This page describes steps for migrating from V2 to V3 system.
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ShakeCast V3 accepts facility inventory in both V2 and V3 format. Even though existing ShakeCast users need to update their inventory to take full advantage of the ShakeCast V3 functions, it is possible to jumpstart the process by loading V2 inventory into the V3 system first.

The new Group function of the ShakeCast V3 system uses the same format as the Profile function of V2. The administrator can use the same profile configuration file for direct upload into the V3 system. It is not possible to export group configuration using the ShakeCast administration interface.

The User function of the ShakeCast V3 system uses the same format as the V2 system. The administrator can use the same profile configuration file for direct upload into the V3 system. However, with the new Group function it is recommended to compile a new user CSV file with proper group definition and association. It is not possible to export full user inventory using the ShakeCast administration interface but basic information.

Depending on the complexity of user’s inventory, it generally falls into several categories with increasing difficulties as described in the instructions below.

V2 Inventory in ShakeCast CSV Format Without Custom Facility Type

You are in luck. Just use the V3 upload tool described in the ShakeCast Guide to upload individual facility, group, and user inventory.

V2 Inventory in ShakeCast CSV Format With Custom Facility Type

You will need to define custom facility types in the V3 system first then use Step 1 to upload individual facility, group, and user inventory.

From the ShakeCast V2 administration interface

Change the URL from /admin/index.php to /pma/index.php. Use the ShakeCast administrator credentials for authentication to access the phpMyAdmin database interface

Access the phpMyAdmin database interface

Enter the ShakeCast database crendentials, default “sc” for both username and password

Select the ShakeCast database

From the phpMyAdmin interface, select the ShakeCast database sc from the pull-down panel in the left navigation panel

Select the Facility Type Table

From the ShakeCast database view, select the table facility_type from the left table list panel

Select Insert New Facility Type Function

With the facility_type table highlighted, select the Insert function near the top of the table schema page

Insert New Facility Type Entries

Enter required FACILITY_TYPE and NAME fields for each custom facility type defined in user’s ShakeCast V2 system. The other fields are optional.

Results of Facility Type Insert

Each FACILITY_TYPE entry must be unique. Results of database query will be displayed to verify each facility type insert.

Verify Facility Type Entries from the phpMyAdmin interface

With the “facility_type” table highlighted, select the Browse function near the top of the table schema page and navigate to the end of the table to verify the new entries.

V2 Inventory Only in the ShakeCast Database

You will export your inventory from the V2 first then use Step 1 and 2 to upload individual facility, group, and user inventory.

To export facilities from the ShakeCast:

From the ShakeCast V2 administration interface

Select Facility Admin Management in the left navigation panel and choose the export facility function

Save the Facility Export CSV

Save the facility export CSV file “sc_facility_export” when prompted for file handling

For custom facility types, follow Step 2 to create custom facility types

Follow Step 1 to upload facility inventory

Export Basic User Information from the ShakeCast V2 system

From the ShakeCast V2 administration interface

Change the URL from /admin/index.php to /pma/index.php. Use the ShakeCast administrator credentials for authentication to access the phpMyAdmin database interface

Access the phpMyAdmin database interface

Enter the ShakeCast database crendentials, default “sc” for both username and password

Select the ShakeCast database

From the phpMyAdmin interface, select the ShakeCast database sc from the pull-down panel in the left navigation panel

Select the ShakeCast User Table

From the ShakeCast database view, select the table shakecast_user from the left table list panel

Select Export Function

With the shakecast_user table highlighted, select the Export function near the top of the table schema page

Save User Inventory with Basic Information

To save the user file in CSV format, choose the CSV option, “,” as field termination, check to include the header line, and save the output into a file.
