4.1. Software Architecture

4.1.1. Overview

ShakeMap v4 is designed to allow flexibility in the organization of computing resources. Figure 1 illustrates an idealized implementation where data preparation, processing, and rendering all take place within separate computational units. The processing sequence starts when an earthquake is identified and a decision is made to produce a ShakeMap. The process shake assemble collects the available information about the event (origin and rupture parameters, seismic data, etc.) as well as ShakeMap configuration information (which may include information about the event’s seismotectonic regime and related choices about GMPE selection), and produces a file, shake_data.hdf, containing all of these parameters. This file may be injected into a messaging system, but may also be used locally by subsequent processes.


Figure 1: Overview of ShakeMap architecture.

The processing continues when shake_data.hdf becomes available. The ShakeMap process shake model reads shake_data.hdf and produces output in the file shake_result.hdf. This result can then be fed into a messaging system for delivery to consumers. Some consumers, however, have more sophisticated requirements than can be accommodated by simply processing shake_result.hdf or other generic ShakeMap products. ShakeCast (Wald et al., 2008), for example, requires ground motions at a variety of spectral periods and at specific locations that may not fall on or within the grid produced by the authoritative ShakeMap system. ShakeCast operators may also have data not available to the authoritative system. Remote processing systems can receive shake_data.hdf from a messaging system, and run the program shake augment to add their own data and configuration choices to those contained in shake_data.hdf (see Figure 2). They may then run shake model to generate a shake_result.hdf specific to their needs.


Figure 2: An example of a consumer of the shake_data.hdf product.

Rendering begins when shake_result.hdf becomes available. A set of modules exist (or may be developed) to read shake_result.hdf and produce the variety of products for which ShakeMap is known. These shake modules may produce the products locally (i.e., by the same system that generates shake_result.hdf) and transfer them to consumers via a messaging system or other means.

An alternative approach, however, is to create a web service that delivers the products when they are requested. This approach is illustrated in Figure 3. When the website is notified of the existence of shake_result.hdf, it can begin the process of creating a “page” for the event. It requests any necessary products from the web service, which in turn generates those products from shake_result.hdf (via shake modules). As products are needed (e.g., from users viewing or requesting downloads) they are produced on the fly by the web service. Once generated, products may be cached by the web system to improve performance.


Figure 3: An example of a website using a web service to retrieve products. The web service produces products from shake_result.hdf.

Any combination of these approaches (i.e., producing products locally or via a web service) may be developed (e.g., the web service may be designed to collect a subset of ShakeMap products available through a messaging system and deliver them when requested, rather than producing them itself). Thus, the same set of constituent modules are needed, whether the products are delivered directly by the authoritative ShakeMap system or through a web service.

4.1.2. Programs

The core components of ShakeMap are a set of command line programs. These programs allow the operator to set up a ShakeMap environment, collect data and configurations into inputs (i.e., shake_data.hdf), and generate ShakeMap grids and their associated products. sm_profile

The user will need to run sm_profile at least once to create a ShakeMap environment, referred to as a ‘profile.’ This environment consists of two directories – one for event data, and another for configuration files and associated support products (Vs30 grid, geographic features, etc.) – and a configuration file that points to them. The profile data resides in a file called profiles.conf in a subdirectory, .shakemap, of the user’s home directory. The user may choose another location for the profile file by using the -f option to sm_profile. Other ShakeMap programs read the profile information and use it to find event and configuration information. By default, the install and data paths are located in a directory [home]/shake_profiles/[profile] where [home] is the user’s home directory, and [profile] is the name of the newly-created profile (often “default”). It is advisable, however to make the data path point to a disk with a large amount of free space (via either directly setting it when creating the profile, or through the use of symbolic links).

The data directory (<data_dir>) contains event subdirectories (named with their event IDs) and their associated subdirectories:

            *_fault.txt (or rupture.json)
            model.conf (or model_select.conf)

The ‘install’ directory (<install_dir>) holds configuration files and user supplied geographic or other system specific data:

        (additional data files)

Macros within the configuration system allow the user to specify the root data and install directories when setting configuration parameters.

The user may have more than one profile, and can switch between them with sm_profile. This allows the user to have different configurations and data repositories for different event sets (e.g., real time events, scenarios, and historic events). See the sm_profile man page for usage and a list of options. shake

The primary ShakeMap program is called shake. It takes an event ID and an optional list of modules as arguments. The modules do the work of assembling the input data, producing interpolated grids, and deriving products from the grids and associated metadata. See the shake man page or run shake --help for a list of available modules. Each of the modules may have its own command-line options; run shake help MODULE to see the help for a given module.

