Source code for fcpgtools.terrainengine.taudem_engine

import tempfile
import subprocess
import warnings
import pathlib
import tempfile
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Optional
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import as tools
import fcpgtools.utilities as utilities
import fcpgtools.custom_types as custom_types
from fcpgtools.custom_types import Raster, TauDEMDict, PourPointValuesDict

[docs]class TauDEMEngine: d8_format = 'taudem' function_kwargs = { 'accumulate_flow': custom_types.TaudemFACInputDict.__annotations__, 'accumulate_parameter': custom_types.TaudemFACInputDict.__annotations__, 'distance_to_stream': custom_types.TaudemDistance_to_streamInputDict.__annotations__, 'extreme_upslope_values': custom_types.TaudemMaxUpslopeInputDict.__annotations__, 'decay_accumulation': custom_types.TaudemFACInputDict.__annotations__, } @staticmethod def _taudem_prepper( in_raster: Raster, ) -> str: """Converts an input raster into a TauDEM compatible path string. Creates a temp file if necessary.""" if isinstance(in_raster, xr.DataArray): temp_path = Path( tempfile.TemporaryFile( dir=Path.cwd(), prefix='taudem_temp_input', suffix='.tif', ).name ) tools.save_raster( in_raster, temp_path, ) in_raster = str(temp_path) elif isinstance(in_raster, pathlib.PathLike): in_raster = str(in_raster) else: raise TypeError( 'param:d8_fdr must be a xr.DataArray of a PathLike object.') if temp_path.exists(): return in_raster else: raise FileNotFoundError('Failed to create temporary file!') @staticmethod def _update_taudem_dict( taudem_dict: TauDEMDict, kwargs_dict: Union[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]], ) -> TauDEMDict: if 'kwargs' in kwargs_dict.keys(): kwargs_dict = kwargs_dict['kwargs'] if len(kwargs_dict) != 0: for key, value in kwargs_dict.items(): if key in taudem_dict.keys(): taudem_dict.update({key: value}) else: print(f'WARNING: Kwarg argument {key} is invalid.') return taudem_dict @staticmethod def _clear_temp_files( prefixs: Union[str, List[str]], directory: Path = Path.cwd(), ) -> None: """Deletes all files with a given prefix(s) in a directory path.""" if directory != Path.cwd() or not directory.is_dir(): raise TypeError( f'param:dir={str(directory)} is not a valid directory!' ) if isinstance(prefixs, str): prefixs = [prefixs] # delete files with matching prefixes could_not_delete = [] for file in directory.iterdir(): try: remove = False for prefix in prefixs: if prefix in str(file): remove = True if remove: file.unlink() except PermissionError: could_not_delete.append(file) could_not_delete = [f for f in could_not_delete if f.exists()] if len(could_not_delete) > 0: warnings.warn( message=( f'Could not delete {len(could_not_delete)} temp files in' f' {str(directory)} due to a PermissionError.' ), category=UserWarning, ) del could_not_delete
[docs] @staticmethod def accumulate_flow( d8_fdr: Raster, upstream_pour_points: Optional[PourPointValuesDict] = None, weights: Optional[xr.DataArray] = None, out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Create a Flow Accumulation Cell (FAC) raster from a TauDEM format D8 Flow Direction Raster. NOTE: this is a command line wrapper of TauDEM:aread8 and replaces tools.tauFlowAccum() from V1 FCPGtools. Args: d8_fdr: A TauDEM format D8 Flow Direction Raster (dtype=Int). upstream_pour_points: A list of lists each with with coordinate tuples as the first item [0], and updated cell values as the second [1]. This allows the FAC to be made with boundary conditions such as upstream basin pour points. weights: A grid defining the value to accumulate from each cell. Default is a grid of 1s. out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster. **kwargs: Can pass in optional TauDEM:aread8 parameter values using "cores", "mpiCall", or "mpiArg" as keys. Returns: The output Flow Accumulation Cells (FAC) raster. """ d8_fdr_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(d8_fdr) # get temporary files for necessary inputs if upstream_pour_points