Class Event

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class Event
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.Comparable<Event>
    An event is a group of products that are nearby in space and time. Which products appear in an event depend primarily on the ProductIndexQuery.ResultType that is used when retrieving an event from the index. Unless CURRENT is used, you may not get what you expect.
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String ORIGIN_PRODUCT_TYPE
        Origin product type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String ASSOCIATE_PRODUCT_TYPE
        Associate product type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String DISASSOCIATE_PRODUCT_TYPE
        Disassociate product type
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OTHEREVENTSOURCE_PROPERTY
        Property for othereventsource
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String OTHEREVENTSOURCECODE_PROPERTY
        Property for othereventsourcecode
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Event

        public Event()
        Default constructor. All fields are set to null, and the list of products is empty.
      • Event

        public Event​(java.lang.Long indexId)
        Construct an event with only an indexId. The products map will be empty.
        indexId - the indexId to set.
      • Event

        public Event​(java.lang.Long indexId,
                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<ProductSummary>> products)
        Construct and event with an indexId and a list of products.
        indexId - the product index id.
        products - the list of products.
      • Event

        public Event​(Event copy)
        Copy constructor for event. The products associated with this event are not cloned, but the list of products is.
        copy - the event to clone.
    • Method Detail

      • getIndexId

        public java.lang.Long getIndexId()
        Get the index id.
        the indexId or null if one hasn't been assigned.
      • setIndexId

        public void setIndexId​(java.lang.Long indexId)
        Set the index id.
        indexId - the indexId to set.
      • getAllProducts

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<ProductSummary>> getAllProducts()
        Get all products associated with event, even if they are deleted.
        all products associated with event.
      • getProducts

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<ProductSummary>> getProducts()
        Get the event products. Only returns products that have not been deleted or superseded. This method returns a copy of the underlying product map that has been filtered to remove deleted products.
        a map of event products.
        See Also:
      • setProducts

        public void setProducts​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<ProductSummary>> newProducts)
        Set products. ProductSummaries are not cloned, but lists are.
        newProducts - the products to set.
      • addProduct

        public void addProduct​(ProductSummary summary)
        A convenience method for adding a product summary to an event object. Note: this method does not update any associated product index.
        summary - the summary to add to this event.
      • removeProduct

        public void removeProduct​(ProductSummary summary)
        A convenience method for removing a product summary from an event object. Note: this method does not update any associated product index.
        summary - the summary to remove from this event.
      • getProducts

        public java.util.List<ProductSummary> getProducts​(java.lang.String type)
        Convenience method to get products of a given type. This method always returns a copy of the internal list, and may be empty. Only returns products that have not been deleted or superseded.
        type - the product type.
        a list of products of that type, which may be empty.
      • getAllProductList

        public java.util.List<ProductSummary> getAllProductList()
        Get all event products (including those that are deleted or superseded).
        a list of event products.
      • getProductList

        public java.util.List<ProductSummary> getProductList()
        Get all event products that have not been deleted or superseded as a list.
        a list of event products.
      • getPreferredProducts

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​ProductSummary> getPreferredProducts()
        Get preferred products of all types. This map will contain one product of each type, chosen by preferred weight.
        a map from product type to the preferred product of that type.
      • getPreferredProduct

        public ProductSummary getPreferredProduct​(java.lang.String type)
        Get the preferred product of a specific type.
        type - type of product to get.
        most preferred product of that type, or null if no product of that type is associated.
      • getEventCodes

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getEventCodes()
        Get a map of all event ids associated with this event. Same as Event.getEventCodes(this.getAllProductList());
        map of all event ids associated with this event.
      • getEventCodes

        public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> getEventCodes​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> summaries)
        Get a map of all event ids associated with this event. Map key is eventSource, Map value is eventSourceCode.
        summaries - the summaries list to extract event codes from.
        map of all event ids associated with this event.
      • getAllEventCodes

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.util.List<java.lang.String>> getAllEventCodes​(boolean includeDeleted)
        Get a map of all event ids associated with this event, recognizing that one source may have multiple codes (they broke the rules, but it happens).
        includeDeleted - whether to include ids for sub events whose products have all been deleted.
        Map from source to a list of codes from that source.
      • getPreferredProductsSorted

        public java.util.List<ProductSummary> getPreferredProductsSorted()
        Get a list of all the preferred products sorted based on their authoritative weights
        sorted list of ProductSummary objects
      • getEventId

        public java.lang.String getEventId()
        Get the event id. The event id is the combination of event source and event source code.
        the event id, or null if either event source or event source code is null.
        See Also:
        getSource(), getSourceCode()
      • getSource

        public java.lang.String getSource()
        Get the preferred source for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        Source from preferred product or null
      • getSourceCode

        public java.lang.String getSourceCode()
        Get the preferred source code for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        Source code from preferred product or null
      • getEventIdProduct

        protected ProductSummary getEventIdProduct()
        Get the product used for eventsource and eventsourcecode. Event ID comes from the preferred origin product.
        The most preferred product summary. This summary is used to determine the eventsouce and eventsourcecode.
        See Also:
      • getProductWithOriginProperties

        public ProductSummary getProductWithOriginProperties()
        Get the most recent product with origin properties (id, lat, lon, time). NOTE: this product may have been superseded by a delete. When an event has not been deleted, this method should be consistent with getPreferredOriginProduct(). Products are checked in the following order, sorted most preferred first within each group. The first matching product is returned:
        1. "origin" products not superseded or deleted, that have origin properties
        2. "origin" products superseded by a delete, that have origin properties
        3. products not superseded or deleted, that have origin properties
        4. products superseded by a delete, that have origin properties
        the most recent product with origin properties.
        See Also:
      • getPreferredOriginProduct

