import abc
from pathlib import Path
import xarray as xr
from typing import Protocol, Union, Optional, runtime_checkable
from fcpgtools.custom_types import Raster, PourPointValuesDict
class SupportsAccumulateFlow(Protocol):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def accumulate_flow(
d8_fdr: Raster,
upstream_pour_points: Optional[PourPointValuesDict] = None,
weights: Optional[xr.DataArray] = None,
out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Create a Flow Accumulation Cell (FAC) raster from a D8 Flow Direction Raster.
d8_fdr: A D8 Flow Direction Raster (dtype=Int).
upstream_pour_points: A list of lists each with with coordinate tuples as the first item [0],
and updated cell values as the second [1].
This allows the FAC to be made with boundary conditions such as upstream basin pour points.
weights: A grid defining the value to accumulate from each cell. Default is a grid of 1s.
out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster.
**kwargs: keyword arguments, specific options depend on the engine being used.
The output Flow Accumulation Cells (FAC) raster.
raise NotImplementedError
class SupportsAccumulateParameter(Protocol):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def accumulate_parameter(
d8_fdr: Raster,
parameter_raster: Raster,
upstream_pour_points: Optional[PourPointValuesDict] = None,
out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Create a parameter accumulation raster from a D8 Flow Direction Raster and a parameter raster.
A key aspect of this function is that the output DataArray will have dimensions matching param:parameter_raster.
d8_fdr: A D8 Flow Direction Raster (dtype=Int).
parameter_raster: A parameter raster aligned via tools.align_raster() with the us_fdr.
This can be multi-dimensional (i.e. f(x, y, t)), and if so, a multi-dimensional output is returned.
upstream_pour_points: A list of lists each with with coordinate tuples as the first item [0],
and updated cell values as the second [1].
This allows the FAC to be made with boundary conditions such as upstream basin pour points.
out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster.
**kwargs: keyword arguments, specific options depend on the engine being used.
The output parameter accumulation raster.
raise NotImplementedError
class SupportsExtremeUpslopeValues(Protocol):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def extreme_upslope_values(
d8_fdr: Raster,
parameter_raster: Raster,
mask_streams: Optional[Raster] = None,
out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
get_min_upslope: bool = False,
) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Finds the max (or min if get_min_upslope=True) value of a parameter grid upstream from each cell in a D8 FDR raster.
NOTE: Replaces tools.ExtremeUpslopeValue() from V1 FCPGtools.
d8_fdr: A flow direction raster .
parameter_raster: A parameter raster to find the max values from.
mask_streams: A stream mask raster from tools.mask_streams(). If provided, the output will be masked to only stream cells.
out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster.
get_min_upslope: If True, the minimum upslope value is assigned to each cell.
**kwargs: keyword arguments, specific options depend on the engine being used.
A raster with max (or min) upstream value of the parameter grid as each cell's value.
raise NotImplementedError
class SupportsDistanceToStream(Protocol):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def distance_to_stream(
d8_fdr: Raster,
fac_raster: Raster,
accum_threshold: int,
out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Calculates distance each cell is from a stream (as defined by a cell accumulation threshold).
NOTE: Replaces tools.dist2stream() from V1 FCPGtools.
d8_fdr: A D8 Flow Direction Raster (dtype=Int).
fac_raster: A Flow Accumulation Cell (FAC) raster output from accumulate_flow().
accum_threshold: The # of upstream/accumulated cells to consider a cell a stream.
out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster.
**kwargs: keyword arguments, specific options depend on the engine being used.
A raster with values of D8 flow distance from each cell to the nearest stream.
raise NotImplementedError
class SupportsDecayAccumulation(Protocol):
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod
def decay_accumulation(
d8_fdr: Raster,
decay_raster: Raster,
upstream_pour_points: Optional[PourPointValuesDict] = None,
parameter_raster: Optional[Raster] = None,
out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None,
) -> xr.DataArray:
"""Creates a D-Infinity based accumulation raster (parameter or cell accumulation) while applying decay via a multiplier_raster.
NOTE: Replaces tools.decayAccum() from V1 FCPGtools.
dinf_fdr: A flow direction raster in D-Infinity format. This input can be made with tools.d8_to_dinfinity().
decay_raster: A decay 'multiplier' raster calculated from distance to stream via tools.make_decay_raster().
upstream_pour_points: A list of lists each with with coordinate tuples as the first item [0],
and updated cell values as the second [1].
This allows the FAC to be made with boundary conditions such as upstream basin pour points.
parameter_raster: A parameter raster aligned via tools.align_raster() with the us_fdr.
This can be multi-dimensional (i.e. f(x, y, t)), and if so, a multi-dimensional output is returned.
out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster.
**kwargs: keyword arguments, specific options depend on the engine being used.
The output decayed accumulation raster.
raise NotImplementedError