is None and weights is None: weight_path = '' wg = '' else: if weights is None: weights = xr.zeros_like( d8_fdr, dtype=np.dtype('float64'), ) + 1 weights = tools.adjust_parameter_raster( weights, d8_fdr, upstream_pour_points, ) weights = tools.make_fac_weights( weights, d8_fdr, -1, ) weight_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(weights) wg = '-wg ' if out_path is None: out_path = Path( tempfile.TemporaryFile( dir=Path.cwd(), prefix='fac_temp', suffix='.tif', ).name ) elif isinstance(out_path, str): out_path = Path(out_path) taudem_dict = { 'fdr': d8_fdr_path, 'outFl': str(out_path), 'cores': 1, 'mpiCall': 'mpiexec', 'mpiArg': '-n', } if wg != '': taudem_dict['finalArg'] = f'{wg}{str(weight_path)} -nc' else: taudem_dict['finalArg'] = '-nc' taudem_dict = TauDEMEngine._update_taudem_dict( taudem_dict, kwargs, ) # use TauDEM via subprocess to make a Flow Accumulation Raster cmd = '{mpiCall} {mpiArg} {cores} aread8 -p {fdr} -ad8 {outFl} {finalArg}'.format( **taudem_dict) _ =, shell=True) if not Path(taudem_dict['outFl']).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'TauDEM areaD8 failed to create an output! ' 'Make sure TauDEM is in your virtual environment.' ) out_raster = tools.load_raster(Path(taudem_dict['outFl'])) out_raster = out_raster.astype(np.float64) # convert out of bounds values to np.nan, in bounds nan to 0, and update nodata out_raster = out_raster.where( (out_raster !=, np.nan, ) out_raster = out_raster = out_raster.fillna(0) out_raster = out_raster.where( (d8_fdr.values !=, np.nan, ) # remove temporary files and return output d8_fdr.close() out_raster.close() if weights is None: TauDEMEngine._clear_temp_files(prefixs=['fac_temp']) else: weights.close() return out_raster
[docs] @staticmethod def accumulate_parameter( d8_fdr: Raster, parameter_raster: Raster, upstream_pour_points: Optional[PourPointValuesDict] = None, out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Create a parameter accumulation raster from a TauDEM format D8 Flow Direction Raster and a parameter raster. A key aspect of this function is that the output DataArray will have dimensions matching param:parameter_raster. NOTE: This is a command line wrapper of TauDEM:aread8 and replaces tools.accumulateParam() from V1 FCPGtools. Args: d8_fdr: A TauDEM format D8 Flow Direction Raster (dtype=Int). parameter_raster: A parameter raster aligned via tools.align_raster() with the us_fdr. This can be multi-dimensional (i.e. f(x, y, t)), and if so, a multi-dimensional output is returned. upstream_pour_points: A list of lists each with with coordinate tuples as the first item [0], and updated cell values as the second [1]. This allows the FAC to be made with boundary conditions such as upstream basin pour points. out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster. **kwargs: Can pass in optional TauDEM:aread8 parameter values using "cores", "mpiCall", or "mpiArg" as keys. Returns: The output parameter accumulation raster. """ d8_fdr = tools.load_raster(d8_fdr) parameter_raster = tools.make_fac_weights( parameter_raster=parameter_raster, fdr_raster=d8_fdr, out_of_bounds_value=-1, ) # add any pour point accumulation via utilities.utilities.adjust_parameter_raster() if upstream_pour_points is not None: parameter_raster = tools.adjust_parameter_raster( parameter_raster, d8_fdr, upstream_pour_points, ) # prep kwargs to be passed into accumulate_flow() if 'kwargs' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs = kwargs['kwargs'] # split if multi-dimensional if len(parameter_raster.shape) > 2: raster_bands = utilities._split_bands(parameter_raster) else: raster_bands = {(0, 0): parameter_raster} # create weighted accumulation rasters out_dict = {} for index_tuple, array in raster_bands.items(): i, dim_name = index_tuple accumulated = TauDEMEngine.accumulate_flow( d8_fdr, weights=array, kwargs=kwargs, ) out_dict[(i, dim_name)] = accumulated # re-combine into DataArray if len(out_dict.keys()) > 1: out_raster = utilities._combine_split_bands(out_dict) else: out_raster = list(out_dict.items())[0][1] = 'accumulate_parameter' # save if necessary if isinstance(out_path, str): out_path = Path(out_path) if out_path is not None: tools.save_raster( out_raster, out_path, ) # remove temporary files and return output d8_fdr.close() accumulated.close() array.close() parameter_raster.close() out_raster.close() TauDEMEngine._clear_temp_files( prefixs=['taudem_temp_input', 'fac_temp'] ) return out_raster