The behavior of shake and some of its modules are controlled by the configuration files shake.conf, logging.conf and products.conf. logging.conf is largely concerned with the way logging is handled, it has relatively few parameters that the users will want to change. shake.conf allows the user to specify alternative locations to search for ShakeMap modules, and to configure a list of modules that will be run when shake is called without any modules (this is useful as a stanard set of modules that are run routinely). products.conf controls the behavior of some of the core modules that produce ShakeMap products. See the comments in the config files for additional details. All three files should be in the user’s current profile’s INSTALL_DIR/config directory.

shake will attempt to assess if a module is being run out of sequence or if its dependencies are out of date. For instance, if a new data file has been added, and the user tries to run the model module before re-running the assemble module, shake will warn the user and quit without running model. The user can override this behavior by calling shake with the --force option. shake Modules

Below is a description of many of the modules available to shake. They are ordered in more or less the order they would be called. The module select would be run first if the operator wanted to have the ShakeMap system determine the GMPE set, IPE, GMICE, or cross-correlation functions to use based on the event’s location and depth. Many operators will have a fixed configuration for their regions, and will therefore not use select. The operator will then usually run assemble (or possibly augment) to create (or update) the shake_data.hdf input file, followed by running model. The order of modules after model is usually not as important as they most often depend upon the output of model (i.e., shake_result.hdf) and not upon the results of other modules. transfer, however, will typically be run last, after the other modules have produced their products.

To learn the details of the specific products the various modules produce, see the Users Guide section Products and Formats. select

Please see the section Ground Motion Model Selection for details on the way select works. select will create a file called model_select.conf in the event’s current directory. The configuration parameters in this file will override those set in the sysetm-level model.conf file. associate

The associate module checks a database of station data and searches for ground motions that may associate with the event. If any associated data are found, they are written to a file *_dat.xml in the event’s current directory.

This module is only useful if the ShakeMap system is receiving unassociated amplitudes via some method (such as PDL) and storing that data via a program like receive_amps. Most operators will probably not use the associate module. dyfi

The dyfi module queries ComCat for any “Did You Feel It?” data associated with an event and writes that data to a file in the event’s current directory. The event ID must be an ID that the ComCat system recognizes, thus the use of event IDs other than those produced by NEIC or the US regional networks is unlikely to produce results.

See shakemap.coremods.dyfi() for the module’s API documentation. assemble

The assemble module collects event and configuration data and creates the file shake_data.hdf. It first reads event.xml and stores it in a data structure. sm_assemble then reads the configuration files


and assembles them into a single configuration. It then reads and incorporates

<data_dir>/<evnt_id>/current>/model.conf (or model_select.conf).

Any parameter set in the event-specific model.conf will override parameters set in the other configuration files. Note: if both model.conf and model_select.conf exist in the event directory, model.conf will be processed and model_select.conf will be ignored. This behavior allows the operator to override the results of select even if it is part of an automatic processing sequence. (That is, select may produce a new model_select.conf file every time the event is updated, but the operator’s model.conf will be in effect for as long as it remains in the event’s current directory.

assemble then reads any files with a _dat.xml extension and assembles them into a station list.

Similarly, assmeble will read a file with the _fault.txt (or _fault.json) extension and process it as a specification of a finite rupture.

See the Input Data Formats section for details of these input data forats.

Note: only one rupture file should be present in the event’s input directory. If more than one file exists, only the first (in lexicographic order) will we processed.

If no backups exist (i.e., event subdirectories named .backup????) then the ShakeMap history from an existing shake_data.hdf is extracted and updated. If there is no current shake_data.hdf, the history for the event is initiated. If backups do exist, then the history is extracted from the most current backup and appended with the current timestamp, originator, and version.

assemble then consolidated all of this data and writes shake_data.hdf in the event’s current directory. If shake_data.hdf already exists in that location, it will be overwritten.

assemble takes an optional command-line argument (-c COMMENT or --comment COMMENT) to provide a comment that will be added to the history for the current version of the event’s ShakeMap. If run from a terminal, and a comment is not provided on the command line, assemble will prompt the user for a comment. Run shake help assemble for more.

See shakemap.coremods.assemble() for the module’s API documentation.


