
PS2FF class for converting point distances (epicentral or hypocentral) to equivalent average finite rupture distances (Rjb or Rrup). Based upon:

class ps2ff.interpolate.PS2FF[source]

Bases: object


Returns the table files that were used to construct this object.

Returns:A tuple of the ratio file and variance file.
Return type:(str, str)
classmethod fromFile(rfile)[source]

Create a PS2FF object from a file specification. The file must exist in the ps2ff tables.

Parameters:rfile (str) – A file name (base file name only, not a full path) corresponding to one of the tables in the resource. The file should be the “Ratios” file; the “Var” file name is derived from the Ratios file.
Returns:An object of the PS2FF class initialized with the tables corresponding to the rfile argument.
Return type:(PS2FF)
classmethod fromParams(dist_type=<DistType.Rjb: 'Rjb'>, mag_scaling=<MagScaling.WC94: 'WC94'>, mechanism=<Mechanism.A: 'A'>, AR=1.7, min_seis_depth=0, max_seis_depth=20)[source]

Create a PS2FF object from a set of parameters. Parameters must combine into a file name of an existing table in the ps2ff tables. The file name will take the form:


where the decimal point in the aspect ratio will be replaced with the letter ‘p’.

  • dist_type (DistType) – One of the DistType enum members. Typically DistType.Rjb (default) or DistType.Rrup. See ps2ff.constants for a complete list.
  • mag_scaling (MagScaling) – One of the MagScaling enum members.See ps2ff.constants for a complete list. The default is MagScaling.WC94.
  • mechanism (Mechanism) – A mechanism from the Mechanism enum. See ps2ff.constants for a complete list. The default is Mechanism.A.
  • AR (float) – The aspect ratio for the rupture computations. Typical values are 1.7 (default) and 1.0; tables may not exist for other values.
  • min_seis_depth (int) – The depth (km) to the top of the seismogenic zone. This is typically 0 (default); tables for other values may not exist.
  • max_seis_depth (int) – The depth (km) to the bottom of the seismogenic zone. Typical values are 15 (for ACR regions) and 20 (default, for SCR regions).

An object of the PS2FF class initialized with the tables corresponding to the selected parameters.

Return type:


classmethod getValidFiles()[source]

Get a list of the valid conversion tables in the ps2ff package.

Returns:A list of file names corresponding to the available tables in the ps2ff package.
r2r(r, M)[source]

Convert point distances to the equivalent average finite rupture distances, based on the parameters specified when creating this object.

  • r (numpy.ndarray) – An array of point distances (typically epicentral distance) in km.
  • M (numpy.ndarray) – An array (the same shape as r) of magnitudes.

An array the same shape as r, with

distances converted to average finite rupture distance.

Return type:


rat(r, M)[source]

Return ratios needed to convert point distances to the equivalent average finite rupture distances, based on the parameters specified when creating this object.

  • r (numpy.ndarray) – An array of point distances (typically epicentral distance) in km.
  • M (numpy.ndarray) – An array (the same shape as r) of magnitudes.

An array the same shape as r, with

the ratios (multipliers) needed to convert r to average finite rupture distance.

Return type:


var(r, M)[source]

Return the additional variance from the uncertainty in point distances vis a vis finite rupture distance.

  • r (numpy.ndarray) – An array of point distances (typically epicentral distance) in km.
  • M (numpy.ndarray) – An array (the same shape as r) of magnitudes.

An array the same shape as r, containing the additional variance from the uncertainty in finite rupture distance for the distances in r.

Return type:
