4.4. Input Data Formats

ShakeMap has a number of input files, some of which may be provided in more than one format. See below for a discussion of some of them.

4.4.1. Event XML File

This file is required.

The earthquake origin information is contained in a simple XML file called event.xml that is contained in the event’s current directory. An example file:

<earthquake id="us1000db5t" netid="us" lat="38.7161" lon="69.9779"
depth="5.0" mag="5.7" locstring="11km SE of Roghun, Tajikistan"
network="USGS National Earthquake Information Center, PDE"
time="2018-03-29T22:54:12Z" mech="SS" reference="Smith, et. al. 2018"/>

The attributes of the earthquake element are:




A string, consisting of the event ID. This should be be unique for the network code netid (see below).


Usually a two character network code, but can be any string.


Long description of the organization behind netid. This field is required, but may be the empty string


Latitude at earthquake hypocenter.


Longitude at earthquake hypocenter.


Depth at earthquake hypocenter.


Magnitude of earthquake.


Time of earthquake origin, always UTC in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.fZ format.


String describing earthquake location.


(optional) Focal mechanism, one of “RS”, “SS”, “NM”, or “ALL”.


(optional) Source for hypocenter information


(optional) Event type, one of ‘ACTUAL’ or ‘SCENARIO’


(optional) Used to distinguish between different ShakeMaps created for the same event (e.g., one map showing the extent of shaking, and another zoomed into a city of interest). If the productcode is not supplied, it will be taken from the name of the data directory (which is also the “event_id” that is supplied to the shake program).

4.4.2. Moment XML File

This file is optional.

Users may provide moment tensor information in a QuakeML file called moment.xml that is in the event’s current directory. The QuakeML format is described exhaustively here: https://quake.ethz.ch/quakeml/

The QuakeML must contain a focalMechanism element with at least complete nodalPlanes and principalAxes elements. See the QuakeML documentation for details.

4.4.3. ShakeMap XML Data File

These files are optional.

To inform your ShakeMap with real data, either macroseismic intensity or instrumented accelerations and velocities, you may include any number of XML files ending in “*_dat.xml” as well as one called “stationlist.xml” in the event’s current directory. These files consists of a number of elements, with defined attributes.

The earthquake element (optional) is described above in the section Event XML File.

Following the earthquake element is the stationlist element, which has a created attribute, which is the same as the one in the earthquake element.

Example stationlist element:

<stationlist created="1529614595">

The stationlist element contains zero to many station elements, with the following attributes:




The station code.


The station name and/or description.


Description of instrument type.


Station latitude (in decimal degrees).


Station longitude (in decimal degrees).


Agency that maintains the station (i.e., SCSN, NSMP ,…).


The network ID string; for MMI observations this must be one of ‘MMI,’ ‘CIIM,’ ‘DYFI,’ or ‘INTENSITY.’.


Digital or analog communications (DIG or ANA).


(optional) Free form text describing station location.


The intensity value of the observation (decimal).

Example station element:

<station code="ADO" name="Adelanto Receiving Station"
insttype="TriNet" lat="34.55046" lon="-117.43391" source="SCSN
and TriNet" commtype="DIG" netid=”CI” loc="Adelanto, on Hwy 395">

The station element can contain zero to many comp elements. Each comp element can contain one acc element and one vel element, and may contain psa03, psa10 and psa30 elements (one of each). These refer to peak acceleration, velocity, and 5%-damped pseduo-spectral acceleration (at 0.3, 1.0, and 3.0 sec period) values for the named channel at the named station. The acc, vel, psa03, psa10, and psa30 elements are empty but have the following attributes:




The amplitude value.


Flag indicating problematic data (optional).


(optional) See below.

If the units are unspecifies, the value attributes are expected to have units of:



acc, pga

%g (i.e., percent of the earth’s nominal gravitational acceleration).

vel, pgv

cm/s (centimeters per second).



The units attribute may also be specified if the amplitudes are in logarithmic (natural) units:


Units Designator

acc, pga

“ln(g)” (i.e., log of the earth’s nominal gravitational acceleration).

vel, pgv

“ln(cm/s)” (log of centimeters per second).



