Command Line Arguments

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ProductClient.jar Arguments

When run without arguments, the product client displays usage.

One of --send, --receive, or --track is required.

Optional. Override the default configuration file location, which is config.ini in the current working directory.
Optional. Display usage information and exit. For help with --send, use the combination --send --help.
Optional. Create a product using the Command Line API. The product is sent using all configured senders.
Optional. Start a persistent client to receive products.
Optional. Track sent products.

ProductClient.jar Sender exit codes

Normal exit, the product was built and send without any problems. In addition to this exit code, the ID of the built product is output to STDOUT.
Invalid arguments, either an invalid combination or invalid value. This is usually accompanied by text describing what was invalid.
Unable to build product. Rare.
Total send failure. Every configured product sender had an exception. The product was likely not received by anyone.
Partial send failure. At least one configured product sender succeeded, which is often sufficient for distribution. Check the logs for more information about the senders that had exceptions.

Command Line Sender/Receiver API

The Command Line API is used to create new products, and by external listeners to receive products.

Network that generated this product, as a two character network code.
Examples include us, nc, and ci.
Product type. A short identifier that is shared by all sources of a type of product.
Examples include shakemap, pager, and dyfi.
Full event code: 2 character network code followed by up to 8 character network event code.
Examples include us2009abcd and nc12345678
Optional. Default is now. When this version of source+type+code was updated.
An example is 2010-01-14T14:11:28.691-07:00.
A location where tracking updates are sent.
Optional. Default is UPDATE. Product generators may use any status without spaces. However, the status must be used consistently for all products of that type.
Examples include UPDATE, and DELETE.
Optional. A synonym for --status=DELETE. This updates the status to delete. Product generators may send content along with a "deleted" product.
NOTE: ProductDistribution makes no attempt to remove earlier versions of the product, and only attempts to deliver this update.
Optional. Product property. Each property may have only one value. Name and value must not contain an equals (=).
Optional. When the event with which this product is associated occurred.
Examples include 2010-01-14T14:11:28.691-07:00 and 2010-01-14T21:11:28.691Z.
Synonym for --property-eventtime=<eventtime>.
Optional. Latitude (in decimal degrees) of event with which this product is associated.
Synonym for --property-latitude=<latitude>.
Optional. Longitude (in decimal degrees) of event with which this product is associated.
Synonym for --property-longitude=<longitude>.
Network that generated event with which this product is associated.
Examples include us, nc, and ci.
Synonym for --property-eventsource=<eventsource>
Code assigned by network that generated event with which this product is associated.
Examples include 2008abcd and 12345678.
Synonym for --property-eventsourcecode=<eventsourcecode>
Optional. Magnitude of event with which this product is associated.
Synonym for --property-magnitude=<magnitude>.
Optional. Depth (in kilometers) of event with which this product is associated.
Synonym for --property-depth=<depth>.
Optional. Product generator version. This is independent of the Product updateTime, which is used by distribution for versioning.
Synonym for --property-version=<version>.
Deprecated. Use the --eventsource and --eventsourcecode arguments instead.
Optional. Full 10 character eventid with which this product is associated.
An example is us2008abcd.
Synonym for --property-eventid=<eventid>.
Optional. Represent a relationship between this product and another product or resource. Each relation may have many uris. <uri> must be a valid URI as defined by RFC2396 or RFC2732.
Example: --link-related=urn:usgs-product
Optional. Non-file product content is available via standard input.
Optional, used with --content. Content mime-type for content read from standard input.
Optional. <file> is a path to a file that is product content. The file's name and modification date are preserved. The mime type is inferred from the file extension. The file is added at the root level of the product.
Optional. <directory> is a path to a directory that contains product contents. Any directory hierarchy within <directory> is preserved.
Optional. Path to a file containing a PKCS#8 encoded private key in PEM or DER format. When present, the key will be used to generate a signature for this product.
Optional. A comma separated list of server:port combinations. Overrides any configured servers.
Optional, default 15000. Connect timeout in milliseconds. NOTE: only affects servers specified using the --servers argument, and must appear before the --servers argument on the command line.
Optional, default uses xml format. Send to hub using binary format. NOTE: only affects servers specified using the --servers argument, and must appear before the --servers argument on the command line.
Optional, default uses deflate compression. Send to hub without using deflate compression. NOTE: only affects servers specified using the --servers argument, and must appear before the --servers argument on the command line.

External Indexer Listener Arguments

The external indexer listener provides these additional arguments:

The indexer change type.

After the indexer updates an event, these additional arguments with preferred event information are included:

The full, unique event id for the event.
The preferred eventsource for the event.
The preferred eventsourcecode for the event.
The preferred eventtime for the event.
The preferred latitude for the event.
The preferred longitude for the event.
The preferred depth for the event.
The preferred magnitude for the event.
A comma separated list of all eventids associated with the event.