elevationTools Module
- elevationTools.checkNoData(InGrid, tmpLoc, OutPolys_shp, version=None)
Generates a feature class of no data values.
- Parameters:
- InGridRaster
Input DEM grid to search for no data values.
- tmpLocstr
Path to workspace.
- OutPoly_shpstr
Name for output feature class.
- versionstr, optional
StreamStats DataPrepTools version.
- Returns:
- featCountint
Count of no data features generated.
- OutPoly_shpfeature class
No data feature class written to tmpLoc.
- elevationTools.check_projection(ds1, ds2)
Check if the projections of the two files are the same.
- Parameters:
- ds1str
Path to first geospatial file.
- ds2str
Path to second geospatial file.
- Returns:
- samebool
Boolean indicating if the projections are the same or not.
Slightly modified from Chris Wills’ post: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/170088/checking-if-two-feature-classes-have-same-spatial-reference-using-arcpy
- elevationTools.compareSpatialRefUnits(grd)
Compare horizontal and vertical units from a raster dataset. Returns True if units are the same, returns False if they are different.
- Parameters:
- grdstr
Path to raster dataset.
- Returns:
- sameUnitsbool
True if units are the same, False if not.
- elevationTools.elevIndex(OutLoc, rcName, coordsysRaster, InputELEVDATAws, version=None)
Make a raster mosaic dataset of the digital elevation model geospatial tiles supplied to the function.
- Parameters:
- OutLocstr
Path to output location for the raster catalog.
- rcNamestr
Name of the output mosaic raster dataset.
- coordsysRasterstr
Path to raster from which to base the mosaic dataset’s coordinate system.
- InputELEVDATAwsstr
Path to workspace containing the elevation data to be included in the mosaic raster dataset. Rasters in this workspace should be either geoTiffs or ESRI grids. Rasters must be unzipped, but they may be in subfolders.
- versionstr (optional)
StreamStats DataPrepTools version number.
- Returns:
- OutFCfeature class
Output feature class of polygons with an attribute describing the full path to the elevation data tiles.
- elevationTools.extractPoly(Input_Workspace, nedindx, clpfeat, OutGrd, version=None)
Extracts watershed DEM from a raster mosaic dataset of tiles based on a watershed polygon feature.
- Parameters:
- Input_Workspacestr
Path to the workspace to work in.
- nedindxstr
Path to the elevation data mosaic dataset.
- clpfeatstr
Path to the clipping feature.
- OutGrdstr
Name of the output grid to be generated in Input_Workspace.
- versionstr, optional
StreamStats DataPrepTools version number.
- Returns:
- OutGrdraster
Output extracted raster to Input_Workspace.
- elevationTools.fillNoData(workspace, InGrid, OutGrid, version=None)
Replaces NODATA values in a grid with mean values within 3x3 window around each NODATA value.
- Parameters:
- workspacestr
Path to the workspace to work in.
- InGridstr
Name of the input grid to be filled.
- OutGridstr
Name of the output grid.
- Versionstr (optional)
Code version.
- Returns:
- OutGridraster
Filled raster grid output to workspace.
May be run repeatedly to fill in areas wider than 2 cells. Note that the output is floating point, even if the input is integer. This function will expand the data area of the grid around the outer edges of data, in addition to filling in NODATA gaps in the interior of the grid.
- elevationTools.projScale(Input_Workspace, InGrd, OutGrd, OutCoordsys, OutCellSize, RegistrationPoint, scaleFact=100, version=None)
Projects a DEM grid to a user-specified coordinate system, handling cell registration and converts the output grid to integers using a scale factor. The default settings assume the digital elevation model uses meters (m) as the z-units.
- Parameters:
- Input_Workspacestr
Path to input workspace.
- InGrdstr
Name of the grid to be projected and scaled.
- OutGrdstr
Name of the output grid.
- OutCoordsysstr
Path to the dataset to base the projection off of.
- OutCellSizeint or float
Cell size for output grid.
- RegistrationPointstr
Registration point for output grid so all grids snap correctly. In the format “0 0” where the zeros are the x and y of the registration point.
- scaleFactint
Scale factor to convert grid values to integers, defaults to 100, converting m to cm.
- versionstr
StreamStats version number.
- Returns:
- OutGrdraster
Rescaled and projected raster file in the input workspace.