
class ps2ff.constants.AutoName[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

class ps2ff.constants.DistType[source]

Bases: ps2ff.constants.AutoName

Type of distance measure to compute.
  • ‘Rjb’ is for the Joyner-Boore distance.
  • ‘Rrup’ is for closest distance to rupture.
Rjb = 'Rjb'
Rrup = 'Rrup'
class ps2ff.constants.MagScaling[source]

Bases: ps2ff.constants.AutoName

Magnitude scaling relationship.
  • ‘WC94’ is for Wells and Coppersmith (1999)
  • ‘HB08’ is for Hanks and Bakun (2008)
  • ‘S14’ is for Somerville et al. (2014)
  • ‘Sea10_interface’ is for Strasser et al. (2010), for interface events
  • ‘Sea10_slab’ is for Strasser et al. (2010), for intraplate events
HB08 = 'HB08'
S14 = 'S14'
Sea10_interface = 'Sea10_interface'
Sea10_slab = 'Sea10_slab'
WC94 = 'WC94'
class ps2ff.constants.Mechanism[source]

Bases: ps2ff.constants.AutoName

Source mechanism.
  • ‘A’ for all (mechanism is unknown/unspecified)
  • ‘R’ for reverse
  • ‘N’ for normal
  • ‘SS’ for strike-slip
A = 'A'
N = 'N'
R = 'R'
SS = 'SS'