The operator may also specify a standard deviations for “observations” that are the mean of a distribution. This standard deviation is specified in natural logarithmic units regardless of the units of the amplitudes themselves. The standard deviations are specified with the ln_sigma attribute.

The flag attribute indicates problematic data. Any value other than “0” (zero) or “” (i.e., an empty string) will cause ShakeMap to reject the amplitude (and, in fact, all the amplitudes of that type for that station). Though any non-zero flag will kill an amplitude, the following flags are currently defined:




Automatically flagged by ShakeMap as an outlier.


Manually flagged (in grind.conf) by the ShakeMap operator.


Glitch. Amplitude clipped or below instrument noise threshold.


Incomplete (a data gap existed in the time window used to calculate the amplitude).

An abbreviated example of a complete station data file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE stationlist [
... DTD description ...
<stationlist created="1070030689">
<station code="ADO" name="Adelanto Receiving Station"
insttype="TriNet" lat="34.55046" lon="-117.43391" source="SCSN
and TriNet" commtype="DIG" netid=”CI” loc="Adelanto, on Hwy 395
<comp name="HHE">
<acc value="0.0083" flag="0" />
<vel value="0.0030" flag="0" />
<psa03 value="0.0146" flag="0" />
<psa10 value="0.0049" flag="0" />
<psa30 value="0.0003" flag="0" />
<comp name="HHN">
<acc value="0.0088" flag="0" />
<vel value="0.0028" flag="0" />
<psa03 value="0.0111" flag="0" />
<psa10 value="0.0040" flag="0" />
<psa30 value="0.0004" flag="0" />
<comp name="HHZ">
<acc value="0.0087" flag="0" />

<vel value="0.0016" flag="0" />
<psa03 value="0.0080" flag="0" />
<psa10 value="0.0013" flag="0" />
<psa30 value="0.0002" flag="0" />
... additional station tags (omitted)...
<station code="WSS" name="West Side Station" insttype="TriNet"
lat="34.1717" lon="-118.64971" source="SCSN and TriNet"
commtype="DIG" netid=”CI” loc="Hidden Hills, Valley Circle Dr.">
<comp name="HHE">
<acc value="0.0225" flag="0" />
<vel value="0.0031" flag="0" />
<psa03 value="0.0182" flag="0" />
<psa10 value="0.0016" flag="0" />
<psa30 value="0.0002" flag="0" />
<comp name="HHN">
<acc value="0.0209" flag="0" />
<vel value="0.0029" flag="0" />
<psa03 value="0.0234" flag="0" />
<psa10 value="0.0019" flag="0" />
<psa30 value="0.0001" flag="0" />
<comp name="HHZ">
<acc value="0.0187" flag="0" />
<vel value="0.0020" flag="0" />
<psa03 value="0.0073" flag="0" />
<psa10 value="0.0005" flag="0" />
<psa30 value="0.0000" flag="0" />

Intensity data uses the same format of input XML as other ground motion data, but uses three new attributes to the station tag: the intensity attribute should be set to the decimal intensity for the “station;” the intensity_stddev should specify the standard deviation of the intensity observation; the intensity_flag should specify the flag (usually “0”) of the observation (see flag table, above). Also the netid attribute should be set to “MMI,” “CIIM,” “DYFI,” or “INTENSITY” (all four are currently equivalent). If netid is set to one of these values, any amplitude data (i.e., data enclosed in a comp tag) will be ignored and model will use the configured GMICE to derive the ground motions. Likewise, if netid is not one of these values, the intensity attribute will be ignored and grind will compute intensity using the GMICE.

Below is an example of a station tag that contains intensity information:

<station code="91042" name="ZIP Code 91042 (Intensity VII, 38
responses)" insttype="USGS (Did You Feel It?)" lat="34.282604"
lon="-118.237943" source="USGS (Did You Feel It?)" netid="CIIM"
commtype="USGS (Did You Feel It?)" intensity="7.4" intensity_stddev="0.3"

The earthquake and stationlist XML files are combined in the GeoJSON output file provided to the public.

4.4.4. ShakeMap JSON Data File

ShakeMap will also accept a ShakeMap-produced GeoJSON stationlist.json file as input (see Stationlist GeoJSON). Additional JSON files of the form *_dat.json file may also be included in the input.