[docs] @staticmethod def distance_to_stream( d8_fdr: Raster, fac_raster: Raster, accum_threshold: int, out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculates distance each cell is from a stream (as defined by a cell accumulation threshold). NOTE: this is a command line wrapper of TauDEM:D8HDistTostrm and replaces tools.dist2stream() from V1 FCPGtools. Args: d8_fdr: A TauDEM format D8 Flow Direction Raster (dtype=Int). fac_raster: A Flow Accumulation Cell (FAC) raster output from accumulate_flow(). accum_threshold: The # of upstream/accumulated cells to consider a cell a stream. out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster. **kwargs: Can pass in optional TauDEM:D8HDistTostrm parameter values using "cores", "mpiCall", or "mpiArg" as keys. Returns: A raster with values of D8 flow distance from each cell to the nearest stream. """ d8_fdr_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(d8_fdr) # get stream grid as a taudem tempfile fac_raster = tools.load_raster(fac_raster) fac_raster = fac_raster.fillna(0) fac_raster = fac_raster = fac_raster.astype('int') fac_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(fac_raster) if out_path is None: out_path = Path( tempfile.TemporaryFile( dir=Path.cwd(), prefix='distance_to_stream_temp', suffix='.tif', ).name ) elif isinstance(out_path, str): out_path = Path(out_path) taudem_dict = { 'fdr': d8_fdr_path, 'fac': fac_path, 'outRast': str(out_path), 'thresh': accum_threshold, 'cores': 1, 'mpiCall': 'mpiexec', 'mpiArg': '-n', } taudem_dict = TauDEMEngine._update_taudem_dict( taudem_dict, kwargs, ) cmd = '{mpiCall} {mpiArg} {cores} D8HDistTostrm -p {fdr} -src {fac} -dist {outRast} -thresh {thresh}'.format( **taudem_dict) _ =, shell=True) if not Path(taudem_dict['outRast']).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'TauDEM D8HDistTostrm failed to create an output!') # update nodata values out_raster = tools.load_raster(out_path) out_raster = utilities._change_nodata_value( out_raster, np.nan, ) # convert 0.1 (minimum) values to np.nan and convert streams to 0 out_raster = tools.value_mask( out_raster, thresh=0.1, ) streams = tools.mask_streams( fac_raster, accum_threshold, ) out_raster = out_raster.where( (np.isnan(streams.values)), 0, ) # clear temporary files and return the output d8_fdr.close() fac_raster.close() streams.close() out_raster.close() TauDEMEngine._clear_temp_files( prefixs=['taudem_temp_input', 'distance_to_stream_temp']) return out_raster
@staticmethod def _ext_upslope_cmd( d8_fdr_path: str, parameter_raster: xr.DataArray, accum_type_str: str, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Back end function that makes the command line call for TauDEM:D8FlowPathExtremeUp""" parameter_raster_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(parameter_raster) # make temporary output path out_path = Path( tempfile.TemporaryFile( dir=Path.cwd(), prefix='ext_upslope_temp', suffix='.tif', ).name ) taudem_dict = { 'fdr': d8_fdr_path, 'param': parameter_raster_path, 'outRast': str(out_path), 'accum_type': accum_type_str, 'cores': 1, 'mpiCall': 'mpiexec', 'mpiArg': '-n', } taudem_dict = TauDEMEngine._update_taudem_dict(taudem_dict, kwargs) cmd = '{mpiCall} {mpiArg} {cores} D8FlowPathExtremeUp -p {fdr} -sa {param} -ssa {outRast} {accum_type} -nc'.format( **taudem_dict) # Create string of tauDEM shell command _ =, shell=True) if not Path(taudem_dict['outRast']).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'TauDEM D8FlowPathExtremeUp failed to create an output!') out_raster = tools.load_raster(Path(taudem_dict['outRast'])) # update nodata and convert -9999 values to nodata out_raster = out_raster.where( (out_raster != -9999),, ) out_raster = utilities._change_nodata_value( out_raster, np.nan, ) out_raster.close() return out_raster
