(self): """ Compute average rupture width (km) for all quadrilaterals defined for the rupture. Returns: float: Average width in km of all rupture quadrilaterals. """ wsum = 0.0 for quad in self._quadrilaterals: wsum = wsum + utils.get_quad_width(quad) mwidth = (wsum / len(self._quadrilaterals)) / 1000.0 return mwidth
[docs] def getArea(self): """ Compute area of rupture. Returns: float: Rupture area in square km. """ asum = 0.0 for quad in self._quadrilaterals: width = utils.get_quad_width(quad) length = utils.get_quad_length(quad) asum = asum + width * length return asum
[docs] @classmethod def fromTrace(cls, xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, zp, widths, dips, origin, strike=None, group_index=None, reference=""): """ Create a QuadRupture instance from a set of vertices that define the top of the rupture, and an array of widths/dips. Each rupture quadrilaterial is defined by specifying the latitude, longitude, and depth of the two vertices on the top edges, which must have the dame depths. The other verticies are then constructed from the top edges and the width and dip of the quadrilateral. Args: xp0 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p0. yp0 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p0. xp1 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p1. yp1 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p1. zp (array): Array or list of depths for each of the top of rupture rectangles (km). widths (array): Array of widths for each of rectangle (km). dips (array): Array of dips for each of rectangle (degrees). origin (Origin): Reference to a ShakeMap origin object. strike (array): If None then strike is computed from verticies of top edge of each quadrilateral. If a scalar, then all quadrilaterals are constructed assuming this strike direction. If an array with the same length as the trace coordinates then it specifies the strike for each quadrilateral. group_index (list): List of integers to indicate group index. If None then each quadrilateral is assumed to be in a different group since there is no guarantee that any of them are continuous. reference (str): String explaining where the rupture definition came from (publication style reference, etc.). Returns: QuadRupture instance. """ if len(xp0) == len(yp0) == len(xp1) == len( yp1) == len(zp) == len(dips) == len(widths): pass else: raise ShakeLibException( 'Number of xp0,yp0,xp1,yp1,zp,widths,dips points must be ' 'equal.') if strike is None: pass else: if (len(xp0) == len(strike)) | (len(strike) == 1): pass else: raise ShakeLibException( 'Strike must be None, scalar, or same length as ' 'trace coordinates.') if group_index is None: group_index = np.array(range(len(xp0))) # Convert dips to radians dips = np.radians(dips) # Ensure that all input sequences are numpy arrays xp0 = np.array(xp0, dtype='d') xp1 = np.array(xp1, dtype='d') yp0 = np.array(yp0, dtype='d') yp1 = np.array(yp1, dtype='d') zp = np.array(zp, dtype='d') widths = np.array(widths, dtype='d') dips = np.array(dips, dtype='d') # Get a projection object west = np.min((xp0.min(), xp1.min())) east = np.max((xp0.max(), xp1.max())) south = np.min((yp0.min(), yp1.min())) north = np.max((yp0.max(), yp1.max())) # Projected coordinates are in km proj = get_orthographic_projection(west, east, north, south) xp2 = np.zeros_like(xp0) xp3 = np.zeros_like(xp0) yp2 = np.zeros_like(xp0) yp3 = np.zeros_like(xp0) zpdown = np.zeros_like(zp) for i in range(0, len(xp0)): # Project the top edge coordinates p0x, p0y = proj(xp0[i], yp0[i]) p1x, p1y = proj(xp1[i], yp1[i]) # Get the rotation angle defined by these two points if strike is None: dx = p1x - p0x dy = p1y - p0y theta = np.arctan2(dx, dy) # theta is angle from north elif len(strike) == 1: theta = np.radians(strike[0]) else: theta = np.radians(strike[i]) R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]]) # Rotate the top edge points into a new coordinate system (vertical # line) p0 = np.array([p0x, p0y]) p1 = np.array([p1x, p1y]) p0p =, p0) p1p =, p1) # Get right side coordinates in project, rotated system dz = np.sin(dips[i]) * widths[i] dx = np.cos(dips[i]) * widths[i] p3xp = p0p[0] + dx p3yp = p0p[1] p2xp = p1p[0] + dx p2yp = p1p[1] # Get right side coordinates in un-rotated projected system p3p = np.array([p3xp, p3yp]) p2p = np.array([p2xp, p2yp]) Rback = np.array([[np.cos(-theta), -np.sin(-theta)], [np.sin(-theta), np.cos(-theta)]]) p3 =, p3p) p2 =, p2p) p3x = np.array([p3[0]]) p3y = np.array([p3[1]]) p2x = np.array([p2[0]]) p2y = np.array([p2[1]]) # project lower edge points back to lat/lon coordinates lon3, lat3 = proj(p3x, p3y, reverse=True) lon2, lat2 = proj(p2x, p2y, reverse=True) xp2[i] = lon2 xp3[i] = lon3 yp2[i] = lat2 yp3[i] = lat3 zpdown[i] = zp[i] + dz # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeoJSON object # --------------------------------------------------------------------- coords = [] u_groups = np.unique(group_index) n_groups = len(u_groups) for i in range(n_groups): ind = np.where(u_groups[i] == group_index)[0] lons = np.concatenate( [xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)), xp1[ind], xp2[ind][::-1], xp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1,)), xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)) ]) lats = np.concatenate( [yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)), yp1[ind], yp2[ind][::-1], yp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1,)), yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)) ]) deps = np.concatenate( [zp[ind[0]].reshape((1,)), zp[ind], zpdown[ind][::-1], zpdown[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1,)), zp[ind[0]].reshape((1,))]) poly = [] for lon, lat, dep in zip(lons, lats, deps): poly.append([lon, lat, dep]) coords.append(poly) d = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "metadata": {}, "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "rupture type": "rupture extent", "reference": reference, }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [coords] } }]} # Add origin information to metadata odict = origin.__dict__ for k, v in odict.items(): if isinstance(v, HistoricTime): d['metadata'][k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') else: d['metadata'][k] = v return cls(d, origin)
[docs] def writeTextFile(self, rupturefile): """ Write rupture data to rupture file format as defined in ShakeMap Software Guide. Note that this currently treats each quadrilateral as a separate polygon. This needs to be udpated. Args: rupturefile (str): Filename of output data file OR file-like object. """ if not hasattr(rupturefile, 'read'): f = open(rupturefile, 'wt') else: f = rupturefile # just a reference to the input file-like object f.write('#%s\n' % self._reference) for quad in self.getQuadrilaterals(): P0, P1, P2, P3 = quad f.write('%.4f %.4f %.4f\n' % (P0.latitude, P0.longitude, P0.depth)) f.write('%.4f %.4f %.4f\n' % (P1.latitude, P1.longitude, P1.depth)) f.write('%.4f %.4f %.4f\n' % (P2.latitude, P2.longitude, P2.depth)) f.write('%.4f %.4f %.4f\n' % (P3.latitude, P3.longitude, P3.depth)) f.write('%.4f %.4f %.4f\n' % (P0.latitude, P0.longitude, P0.depth)) f.write(u'>\n') if not hasattr(rupturefile, 'read'): f.close()
