
class gfail.models.jessee_2018.Jessee2018Model(shakefile, config, bounds=None, uncertfile=None, trimfile=None, saveinputs=False)[source]

Bases: LogisticModelBase

Initialize LogisticModelBase object.

  • shakefile (str) – Path to ShakeMap grid.xml file.

  • config (dict) – Dict like object as a result of reading in “logbase” format INI files.

  • bounds (dict) – Fields are ‘xmin’, ‘xmax’, ‘ymin’, ‘ymax’.

  • uncertfile (str) – Path to ShakeMap uncertainty.xml file.

  • trimfile (str) – Path to shapefile to use for masking ocean pixels.

  • slopefile (str) – File containing slope data to be used for slope masking.

  • saveinputs (bool) – Save input layer grids with model output.

Notes: All input data grids are loaded in one at a time, and saved to a temporary folder that is deleted when the object is deleted. The file names loaded are stored in the self.layers dictionary.

pre_process(key, grid)[source]

Correct grids in model specific way.


This method should be implemented by child classes.


Perform modifications to slope to convert to degrees.


This method should be implemented by child classes.


This method should be implemented by child classes.