The information contained in the JSON input files is similar to that in the XML input files (see above), but is structured differently:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "id": "II.ERM",
      "properties": {
        "name": "Erimo, Hidaka, Hokkaido, Japan",
        "code": "II.ERM",
        "pgv": "null",
        "commType": "UNK",
        "vs30": 760,
        "intensity": "null",
        "network": "II",
        "distance": 462.284,
        "source": "II",
        "channels": [
            "amplitudes": [
                "name": "sa(3.0)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0009,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "pgv",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0056,
                "units": "cm/s"
                "name": "sa(1.0)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0051,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "pga",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0118,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "sa(0.3)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0201,
                "units": "%g"
            "name": "BHZ"
            "amplitudes": [
                "name": "sa(3.0)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.001,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "pgv",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0058,
                "units": "cm/s"
                "name": "sa(1.0)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0069,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "pga",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0146,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "sa(0.3)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.026,
                "units": "%g"
            "name": "BH2"
            "amplitudes": [
                "name": "sa(3.0)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0012,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "pgv",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0073,
                "units": "cm/s"
                "name": "sa(1.0)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0046,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "pga",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0182,
                "units": "%g"
                "name": "sa(0.3)",
                "ln_sigma": 0,
                "flag": "0",
                "value": 0.0235,
                "units": "%g"
            "name": "BH1"
        "station_type": "seismic",
        "intensity_flag": "",
        "location": "",
        "intensity_stddev": "null",
        "instrumentType": "OBSERVED",
    <additional "features" (i.e., stations)>

Note that the names of the intensity measure types are lower case, and the spectral accelerations are of the form sa(1.0) where the number in paraentheses is the period. Additional fields may be present in the JSON file, but they will be ignored. Intensity observations should have a netid as specified for the XML files (see above), and should have a channels element that is an empty list (i.e., “channels: []”).

4.4.5. Source Text File

Because most ShakeMap installations automatically generate XML input files and write them to the input directory, manual changes made by the operator to the event.xml file will generally be overwritten by the next automatic run. We therefore provide a mechanism by which the operator may override or supplement any of the event-specific data in event.xml. The operator may add an optional file to an event’s input directory called source.txt. The structure of the file is one parameter per line, in the form parameter=value. In particular, the operator may specify the source mechanism with “mech” (this is the equivalent of the “type” attribute in event.xml), which may be one of “RS,” “SS,” “NM,” or “ALL” for reverse slip, strike slip, normal, and unspecified mechanisms, respectively. Any of the other source parameters may also be set: eid, location, time, lat, lon, depth, mag, etc.. Blank lines and lines beginning with ‘#’ (i.e., comments) are ignored.

4.4.6. Rupture Specification

There are three classes of rupture objects:

  • PointRupture

  • QuadRupture

  • EdgeRupture

A PointRupture is just a point representation of the earthquake and is generated from the origin and so no additional specification is required. In this case, distance calculations use approximate adjustments to convert from epicentral distance to finite distances based on the earthquake magnitude.

There are two extended-source rupture objects: a QuadRupture and an EdgeRupture. There are some general rules for the specification of the rupture vertices that apply to both of the extended-source rupture objects:

  • Vertices must start on the top edge of the rupture.

  • The top and bottom edges must contain the same number of vertices.

  • The first and last points must be identical to close the polygon, and this means that there must always be an odd number of vertices.

  • The top edge of the rupture must always be above the bottom edge.

In cross section, a single-segment multiple-quadrilateral rupture might look schematically like this:

P0'        'P2---P3
|                  \

An EdgeRupture does not have any additional constraints beyond those already described. This rupture would be initialized as an EdgeRupture because P1 causes the top edges of two of the constituent quadrilaterals to not be horizontal, which is a requirement for the QuadRupture class.

A QuadRupture consists of one or more quadrilaterals that can be grouped into segments. The distance calculations are faster for a QuadRupture than and EdgeRupture. The additional requirements for the vertices of a QuadRupture are:

  • The top and bottom edges of each quadrilateral are horizontal. In the example there are three quadrilateriasl: P0-P1-P6-P7, P1-P2-P5-P6, P2-P3-P4-P5. Of those, only the last one fulfills this criteria.