[docs] @classmethod def fromVertices(cls, xp0, yp0, zp0, xp1, yp1, zp1, xp2, yp2, zp2, xp3, yp3, zp3, origin, group_index=None, reference=None): """ Create a QuadDrupture instance from the vector of vertices that fully define the quadrilaterals. The points p0, ..., p3 are labeled below for a trapezoid: :: p0--------p1 / | / | p3-----------p2 All of the following vector arguments must have the same length. Args: xp0 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p0. yp0 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p0. zp0 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p0. xp1 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p1. yp1 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p1. zp1 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p1. xp2 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p2. yp2 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p2. zp2 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p2. xp3 (array): Array or list of longitudes (floats) of p3. yp3 (array): Array or list of latitudes (floats) of p3. zp3 (array): Array or list of depths (floats) of p3. origin (Origin): Reference to a ShakeMap Origin object. group_index (list): List of integers to indicate group index. If None then each quadrilateral is assumed to be in a different group since there is no guarantee that any of them are continuous. reference (str): String explaining where the rupture definition came from (publication style reference, etc.) Returns: QuadRupture object, where the rupture is modeled as a series of trapezoids. """ if len(xp0) == len(yp0) == len(zp0) == len(xp1) == len(yp1) == \ len(zp1) == len(xp2) == len(yp2) == len(zp2) == len(xp3) == \ len(yp3) == len(zp3): pass else: raise ShakeLibException('All vectors specifying quadrilateral ' 'vertices must have the same length.') nq = len(xp0) if group_index is not None: if len(group_index) != nq: raise Exception( "group_index must have same length as vertices.") else: group_index = np.array(range(nq)) xp0 = np.array(xp0, dtype='d') yp0 = np.array(yp0, dtype='d') zp0 = np.array(zp0, dtype='d') xp1 = np.array(xp1, dtype='d') yp1 = np.array(yp1, dtype='d') zp1 = np.array(zp1, dtype='d') xp2 = np.array(xp2, dtype='d') yp2 = np.array(yp2, dtype='d') zp2 = np.array(zp2, dtype='d') xp3 = np.array(xp3, dtype='d') yp3 = np.array(yp3, dtype='d') zp3 = np.array(zp3, dtype='d') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create GeoJSON object # --------------------------------------------------------------------- coords = [] u_groups = np.unique(group_index) n_groups = len(u_groups) for i in range(n_groups): ind = np.where(u_groups[i] == group_index)[0] lons = np.concatenate( [xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)), xp1[ind], xp2[ind][::-1], xp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1,)), xp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)) ]) lats = np.concatenate( [yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)), yp1[ind], yp2[ind][::-1], yp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1,)), yp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)) ]) deps = np.concatenate( [zp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)), zp1[ind], zp2[ind][::-1], zp3[ind][::-1][-1].reshape((1,)), zp0[ind[0]].reshape((1,)) ]) poly = [] for lon, lat, dep in zip(lons, lats, deps): poly.append([lon, lat, dep]) coords.append(poly) d = {"type": "FeatureCollection", "metadata": {}, "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "rupture type": "rupture extent", "reference": reference, }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [coords] } }]} # Add origin information to metadata odict = origin.__dict__ for k, v in odict.items(): if isinstance(v, HistoricTime): d['metadata'][k] = v.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') else: d['metadata'][k] = v if hasattr(origin, 'id'): d['metadata']['eventid'] = return cls(d, origin)
[docs] def getQuadrilaterals(self): """ Return a list of quadrilaterals. Returns: list: List of quadrilaterals where each quad is a tuple of four `Point <>`__ objects. """ # noqa return copy.deepcopy(self._quadrilaterals)