        public ProductSummary getPreferredOriginProduct()
        Get the most preferred origin-like product for this event. The event is considered deleted if the returned product is null, deleted, or does not have origin properties. Information about the event may still be available using getProductWithOriginProperties(). Products are checked in the following order, sorted most preferred first within each group. The first matching product is returned:
        • If any "origin" products exist:
          1. "origin" products not superseded or deleted, that have origin properties.
          2. "origin" products not superseded, that have an event id.
        • If no "origin" products exist:
          1. products not superseded or deleted, that have origin properties.
          2. products not superseded, that have an event id.
        the most recent product with origin properties.
        See Also:
      • productHasOriginProperties

        public static boolean productHasOriginProperties​(ProductSummary product)
        Check if a product can define an event (id, lat, lon, time).
        product - product to check.
        true if product has id, lat, lon, and time properties.
      • getPreferredMagnitudeProduct

        public ProductSummary getPreferredMagnitudeProduct()
        Get the most preferred magnitude product for event. Currently calls getPreferredOriginProduct().
        the most preferred magnitude product for event.
      • getTime

        public java.util.Date getTime()
        Get the preferred time for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        Time from preferred product or null
      • getLatitude

        public java.math.BigDecimal getLatitude()
        Get the preferred latitude for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        Latitude from preferred product or null
      • getLongitude

        public java.math.BigDecimal getLongitude()
        Get the preferred longitude for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        Longitude from preferred product or null
      • getUpdateTime

        public java.util.Date getUpdateTime()
        Event update time is most recent product update time.
        the most recent product update time.
      • getDepth

        public java.math.BigDecimal getDepth()
        Get the preferred depth for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        Depth from preferred product or null
      • getMagnitude

        public java.math.BigDecimal getMagnitude()
        Get the preferred magntitude for this event. If an origin product exists, it's value is used.
        magnitude from preferred product or null
      • isDeleted

        public boolean isDeleted()
        boolean if the preferred event is deleted
      • getPreferredProduct

        public static ProductSummary getPreferredProduct​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> all)
        Get the most preferred product from a list of products.
        all - a list of products containing only one type of product.
        the product with the highest preferred weight, and if tied the most recent update time wins.
      • getEventSummary

        public EventSummary getEventSummary()
        Summarize this event into preferred values. NOTE: the event summary may include information from an origin product, even when the preferred origin for the event has been deleted. Use getPreferredOriginProduct() to check the preferred origin of the event.
        an event summary.
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Event that)
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<Event>
      • getMostPreferred

        public static ProductSummary getMostPreferred​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> products,
                                                      java.lang.String preferredType,
                                                      java.lang.String preferredNotNullProperty)
        Find the most preferred product. If preferredType is not null, products of this type are favored over those not of this type. If preferredNotNullProperty is not null, products that have this property set are favored over those without this property set.
        products - the list of products to search.
        preferredType - the preferred product type, if available.
        preferredNotNullProperty - the preferred property name, if available.
        The most preferred product summary of the given type.
      • getWithoutDeleted

        public static java.util.List<ProductSummary> getWithoutDeleted​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> products)
        Remove deleted products from the list.
        products - list of products to filter.
        copy of the products list with deleted products removed.
      • getWithEventId

        public static java.util.List<ProductSummary> getWithEventId​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> products)
        Remove deleted products from the list.
        products - list of products to filter.
        copy of the products list with deleted products removed.
      • getWithoutSuperseded

        public static java.util.List<ProductSummary> getWithoutSuperseded​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> products)
        Remove old versions of products from the list.
        products - list of products to filter.
        a copy of the products list with products of the same source+type+code but with older updateTimes (superseded) removed.
      • getSortedMostPreferredFirst

        public static java.util.List<ProductSummary> getSortedMostPreferredFirst​(java.util.List<ProductSummary> products)
        Sort a list of products, most preferred first.
        products - the list of products to sort.
        a copy of the list sorted with most preferred first.
      • getSubEvents

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Event> getSubEvents()
        Return a list of sub-events that make up this event. Event lines are drawn by eventid. Products that have no eventid are included with the sub event whose id is considered preferred.
        map from eventid to event object with products for that eventid.
      • hasAssociateProduct

        public boolean hasAssociateProduct​(Event otherEvent)
        Check if this event has an associate product for another given Event.
        otherEvent - the other event.
        true if there is an associate product, false otherwise.
      • hasDisassociateProduct

        public boolean hasDisassociateProduct​(Event otherEvent)
        Check if this event has an disassociate product for another given Event.
        otherEvent - the other event.
        true if there is an disassociate product, false otherwise.
      • isAssociated

        public boolean isAssociated​(Event that)
        Same as isAssociated(that, new DefaultAssociator());
        that - an event to test
        boolean true if associated, false otherwise
      • isAssociated

        public boolean isAssociated​(Event that,
                                    Associator associator)
        Check if an event is associated to this event. Reasons events may be considered disassociated:
        1. Share a common EVENTSOURCE with different EVENTSOURCECODE.
        2. Either has a disassociate product for the other.
        3. Preferred location in space and time is NOT nearby, and no other reason to associate.
        Reasons events may be considered associated:
        1. Share a common EVENTID
        2. Either has an associate product for the other.
        3. Their preferred location in space and time is nearby.
        that - candidate event to test.
        associator - An associator to compare two events
        true if associated, false otherwise.
      • log

        public void log​(java.util.logging.Logger logger)
        Depending on logger level, takes in summary data and appends to buffer
        logger - logger object