Figure 4: Data flow of the assemble module. augment

The augment module behaves in a manner similar to assemble except that it will first read shake_data.hdf from the event’s current directory. If event.xml exists in the event’s current directory, its data will replace the data in the existing shake_data.hdf.

The configuration data in shake_data.hdf is used as a starting point, and any configuration data from the system configuration files or the event’s model.conf (or model_select.conf) will then be added to it. Where there are conflicts, the system configuration parameters will override those found in shake_data.hdf. The event-specific configuration parameters from the local system retain the highest priority.

Data files (i.e., files in the event’s current directory that have the _dat.xml extension) will be added to any data already found in shake_data.hdf. If a finite rupture file is found in the local directory, it will replace the existing rupture data in shake_data.hdf.

The history information will be updated to reflect the update time and originator (if applicable).

As with assemble, augment takes an optional command-line argument (-c COMMENT or --comment COMMENT) to provide a comment that will be added to the history for the current version of the event’s ShakeMap. If run from a terminal, and a comment is not provided on the command line, assemble will prompt the user for a comment. Run shake help augment for more.

See shakemap.coremods.augment() for the module’s API documentation. model

The model module reads the data in shake_data.hdf and produces an interpolated ShakeMap. Depending upon the settings found in model.conf, the interpolation product may be a grid or a set of points. See model.conf for additional options and documentation. The model.conf file in the user’s current profile (i.e., INSTALL_DIR/config/model.conf) will be read first, and then if model.conf or model_select.conf exists in the event’s current directory, then the parameters set therein will override those in the profile’s model.conf. If both model.conf and model_select.conf exist in the event’s current directory, model.conf will be processed and model_select.conf will be ignored. model also reads the configuration files gmpe_sets.conf and modules.conf, which reside in the current profile’s INSTALL_DIR/config directory. See the documentation within those files for more information.

A great deal of this manual is devoted to the way the interpolation is performed, and the effect of various configuration options. See the relevant sections for more. In particular, the section Data Processing goes into detail on the way the model module works.

model writes a file, shake_result.hdf, in the products subdirectory of the event’s current directory. See the section Products and Formats of the Users Guide for more on the format and content of shake_result.hdf.

See shakemap.coremods.model() for the module’s API documentation. contour

contour reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces iso-seismal contours for each of the intensity measure types found therein. The contours are written as GeoJSON to files called cont_<imt_type>.json in the event’s current/products subdirectory.

See shakemap.coremods.contour() for the module’s API documentation.. coverage

coverage reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces low-, medium-, and high-resolution “coverages” for interactive maps and plots in the CoverageJSON format, and places them in the current/products subdirectory.

See shakemap.coremods.coverage() for the module’s API documentation.. gridxml

gridxml reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces the ShakeMap 3.5 files grid.xml and uncertainty.xml. Note that these files will eventually become deprecated in favor of the new shake_result.hdf file. See the products section of this manual for more on these files. Note that the use of these files is deprecated. System designers should extract the relevant information directly from shake_result.hdf. See the section Products and Formats of the Users Guide for more on the format and content of shake_result.hdf.

See shakemap.coremods.gridxml() for the module’s API documentation. info

info reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces info.json, which contains metadata about the ShakeMap.

See shakemap.coremods.info() for the module’s API documentation. kml

kml reads shake_result.hdf and produces a file, shakemap.kmz which is a self-contained file of geographic layers suitable for reading into Google Earth. The layers include an MMI overlay and MMI polygons, contours of MMI and the other IMTs found in shake_result.hdf, station locations and data, and the event’s epicenter. mapping

mapping reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces a set of maps of the IMTs in both JPEG and PDF format. Also produced is an abstract thumbnail image of MMI which may be used as a symbolic logo or pin for the event’s ShakeMap products. The module also produces a PNG intensity “overlay” and its associated world file..

See shakemap.coremods.mapping() for the module’s API documentation. See the configuration file products.conf for information on configuring the mapping module. plotregr

When model runs, it produces a set of curves of the selected GMPE vs. distance, as well as a set of distance metrics [e.g., epi- and hypo-central distances, rupture distance, and Joyner-Boore distance (where the rupture is unknown, these last two distance metrics are replaced with estimated fault distances using the point-source to finite-rupture methodology discussed in the section Finite-rupture Approximations.)]

plotregr uses the ground-motion curves produced by model to make plots of the GMPE’s predicted ground motion [on “rock” (i.e., Vs30=760 m/s) and “soil” (i.e., Vs30=180 m/s), plotted as green and red lines, respectively] as a function of distance for each output IMT, along with the seismic and macroseismic data for that IMT. The +/- 1 standard deviation lines are also plotted. The station and dyfi data are plotted at their computed distance from the source. If no finite fault is available for the map, then the approximated point-source to finite-fault distance is used.

