databaseSetup Module
- databaseSetup.check_walls(dendrite, inwall, points, outwall=None)
Intersect dendrite with inwall and outwall to check for errors.
- Parameters:
- dendritestr
File path to stream dendrite.
- inwallstr
File path to inwall polygons.
- pointsstr
File path to output intersection points.
- outwallstr (optional)
File path to outwall polygons.
- Returns:
- pointsFeature class or shapefile
Intersection points between the dendrite, inwall, and outwall.
- databaseSetup.databaseSetup(output_workspace, output_gdb_name, hu_dataset, hu8_field, hu12_field, hucbuffer, nhd_path, elevation_projection_template, alt_buff, version=None)
Set up the local folders and copy hydrography data into input geodatabases.
This tool creates folder corresponding to each local hydrologic unit, usually a HUC8, and fills those folders with the flowlines, inwalls, and outwalls that will be used later to hydro-enforce the digital elevation model for each hydrologic unit. This tool also creates a global geodatabase with a feature class for the whole domain.
- Parameters:
- output_workspacestr
Output directory where processing will occur.
- output_gdb_namestr
Global file geodatabase to be created.
- hu_datasetstr
Feature class that defines local folder geographic boundaries.
- hu8_fieldstr
Field name in “hu_dataset” to dissolve boundaries to local folder extents.
- hu12_fieldstr
Field name in “hu_dataset” from which inwalls are generated.
- hucbufferstr
Distance to buffer local folder bounds in map units.
- nhd_pathstr
Path to workspace containing NHD geodatabases.
- elevation_projection_templatestr
Path to DEM file to use as a projection template.
- alt_buffstr
Alternative buffer to use on local folder boundaries.
- versionstr
Package version number.
- Returns:
- None
As this tool moves through each local hydrologic unit it searches the nhd_path for a geodatabase with hydrography data with the same HUC-4 as the local hydrologic unit. If this cannot be found the tool will skip that local hydrologic unit. Non-NHD hydrography data can be used with this tool, but it must be named and organized exactly as the NHD hydrography.