topo_grid Module
- topo_grid.topogrid(workspace, huc8, buffdist, dendrite, dem, cellSize, vipPer, snapgrid=None, huc12=None)
Regenerate a DEM based on supplied hydrography features.
- Parameters:
- workspacestr
Path to geodatabase workspace.
- huc8str
Path to local watershed feature class.
- buffdistint
Distance to buffer HUC8 in horizontal map units.
- dendritestr
Path to flowline dendrite feature class.
- demstr
Path to buffered, scaled, and projected DEM.
- cellSizeint
Output cell size.
- vipPerint
VIP thining value.
- snapgridstr (optional)
Path to snapgrid to use instead of input DEM.
- huc12list (optional)
List of paths to HUC12 values if the HUC8 is too large to process in one pass.
- Returns:
- topodemraster
DEM generated from topo to raster.