  • The four points that define each quadrilateral must be approximately co-planar.

In ShakeMap version 3, ruptures were specified in a *_fault.txt file format. We still support this format for backwards compatibility but we prefer to use the GeoJSON format described below. Eventually we will stop support for the older *_fault.txt file format.

4.4.7. Rupture GeoJson File

This file is optional.

Rupture (also referred to as “finite fault”) files are defined in ShakeMap 4 as GeoJSON files, a standard format for representing geospatial data. This format is described in great detail here: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7946

The rupture format consists of a FeatureCollection, containing one to many Features. The FeatureCollection should contain a dictionary called metadata, which contains of the following fields:




A unique string, consisting of netid plus event ID.


Usually a two character network code, but can be any string.


Long description of the organization behind netid.


Latitude at earthquake hypocenter.


Longitude at earthquake hypocenter.


Depth at earthquake hypocenter.


Magnitude of earthquake.


Time of earthquake origin, always UTC in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format.


String describing earthquake location.


Source for rupture information.


Focal mechanism, one of “RS”, “SS”, “NM”, or “ALL”.

Note that the only required field for specifying a rupture is reference and that the other fields are merged with origin information and are included when this file is output after running ShakeMap.

Each Feature must contain either a Point or MultiPolygon geometry. Note that there is usually no reason to use the Point Feature type when specifying a rupture, but the output rupture file is a Point type for PointRupture object.

The file should be named rupture.json and placed in the event’s current directory. Here is a single-segment single-quadrilaterial example:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "metadata": {
    "reference": "Wald, D. J., T. H. Heaton, and K. W. Hudnut (1996). The Slip History of the 1994 Northridge, California, Earthquake Determined from Strong-Motion, Teleseismic, GPS, and Leveling Data, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 86, S49-S70."
  "features": [{
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "rupture type": "rupture extent"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPolygon",
        "coordinates": [
              [-118.421, 34.315, 5.0],
              [-118.587, 34.401, 5.0],
              [-118.693, 34.261, 20.427],
              [-118.527, 34.175, 20.427],
              [-118.421, 34.315, 5.0]

Here is a single-segment multi-quadrilaterial example:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "metadata": {
    "reference": "Konca, A. O, Hjorleifsdottir, V., Song, T. A., Avouac, J., Helmberger, D., Ji, C., Sieh, K., Briggs, R., and A. Meltzner. Rupture Kinematics of the 2005 Mw 8.6 Nias-Simeulue Earthquake from the Joint Inversion of Seismic and Geodetic Data (2007). BSSA Vol. 97, No. 1A, pp. S307-S322, January 2007, doi: 10.1785/0120050632."
  "features": [{
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "rupture type": "rupture extent"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPolygon",
        "coordinates": [
              [97.8322, -0.0442476, 10],
              [96.5212, 0.897694, 10],
              [95.9014, 2.57177, 10],
              [96.9539, 3.18268, 40],
              [98.1601, 1.89031, 40],
              [98.7634, 1.09946, 40],
              [97.8322, -0.0442476, 10]

Here is a multi-segment example:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "metadata": {
    "reference": "Oglesby, D. D., D. S. Dreger, R. A. Harris, N. Ratchkovski, and R. Hansen (2004). Inverse kinematic and forward dynamic models of the 2002 Denali fault earthquake, Alaska, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 94, S214-S233."
  "features": [{
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "rupture type": "rupture extent"
      "geometry": {
        "type": "MultiPolygon",
              [-147.807, 63.434, 0.0],
              [-147.21, 63.472, 0.0],
              [-147.267, 63.65, 22.294],
              [-147.864, 63.613, 22.294],
              [-147.807, 63.434, 0.0]
              [-146.951, 63.551, 0.0],
              [-147.551, 63.518, 0.0],
              [-147.551, 63.518, 30.0],
              [-146.951, 63.551, 30.0],
              [-146.951, 63.551, 0.0]
              [-145.968, 63.453, 0.0],
              [-146.952, 63.547, 0.0],
              [-146.952, 63.547, 30.0],
              [-145.968, 63.453, 30.0],
              [-145.968, 63.453, 0.0]
              [-143.586, 62.872, 0.0],
              [-145.996, 63.427, 0.0],
              [-145.996, 63.427, 30.0],
              [-143.586, 62.872, 30.0],
              [-143.586, 62.872, 0.0]
              [-142.5, 62.114, 0.0],
              [-143.669, 62.831, 0.0],
              [-143.669, 62.831, 30.0],
              [-142.5, 62.114, 30.0],
              [-142.5, 62.114, 0.0]