[docs] def getStrike(self): """ Return strike angle. If rupture consists of multiple quadrilaterals, the average strike angle, weighted by quad length, is returned. Note: for ruptures with quads where the strike angle changes by 180 deg due to reverses in dip direction are problematic and not handeled well by this algorithm. Returns: float: Strike angle in degrees. """ nq = len(self._quadrilaterals) strikes = np.zeros(nq) lengths = np.zeros(nq) for i in range(nq): P0 = self._quadrilaterals[i][0] P1 = self._quadrilaterals[i][1] strikes[i] = P0.azimuth(P1) lengths[i] = utils.get_quad_length(self._quadrilaterals[i]) x = np.sin(np.radians(strikes)) y = np.cos(np.radians(strikes)) xbar = np.sum(x * lengths) / np.sum(lengths) ybar = np.sum(y * lengths) / np.sum(lengths) return np.degrees(np.arctan2(xbar, ybar))
[docs] def getDepthToTop(self): """ Determine shallowest vertex of entire rupture. :returns: Shallowest depth of all vertices (float). """ mindep = 9999999 for quad in self._quadrilaterals: P0, P1, P2, P3 = quad depths = np.array([P0.depth, P1.depth, P2.depth, P3.depth]) if np.min(depths) < mindep: mindep = np.min(depths) return mindep
[docs] def getDip(self): """ Return average dip of all quadrilaterals in the rupture. Returns: float: Average dip in degrees. """ dipsum = 0.0 for quad in self._quadrilaterals: N = utils.get_quad_normal(quad) V = utils.get_vertical_vector(quad) dipsum = dipsum + np.degrees(np.arccos(, V))) dip = dipsum / len(self._quadrilaterals) return dip
[docs] def getIndividualWidths(self): """ Return an array of rupture widths (km), one for each quadrilateral defined for the rupture. Returns: Array of quad widths in km of all rupture quadrilaterals. """ nquad = self.getNumQuads() widths = np.zeros(nquad) for i in range(nquad): q = self._quadrilaterals[i] widths[i] = utils.get_quad_width(q) / 1000.0 return widths
[docs] def getIndividualTopLengths(self): """ Return an array of rupture lengths along top edge (km), one for each quadrilateral defined for the rupture. :returns: Array of lengths in km of top edge of quadrilaterals. """ nquad = self.getNumQuads() lengths = np.zeros(nquad) for i in range(nquad): P0, P1, P2, P3 = self._quadrilaterals[i] p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0) p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1) lengths[i] = (p1 - p0).mag() / 1000.0 return lengths
@staticmethod def _fixStrikeDirection(quad): P0, P1, P2, P3 = quad eps = 1e-6 p0 = Vector.fromPoint(P0) # fromPoint converts to ECEF p1 = Vector.fromPoint(P1) p2 = Vector.fromPoint(P2) p1p0 = p1 - p0 p2p0 = p2 - p0 qnv = Vector.cross(p2p0, p1p0).norm() tmp = p0 + qnv tmplat, tmplon, tmpz = ecef2latlon(tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z) if (tmpz - P0.depth) < eps: # If True then do nothing fixed = quad else: newP0 = copy.deepcopy(P1) newP1 = copy.deepcopy(P0) newP2 = copy.deepcopy(P3) newP3 = copy.deepcopy(P2) fixed = [newP0, newP1, newP2, newP3] return fixed def _setQuadrilaterals(self): """ Create internal list of N quadrilaterals. Reverses quad if dip direction is incorrect. """ # Make sure arrays are numpy arrays. self._lon = np.array(self._lon) self._lat = np.array(self._lat) self._depth = np.array(self._depth) # Find the nans, which tells is where the separate polygons/groups are group_ends = np.where(np.isnan(self._lon))[0] n_groups = len(group_ends) # Check that arrays are the same length if len(self._lon) != len(self._lat) != len(self._depth): raise IndexError( 'Length of input lon, lat, depth arrays must be equal') # Construct quads group_start = 0 self._quadrilaterals = [] self._group_index = [] groupind = 0 for i in range(n_groups): lonseg = self._lon[group_start:group_ends[i]] latseg = self._lat[group_start:group_ends[i]] depthseg = self._depth[group_start:group_ends[i]] # Each group can have many contiguous quadrilaterals defined in it # separations (nans) between segments mean that segments are not # contiguous. npoints = len(lonseg) nquads = int((npoints - 4) / 2) + 1 quad_start = 0 quad_end = -1 for j in range(nquads): P0 = Point(lonseg[quad_start], latseg[quad_start], depthseg[quad_start]) P1 = Point(lonseg[quad_start + 1], latseg[quad_start + 1], depthseg[quad_start + 1]) P2 = Point(lonseg[quad_end - 1], latseg[quad_end - 1], depthseg[quad_end - 1]) P3 = Point(lonseg[quad_end], latseg[quad_end], depthseg[quad_end]) quad = [P0, P1, P2, P3] # Enforce plane by moving P2 -- already close because of check # in read_rupture_file/is_quadrupture_class/is_quad dummy, fixed_quad = utils.is_quad(quad) # Reverse quad if necessary fixed_quad = self._fixStrikeDirection(fixed_quad) self._quadrilaterals.append(fixed_quad) quad_start = quad_start + 1 quad_end = quad_end - 1 group_start = group_ends[i] + 1 self._group_index.extend([groupind] * nquads) groupind = groupind + 1 def _getGroupIndex(self): """ Return a list of segment group indexes. Returns: list: Segment group indexes; length equals the number of quadrilaterals. """ return copy.deepcopy(self._group_index) @property def lats(self): """ Return an array of latitudes for the rupture verticies arranged for plotting purposes; will give an outline of each group connected segments. Returns: array: Numpy array of closed-loop latitude values; disconnected segments are separated by nans. """ lats = [] quads = self.getQuadrilaterals() groups = self._getGroupIndex() u_groups = np.unique(groups) ng = len(u_groups) for i in range(ng): q_ind = np.where(groups == u_groups[i])[0] nq = len(q_ind) top_lats = [] bot_lats = [] for j in range(nq): if j == 0: top0 = [quads[q_ind[j]][0].latitude] bot0 = [quads[q_ind[j]][3].latitude] top_lats = top_lats + top0 bot_lats = bot_lats + bot0 top_lats = top_lats + [quads[q_ind[j]][1].latitude] bot_lats = bot_lats + [quads[q_ind[j]][2].latitude] lats = lats + top_lats + bot_lats[::-1] + top0 + [np.nan] return np.array(lats) @property def lons(self): """ Return an array of longitudes for the rupture verticies arranged for plotting purposes; will give an outline of each group connected segments. Returns: array: Numpy array of closed-loop longitude values; disconnected segments are separated by nans. """ lons = [] quads = self.getQuadrilaterals() groups = self._getGroupIndex() u_groups = np.unique(groups) ng = len(u_groups) for i in range(ng): q_ind = np.where(groups == u_groups[i])[0] nq = len(q_ind) top_lons = [] bot_lons = [] for j in range(nq): if j == 0: top0 = [quads[q_ind[j]][0].longitude] bot0 = [quads[q_ind[j]][3].longitude] top_lons = top_lons + top0 bot_lons = bot_lons + bot0 top_lons = top_lons + [quads[q_ind[j]][1].longitude] bot_lons = bot_lons + [quads[q_ind[j]][2].longitude] lons = lons + top_lons + bot_lons[::-1] + top0 + [np.nan] return np.array(lons) @property def depths(self): """ Return an array of depths for the rupture verticies arranged for plotting purposes; will give an outline of each group connected segments. Returns: array: Numpy array of closed-loop depths; disconnected segments are separated by nans. """ deps = [] quads = self.getQuadrilaterals() groups = self._getGroupIndex() u_groups = np.unique(groups) ng = len(u_groups) for i in range(ng): q_ind = np.where(groups == u_groups[i])[0] nq = len(q_ind) top_deps = [] bot_deps = [] for j in range(nq): if j == 0: top0 = [quads[q_ind[j]][0].depth] bot0 = [quads[q_ind[j]][3].depth] top_deps = top_deps + top0 bot_deps = bot_deps + bot0 top_deps = top_deps + [quads[q_ind[j]][1].depth] bot_deps = bot_deps + [quads[q_ind[j]][2].depth] deps = deps + top_deps + bot_deps[::-1] + top0 + [np.nan] return np.array(deps)
