Product Distribution User Guide


The Product Distribution Layer (PDL) is a USGS platform for exchanging information about seismic events such as earthquakes and landslides. It provides a standard method for bundling textual and multimedia data into a package called a product.

Products are created by USGS and non-USGS clients, distributed using PDL, and received by various USGS and non-USGS automated systems such as Real-time Earthquake Maps, the Comprehensive Catalog of seismic events (Comcat), ShakeMaps, the PAGER earthquake alert system and the Earthquake Notification Service. PDL is designed to support both existing and future needs for seismic information.

PDL focuses on distribution and triggering, and integrates with other systems for processing. After a product is created it is sent to a distribution hub. The distribution hub creates a notification that includes a URL where the full product can be downloaded. Clients connect to the distribution hub and receive notifications about available products. Based on configuration, a client may choose to download and process a product.

PDL provides two primary alternatives for processing products: a java API for direct integration, and a command line api for applications to be executed when products are received.

The Product Tracker is an external, opt-in system that tracks product activity, including product receipts, sends, downloads and notifications.


System Requirements


Versions and Release Notes can be found on GitHub:

Download and unzip This includes shell scripts for unix and a batch file for windows.

You can upgrade to the latest version by replacing ProductClient.jar and restarting the process.

See the Installation Instructions for more details.