The plotregr module and its plots are fairly simplistic and of limited utility. The interactive residual plots deployed on the USGS web site make use of the much richer data found in the station file, and are a far better tool for studying the characteristics of the data, raster

raster reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces GIS raster files of the mean and standard deviation for each of the IMTs in shake_result.hdf.

See shakemap.coremods.raster() for the module’s API documentation. rupture

rupture reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces a file, rupture.json containing the coordinates of the rupture plane(s) supplied via the input file <>_fault.txt or <>_fault.json.

See shakemap.coremods.rupture() for the module’s API documentation. shape

shape reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces a set of ESRI-style shape files for the ground motion parameters found therein. The shape files are zipped together with supporting .lyr, .prj, and metadata XML files and distributed as a file called shape.zip. The use of the shape files is deprecated and it is preferable to use the ESRI raster file (see the raster section, above.) stations

stations reads an event’s shake_result.hdf and produces a JSON file, stationlist.json, of the input station data. The output JSON also contains predicted values (on “rock” and “soil”), inter- and intra-event uncertainties for each type of prediction, converted amplitudes (PGM to MMI or MMI to PGM), distance metrics, etc.

See shakemap.coremods.stations() for the module’s API documentation. transfer

There are three main transfer programs: transfer_email (which sends email to a list of users), transfer_pdl (which inserts the ShakeMap products into the PDL system), and transfer_scp (which does a local or remote copy of the products to another filesystem). These programs allow the operator to transfer ShakeMap products to other systems via PDL or ssh, and notify users with an email with the event summary information. See the documentation in transfer.conf for details on configuring the transfer_* programs.

See shakemap.coremods.transfer() for the module’s API documentation. Miscellaneous shake Modules

The modules below have special purposes and are generally not used in routine processing. history

The hisotry module will attempt to read the ShakeMap history information stored in the event’s shake_data.hdf or backup files and print it to the screen. save

The save module generates a new backup???? directory with the contents of the event’s current directory. It is useful for preserving intermediate results. sleep

The sleep module will cause the calling process to sleep for a specified number of seconds. It may be useful under certain circumstances.

4.1.3. Additional Programs

ShakeMap provides a few auxiliary programs that may occasionally be useful. getdyfi

getdyfi is a standalone program implementing the dyfi module’s functionality. See the getdyfi man page for usage and a list of options. sm_compare

Allows the user to compare two ShakeMaps by making images of their difference and ratio.

See the sm_compare man page for usage and a list of options. sm_create

sm_create queries the NEIC ComCat database for ShakeMap data associated with an event and writes that data into the event’s local current directory. The event will then be available for local processing.

See the sm_create man page for usage and a list of options. sm_migrate

Migrates a directory of ShakeMap 3.5 data files into ShakeMap v4 inputs. The migration of GMPEs is configurable via the migrate.conf configuration file.

See the sm_migrate man page for usage and a list of options. sm_queue

A daemon process to receive messages from external systems for the triggering and cancellation of ShakeMap runs. See the section Queueing Events for more detail. The behavior of sm_queue is controlled by the queue.conf configuration file. This file is not copied to new profiles by default, so it may be retrieved from the source directory <shake_install_dir>/shakemap/data.

See the sm_queue man page for usage and a list of options. receive_amps, receive_origins, and associate_amps

receive_amps and receive_origins are intended to be run by a configured instance of the USGS’s Product Distribution system (PDL) to inform sm_queue of new origins and unassociated amplitudes. They are, therefore, of limited utility to most users, however they may serve as guides as to writing similar programs for other systems.

associate_amps is a utility program to associate the unassociated amplitudes with origins, and to create ShakeMap input files with those that associate. Again, this will be of limited utility to users not running PDL. run_verification

Runs a set of simple verification tests and displays the results. The resulting plots may be compared to those found in the documentation section Verification. run_verification is a shell script. See the source file for usage and notes. sm_batch

Will run a list of events specified in a text file containing one event ID per line. sm_check

Will check the user’s configuration files for certain types of errors. sm_rupture

Will create or convert a rupture file for ShakeMap v4. Run the program with the “–help” option for an explanation and a list of options.