[docs] def getDeps(self): """ Return a copy of the array of depths for the rupture verticies. Returns: array: Numpy array of latitude values. """ return self._depth.copy()
[docs] def getNumGroups(self): """ Return a count of the number of rupture groups. Returns: int:Rnumber of rupture groups. """ return len(np.unique(self._group_index))
[docs] def getNumQuads(self): """ Return a count of the number of rupture quadrilaterals. Returns: int: Number of rupture quadrilaterals. """ return len(self._quadrilaterals)
[docs] def getRuptureAsArrays(self): """ Return a 3-tuple of numpy arrays indicating X, Y, Z (lon,lat,depth) coordinates. Rupture groups are separated by numpy.NaN values. Returns: tuple: 3-tuple of numpy arrays indicating X,Y,Z (lon,lat,depth) coordinates. """ return (np.array(self._lon), np.array(self._lat), np.array(self._depth))
[docs] def getRuptureAsMesh(self): """ Return rupture segments as a OQ-Hazardlib Mesh object. Returns: Mesh ( """ # noqa rupture = Mesh(self._lon, self._lat, self._depth) return rupture
[docs] def computeRjb(self, lon, lat, depth): """ Method for computing Joyner-Boore distance. Args: lon (array): Numpy array of longitudes. lat (array): Numpy array of latitudes. depth (array): Numpy array of depths (km; positive down). Returns: array: Joyner-Boore distance (km). """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sort out sites # --------------------------------------------------------------------- oldshape = lon.shape if len(oldshape) == 2: newshape = (oldshape[0] * oldshape[1], 1) else: newshape = (oldshape[0], 1) x, y, z = latlon2ecef(lat, lon, depth) x.shape = newshape y.shape = newshape z.shape = newshape sites_ecef = np.hstack((x, y, z)) minrjb = np.ones(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype) * 1e16 quads = self.getQuadrilaterals() for i in range(len(quads)): P0, P1, P2, P3 = quads[i] S0 = copy.deepcopy(P0) S1 = copy.deepcopy(P1) S2 = copy.deepcopy(P2) S3 = copy.deepcopy(P3) S0.depth = 0.0 S1.depth = 0.0 S2.depth = 0.0 S3.depth = 0.0 squad = [S0, S1, S2, S3] rjbdist = utils._quad_distance(squad, sites_ecef, horizontal=True) minrjb = np.minimum(minrjb, rjbdist) minrjb = minrjb.reshape(oldshape) return minrjb
[docs] def computeRrup(self, lon, lat, depth): """ Method for computing rupture distance. Args: lon (array): Numpy array of longitudes. lat (array): Numpy array of latitudes. depth (array): Numpy array of depths (km; positive down). Returns: array: Rupture distance (km). """ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sort out sites # --------------------------------------------------------------------- oldshape = lon.shape if len(oldshape) == 2: newshape = (oldshape[0] * oldshape[1], 1) else: newshape = (oldshape[0], 1) x, y, z = latlon2ecef(lat, lon, depth) x.shape = newshape y.shape = newshape z.shape = newshape sites_ecef = np.hstack((x, y, z)) minrrup = np.ones(newshape, dtype=lon.dtype) * 1e16 quads = self.getQuadrilaterals() for i in range(len(quads)): rrupdist = utils._quad_distance(quads[i], sites_ecef) minrrup = np.minimum(minrrup, rrupdist) minrrup = minrrup.reshape(oldshape) return minrrup
[docs] def computeGC2(self, lon, lat, depth): """ Method for computing version 2 of the Generalized Coordinate system (GC2) by Spudich and Chiou OFR 2015-1028. Args: lon (array): Numpy array of longitudes. lat (array): Numpy array of latitudes. depth (array): Numpy array of depths (km; positive down). Returns: dict: Dictionary with keys for each of the GC2-related distances, which include 'rx', 'ry', 'ry0', 'U', 'T'. """ # This just hands off to the module-level method dict = gc2._computeGC2(self, lon, lat, depth) return dict