4.4.8. Generic Amplification Factors

The ShakeMap generic amplification factor facility supports the inclusion of linear amplifications that are not otherwise supported (by, for example, Vs30-based site amplifications), such as basin or topographic amplifications. The ShakeMap operator may provide one or more files that contain factors that will be added to the (natural logarithm) of the results returned by the GMPE or IPE (the results from the IPE are not logged, but the amplification factors are still additive). Mapped areas that extend beyond the boundaries of the amplification factor file are given an amplification factor of zero. If more than one amplification file is present in the GenericAmpFactors directory, then the system will apply all such files (i.e., the amplification factors will be cumulative to the extent that the grids overlap).

The amplification factor file is a MapIO GridHDFContainer containing one or more Grid2D objects corresponding to the IMTs to which they apply. For instance, the following program creates a file Test.hdf which contains grids for PGA, SA(0.3), SA(1.0), and SA(3.0). The grids are derived from GMT .grd files residing in the local directory:

#! /usr/bin/env python

from mapio.gmt import GMTGrid
from mapio.gridcontainer import GridHDFContainer

from shakelib.utils.imt_string import file_to_oq

gc = GridHDFContainer.create('Test.hdf')

files = ['PGA.grd', 'PSA0p3.grd', 'PSA1p0.grd', 'PSA3p0.grd']

for myfile in files:
    g2d = GMTGrid.load(myfile)

    fbase, ext = myfile.split('.')
    name = file_to_oq(fbase)

    gc.setGrid(name, g2d)


All of the grids in a given GridHDFContainer file must have exactly the same boundaries and resolutions. The resulting HDF file should be placed in <install_dir>/data/GenericAmpFactors where <install_dir> is the current profile’s install directory (as set/reported by sm_profille).

The rules for extracting and applying the amplification grids are as follows:

  • If an exact match to the output IMT is found, then that grid is used.

  • If the output IMT is ‘SA(X)’, where the period ‘X’ is between two of the SA periods in the amplification file, the grid that is applied will be the weighted average of the grids of the periods bracketing ‘X’. The weighting will be the (normalized) log difference in the periods. I.e., if the bracketing periods are ‘W’ and ‘Y”, then the weight applied to the grid corresponding to period W (‘gW’) will be wW = (log(Y) - log(X)) / (log(Y) - log(W)) and the weight for the grid corresponding to period Y (‘gY’) will be wY = 1 - wW, so the amplification factors used will be wW * gW + wY * gY.

  • If the period of the output IMT is less than the shortest period in the file, the grid corresponding to the shortest period will be used.

  • If the period of the output IMT is greater than the longest period in the file, the grid corresponding to the longest period will be used.

  • If the output IMT is PGA and PGA is not found in the file, it will be treated as SA(0.01) and the above rules will be applied.

  • If the output IMT is PGV and PGV is not found in the file, it will be treated as SA(1.0) and the above rules will be applied.

  • After the application of the above rules, if and IMT is not found, it will be given amplification factors of zero.

Thus, if the output IMT is PGV, and PGV is not in the file, ShakeMap will search for SA(1.0) using the rules above. If no SA grids are provided, the resulting amplification grid will be all zeros.

If the operator wishes to alter these behaviors, then additional grids should be included in the HDF file. For instance, if the extrapolation of the grids for the longest and shortest periods to longer and shorter periods is undesirable, the operator should include grids (e.g., of zeros) just below and above the shortest and longest periods, respectively. If the interpolation between periods is undesirable, then grids matching the output IMTs should be provided. Etc.