[docs] @staticmethod def extreme_upslope_values( d8_fdr: Raster, parameter_raster: Raster, mask_streams: Optional[Raster] = None, out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, get_min_upslope: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Finds the max (or min if get_min_upslope=True) value of a parameter grid upstream from each cell in a D8 FDR raster. NOTE: This is a wrapper for the TauDEM:d8flowpathextremeup and replaces tools.ExtremeUpslopeValue() from V1 FCPGtools. Args: d8_fdr: A flow direction raster in TauDEM format. parameter_raster: A parameter raster to find the max values from. mask_streams: A stream mask raster from tools.mask_streams(). If provided, the output will be masked to only stream cells. out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster. get_min_upslope: If True, the minimum upslope value is assigned to each cell. **kwargs: Can pass in optional TauDEM:d8flowpathextremeup parameter values using "cores", "mpiCall", or "mpiArg" as keys. Returns: A raster with max (or min) upstream value of the parameter grid as each cell's value. """ d8_fdr_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(d8_fdr) parameter_raster = tools.load_raster(parameter_raster) accum_type_str = '-min' if get_min_upslope else '' # prep kwargs to be passed into accumulate_flow() if 'kwargs' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs = kwargs['kwargs'] # split if multi-dimensional if len(parameter_raster.shape) > 2: raster_bands = utilities._split_bands(parameter_raster) else: raster_bands = {(0, 0): parameter_raster} # create extreme upslope value rasters for each parameter raster band out_dict = {} for index_tuple, array in raster_bands.items(): i, dim_name = index_tuple upslope_raster = TauDEMEngine._ext_upslope_cmd( d8_fdr_path, array, accum_type_str, kwargs=kwargs, ) out_dict[(i, dim_name)] = upslope_raster # re-combine into DataArray if len(out_dict.keys()) > 1: out_raster = utilities._combine_split_bands(out_dict) else: out_raster = list(out_dict.items())[0][1] = f'{accum_type_str[1:]}_upslope_values' # apply stream mask if necessary if mask_streams is not None: if utilities._verify_alignment(out_raster, mask_streams): out_raster = out_raster.where( (mask_streams !=, np.nan, ) else: warnings.warn( message=( 'Stream mask does not align with extreme upslope value output! ' 'No mask is applied.' ), category=UserWarning, ) # update nodata values out_raster = utilities._change_nodata_value( out_raster, np.nan, ) # save if necessary if out_path is not None: tools.save_raster( out_raster, out_path, ) # clear temporary files and return the output d8_fdr.close() upslope_raster.close() array.close() parameter_raster.close() out_raster.close() TauDEMEngine._clear_temp_files( prefixs=['taudem_temp_input', 'ext_upslope_temp'] ) return out_raster
@staticmethod def _decay_accumulation_cmd( dinf_fdr_path: str, decay_raster_path: str, weights: Optional[xr.DataArray] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: weights_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(weights) # make temporary output path out_path = Path( tempfile.TemporaryFile( dir=Path.cwd(), prefix='decay_accum_temp', suffix='.tif', ).name ) # build the input dictionary taudem_dict = { 'dinf_fdr_path': dinf_fdr_path, 'dm': decay_raster_path, 'dsca': str(out_path), 'cores': 1, 'mpiCall': 'mpiexec', 'mpiArg': '-n', } if weights is not None: taudem_dict['finalArg'] = f'-wg {str(weights_path)} -nc' else: taudem_dict['finalArg'] = '-nc' taudem_dict = TauDEMEngine._update_taudem_dict( taudem_dict, kwargs, ) # use TauDEM via subprocess to make a decay accumulation raster cmd = '{mpiCall} {mpiArg} {cores} dinfdecayaccum -ang {dinf_fdr_path} -dm {dm} -dsca {dsca} {finalArg}'.format( **taudem_dict) _ =, shell=True) if not Path(taudem_dict['dsca']).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'TauDEM dinfdecayaccum failed to create an output!') out_raster = tools.load_raster(Path(taudem_dict['dsca'])) # update nodata and convert -9999 values to nodata out_raster = out_raster.where( (out_raster != -9999),, ) out_raster = utilities._change_nodata_value( out_raster, np.nan, ) out_raster.close() if weights is not None: weights.close() return out_raster
[docs] @staticmethod def decay_accumulation( d8_fdr: Raster, decay_raster: Raster, upstream_pour_points: Optional[PourPointValuesDict] = None, parameter_raster: Optional[Raster] = None, out_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Creates a D-Infinity based accumulation raster (parameter or cell accumulation) while applying decay via a multiplier_raster. NOTE: This is a command line wrapper of TauDEM:DinfDecayAccum and replaces tools.decayAccum() from V1 FCPGtools. Args: dinf_fdr: A flow direction raster in D-Infinity format. This input can be made with decay_raster: A decay 'multiplier' raster calculated from distance to stream via tools.make_decay_raster(). upstream_pour_points: A list of lists each with with coordinate tuples as the first item [0], and updated cell values as the second [1]. This allows the FAC to be made with boundary conditions such as upstream basin pour points. parameter_raster: A parameter raster aligned via tools.align_raster() with the us_fdr. This can be multi-dimensional (i.e. f(x, y, t)), and if so, a multi-dimensional output is returned. out_path: Defines a path to save the output raster. **kwargs: Can pass in optional TauDEM:DinfDecayAccum parameter values using "cores", "mpiCall", or "mpiArg" as keys. Returns: The output decayed accumulation raster. """ # prep data for taudem d8_fdr = tools.load_raster(d8_fdr) dinf_fdr = tools.d8_to_dinfinity(d8_fdr) dinf_fdr_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(dinf_fdr) decay_raster_path = TauDEMEngine._taudem_prepper(decay_raster) # prep kwargs to be passed into accumulate_flow() if 'kwargs' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs = kwargs['kwargs'] # prep parameter raster and boundary conditions weights = None if parameter_raster is not None: weights = tools.load_raster(parameter_raster) elif upstream_pour_points is not None: weights = xr.zeros_like( dinf_fdr, dtype=np.dtype('float64'), ) + 1 if weights is not None: if upstream_pour_points is not None: weights = tools.adjust_parameter_raster( weights, d8_fdr, upstream_pour_points, ) weights = tools.make_fac_weights( weights, dinf_fdr, np.nan, ) # calculate decay raster and split if multi-dimensional if len(weights.shape) > 2: raster_bands = utilities._split_bands(weights) else: raster_bands = {(0, 0): weights} # create extreme upslope value rasters for each parameter raster band out_dict = {} for index_tuple, array in raster_bands.items(): i, dim_name = index_tuple decay_acc_raster = TauDEMEngine._decay_accumulation_cmd( dinf_fdr_path, decay_raster_path, array, kwargs=kwargs, ) out_dict[(i, dim_name)] = decay_acc_raster # re-combine into DataArray if len(out_dict.keys()) > 1: out_raster = utilities._combine_split_bands(out_dict) else: out_raster = list(out_dict.items())[0][1] else: out_raster = TauDEMEngine._decay_accumulation_cmd( dinf_fdr_path, decay_raster_path, weights=None, kwargs=kwargs, ) = 'decay_accumulation_raster' # update nodata values out_raster = tools.make_fac_weights( out_raster, d8_fdr, np.nan, ) out_raster = utilities._change_nodata_value( out_raster, np.nan, ) # save if necessary if out_path is not None: tools.save_raster( out_raster, out_path, ) # clear temporary files and return the output out_raster.close() decay_raster.close() array.close() decay_acc_raster.close() dinf_fdr.close() d8_fdr.close() if weights is not None: weights.close() if parameter_raster is not None: parameter_raster.close() TauDEMEngine._clear_temp_files( prefixs=['taudem_temp_input', 'decay_accum_temp'] ) return out_raster